Saturday, February 28, 2015

Avocado Pasta

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The easiest, most unbelievably creamy avocado pasta that everyone will love. And it’ll be on your dinner table in just 20 min!

To Know More About Avocado Pasta

Friday, February 27, 2015

Your Migraine Remedy

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The feverfew began blooming this year and my son announced, “We need to pick some of that for my headaches.”... 

My head jerked around in his direction. “Really? How did you know feverfew is good for headaches?” He couldn’t remember.... 

In my quest to get this emerging teenager outside with me and engaged in projects, I suddenly found a new angle: homemade pain relief. Up to this point, I have been limited to harvestin... 

To Read More About Your Migraine Remedy

Vegetable Arts

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Natural Allergy Relief

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My 10-year-old son has increasing problems with seasonal allergies — we brace ourselves as spring comes with its pollen because this kid really reacts. Last year we kept him comfortable with over-the-counter medications, local honey, regular elderflower tea, lavender oil in a nebulizer/diffuser concoction as he sleeps, and a chest rub of lavender and eucalyptus oil in a carrier oil. The remedies helped keep him comfortable but he still needed a small dose of allergy medicationnearly daily.

With each year we have added some new tools to the arsenal but it has felt impossible to stay in front of the problem, until now.

To Read More About Natural Allergy Relief 

19 Delicious Dinners You Can Make With Salmon Fillets

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5 Steps To Healthy, Strong Nails

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I love my natural, healthy, strong nails. But they weren’t always this way. I used to have weak nails that I bit and chewed on constantly. That all changed when I started following these easy steps.

7 Steps To Food Freedom

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What does food freedom mean for you?  For me, food freedom is having the liberty to choose what foods I want to consume in order to stay healthy and nourish my body. I feel we have the right to grow our own food and also to know what’s in the food we purchase.

oday’s standard American diet is full of processed foods that contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), artificial colors and flavors and chemical preservatives. A poor diet is now the number one cause of health depreciation and death in the United States (source). In fact, changing your diet to traditional, nutritious foods can heal almost any health issue.

To Read More About 7 Steps To Food Freedom 

6 Recipes to Help you Survive Cold & Flu Season

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It’s nearly March, but for much of the country, winter is still going strong – and so are all the colds and flu. To avoid getting sick there are the obvious things like washing your hands and trying to limit your contact with sick individuals, but a major part of your ability to ward off illness comes from the food you eat. To be healthy, you have to eat healthy.

We searched the internet for some healthy recipes with nutritious, immune-boosting ingredients to help you make it through the last leg of winter. From soups to smoothies, we hope you’ll find something that fits your diet and lifestyle, and makes your mouth water.

To Read More About 6 Recipes to Help you Survive Cold & Flu Season

Can Wearing a Bra Really Be Bad For Your Health?

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Well here’s an idea some men might really enjoy…

But all jokes aside – going bra-less may actually be better for you!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the world killing at least 40,000 of us each year. On the bright side, there are plenty of things we can do that may help prevent breast cancer. The Vitamin D Council says making sure your D3 levels are up to par can reduce your risk by 30%.

To Read More About Can Wearing a Bra Really Be Bad For Your Health?

8 Easy Exercises to Prepare for Labor

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There are many things to prepare for when planning for a new baby. One mustn’t forget the actual labor and delivery. Did you know that you can do some pretty easy exercises to prepare for labor and delivery? Getting your baby into an optimal birthing position and preparing your pelvis for labor are important steps to having a good labor. 

How to Teach Your Child to Eat Everything!

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The Secret Mask of Youth

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The wrinkles around and under the eyes are a common problem in the older age. Women use various lotions for skin tightening, which has lost its elasticity during the years. We cannot say that the lotions have no effect, but today we will present a completely natural home recipe, that according to many people is an effective solution for the wrinkled skin around the eyes.

To Read More About The Secret Mask of Youth

15 Things You Should Clean More Often

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C’mon, admit it. Cleaning is no fun. It’s a chore that never seems to end. But while you’re cleaning the obvious things in your house like the toilets and kitchen floor, here are some things that you might forget to do…

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Kitty Cat

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This eye is inspired by all of the gorgeous creatures from the feline family! Ok hear me out. Tigers, leopards and cheetahs all have black rims around their eyes that really frame them. But it’s more than that. We can all rim our eyes with a black pencil (still one of my favorite looks!). And we can all draw a cat eye. But this combines the two and adds a little V in the inside corner. Why? Oh just to make it more stylized and like an exotic little cat! It’s 100% wearable, I promise. And quite sexy. I exaggerated the inside corner a little on our model above but you can shorten it and still get the same effect. 

Here’s how: The Kitty Cat

20 Home Remedies For Acidity

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Overproduction of acid in the stomach that is vital for digestion of food can sometimes make you feel uncomfortable and causes acidity. Too much intake of heavy and oily food is a common cause of acidity. Formation of gas, burning sensation and chest congestion are just few of the many common symptoms. Many people also complain of respiratory problems, heartburn, vomiting and nausea. Excess of acid may also cause ulcers in the stomach and the upper part of the intestine.

Amazing Arms & Back

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How sad are you that the Olympics are over? Those two weeks went by so fast, and thanks to Cox promising “full events” on OnDemand and delivering 3-minute highlights of only the American teams, I missed way too much!

The only good thing that came from the Olympics ending was the Spice Girls reunion. It amazes me that after over a decade, I could still sing along with every single word.

Read More About Amazing Arms & Back

i'm making myself

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“I'm now making myself as scummy as I can. Why? I want to be a poet, and I'm working at turning myself into a seer. You won't understand any of this, and I'm almost incapable of explaining it to you. The idea is to reach the unknown by the derangement of all the senses. It involves enormous suffering, but one must be strong and be a born poet. It's really not my fault.” ― Arthur Rimbaud

30 Mason Jar Recipes

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Antioxidant Salad in a Jar: Start with white balsamic vinaigrette. Layer in mixed berries, sprouts, carrots, almonds, goat cheese*, flax seeds and mixed greens.

Mediterranean Salad in a Jar: Start with balsamic vinaigrette. Add in artichokes, black olives, tomatoes white cannellini beans, cucumbers, Parmesan, pine nuts, oregano and mixed greens.

High Protein Salad in a Jar: Begin with the lemon-based dressing of your choice. Next throw in chickpeas, broccoli, cooked quinoa,  corn, peas, currants or figs, pumpkin seeds, shredded Parmesan and spinach.

Detox Salad in a Jar : Start with the lemon-based dressing of your choice. Layer in pineapple, blueberries, cooked quinoa, fennel, sprouts and kale. *I am going to skip the cannellini beans they recommend!

To Know More About 30 Mason Jar Recipes

14 Ways To Eat Less Sugar In 2015

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The average American eats about 82 grams of added sugar a day, according to the Centers for Disease Control. That’s more than three times the amount that experts suggest for women and children, and more than twice what they recommend for men. We’re talking roughly 19.5 teaspoons of sugar, when you shouldn’t be eating more than about six to nine teaspoons.

9 Exercises Hacks To Quickly Get In Shape

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Getting in shape tops many people’s New Year’s resolution lists. We all say we’re too busy to fit in a workout, but exercise doesn’t have to be such a time-consuming chore. The trick is to choose a fitness regimen that suits your personality and lifestyle. Who knows — you may even find yourself looking forward to your workout. Here are a few tips to liven up your otherwise sloth-like life.

The 4 Best Exercises For A Ruler Shape

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As part of our body-shape workout series, we’re revealing the best fitness plans that will tone and slim your particular figure. Next up, rulers! 

Celebrity Doubles: Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman, Gwyneth Paltrow 

Features: Long and lean with a straight frame

Trouble spots: Lacking curves 

Your plan: To add definition and tone, increase your weight training to four days a week instead of two, says Jessi Kneeland, personal trainer, coach, and founder of Remodel Fitness. 

To Read More About The 4 Best Exercises For A Ruler Shape

Thursday, February 19, 2015

11 Yoga Poses To Completely De-Stress Your Body

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We’ve always known stress is incredibly unhealthy. It can make you sick, is harmful to your mental, emotional and physical well-being, and just makes daily life miserable. We want to be productive and happy, and de-stressing is a big part of that. Stress is also an enemy to weight loss.

The good news is you can battle stress and work toward weight loss simultaneously with restorative yoga. Below are some poses to help calm the mind, emotions and body. Remember to take the time to breathe, as well. It’ll help with the stress — and the poses!

Deep Belly Fat May Increase After Liposuction

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A new study suggests that women who have liposuction to trim their tummies may gain some fat deeper within the abdomen -- a type of fat that's particularly unhealthy.

Brazilian researchers found that within months of abdominal liposuction, there may be an increase in the so-called "visceral" fat that surrounds the abdominal organs.

But the good news, they say, is that regular exercise may prevent that deep fat from forming.

Fat is not "inert tissue," said study leader Fabiana Benatti, of the University of Sao Paulo.

"Removing it by surgery may have important consequences such as the compensatory growth of visceral fat, which may be deleterious in the long term," Benatti told Reuters Health in an email.

Visceral fat is particularly undesirable because it's more closely connected to the risks of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, versus the superficial abdominal fat just under the skin.

The current study, according to Benatti's team, appears to be the first to give "compelling evidence" that visceral fat builds up after liposuction -- at least if you don't exercise.

Exercise deep fat away?

The findings are based on 36 normal-weight women who had liposuction to take away a small amount of superficial tummy fat. All had been sedentary before the procedure.

Benatti's team randomly assigned half of the women to start an exercise program two months after their liposuction. Those women worked out three times a week, walking on a treadmill and doing light strength training, while the rest stuck with their usual lifestyle.

Four months later, the study found, women who'd remained sedentary still had flatter tummies, but were showing a gain in visceral fat -- a 10 percent increase, on average.

In contrast, women who'd been exercising showed no such gain, the researchers report in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

It's not really clear why visceral fat increases post-liposuction, according to Benatti.

"But we believe it may be because this particular fat depot is more metabolically active than the other fat depots," she said.

Another reason, Benatti said, may be because liposuction destroys the "architecture" of fat cells just below the skin. So fat regain may be redirected to still-intact visceral fat cells.

Liposuction no treatment for obesity

In general, experts say that liposuction should not be seen as a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise. And it's intended to reduce stubborn pockets of fat, not as a treatment for obesity, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

In fact, the group says the best candidates for liposuction are people who are normal weight to moderately overweight, and already regularly exercise.

Based on these latest findings, staying active post-liposuction is key, Benatti said.

"If one should choose to undergo liposuction," she said, "it is very important, if not essential, that this person exercises after the surgery."

In the U.S., about 204,700 people underwent liposuction in 2011, according to the ASPS. That was down 42 percent from a decade before.

The known shorter-term risks of liposuction include blood clots, skin or nerve damage, and loose or "rippling" skin where the fat was removed. But little is known about whether liposuction is related to any longer-term health problems. 

Flat Belly Workout

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You can have a flat belly!  This workout targets the entire abdominal section, including those stubborn lower abs. By following our flat belly tips and workout, results should be visible within 4 weeks. Stick with it and show off your flat belly in time for summer.

Flat Belly Tips:

1. Drink 4 -5 (12 ounce) glasses of water each day
2. Use Skinny Plates
3. Cut out all sodas and other foods with artificial sweeteners
4. Eat Clean

Read more about Flat Belly Workout

Weight Loss Tip: Go To Bed Hungry

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Are you still trying to lose weight and shed the extra pounds? There are different weight loss diets and regimes providing you with different weight loss tips to follow.  I am sure you may have heard of the tip:  avoid late night snacking and go to bed hungry. So, how effective is this weight loss tip? Let’s take a look…..

Avoid late night snacking, go to bed hungry

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sculpt Your Body in Six Easy Moves

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Whatever you think of John Mayer, he was right about one thing: Your body is a wonderland … and you’re about to look wonderful.

You Want: A Perky Butt

Target: The latissimus dorsi

Why it works: The lats are big back muscles. They’re attached to your glutes (aka butt muscles) by deep tissue—right lat to left cheek and vice versa, in a crisscross. “They’re connected, so making your lats stronger will help your glutes engage more effectively,” says Abbie Appel, a master trainer in Boca Raton, Florida.

Why you care: Because engaged glutes mean you’ll turbocharge the tush-tightening powers of every lower-body exercise you do.

The No - Equipment Workout

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Do these moves three times a week on alternate days, and be ready: They’re hard. But your body will be, too.

You’ll need: Yup, just a plain old wall. Don’t want scuff marks? Lose the sneaks. There—one less thing to worry about.

Your plan: Do these seven moves three times a week on alternate days and you’ll realize that sometimes it can be a good thing when your workout hits the wall. Ha, ha.

Sit ‘n’ Sculpt

Squat with back to wall, right thigh parallel to floor, left ankle on right knee, arms against wall like a goalpost. Keeping arms pressed against wall, slide arms up until slightly bent (as shown). Lower arms for 1 rep. Do 12 reps. Switch crossed legs; repeat.

Know More About The No - Equipment Workout

Crunchy Asian Slaw Sunbutter Ginger Dressing

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Long time no see! Please excuse my little break, I’ve been working hard on the eBook which means lots of recipe testing, researching, graphic designing, photoshoots, etc. I’ve been squeezing all of this in on the weekends.  Thankfully the days are getting longer (yay!!) which means more daylight.  A blogger’s best friend is natural light because it means more opportunities to take pictures!

There have been quite a few desserts circulating through my kitchen this week (definitely not complaining), so enjoying a nice savory salad really hits the spot. This dish had to be shared with my fabulous readers!  If you love texture in your salads then you must make this Crunchy Asian Slaw paired with a refreshing and flavorful Sunbutter (sunflower seed butter) Ginger Dressing.

Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower Popcorn

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Let me start off by recommending that you make this spicy buffalo cauliflower popcorn at night before bed so you’re not awake and tempted by the amazing smells from your dehydrator. It was literally impossible to wait for these to be completely done before sampling.  I must’ve “tried” them out 5 different times even when I knew they weren’t ready.  This spicy buffalo sauce is just too delicious for words!

How to Recognize Early Labor Symptoms

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Worried about early labor? While it can can sometimes be stopped with a combo of meds and bed rest, it's important to be on the lookout for these warning signs so you can call your doctor ASAP if you think there's a problem.

Know More About How to Recognize Early Labor Symptoms

Monday, February 16, 2015

6 Ways Drinking Warm Water Can Heal Your Body

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Most of us start our mornings with a fresh, hot cup of coffee or tea to warm our bodies after getting out of bed. When we drink water, we tend to prefer it cold, but according to Ayurvedic medicine, we have it all wrong. Regularly drinking very warm water, especially in the morning, can heal our bodies, providing digestive power and reducing metabolic waste that could have built up in our immune system.

“Physicians recommend drinking warm water in the morning, usually, with a polyphenol-rich lemon immersion, or with a tea shown to decrease free radical activity in the body,” Stella Metsovas, clinical nutritionist and media health expert in Food and Nutrition Sciences, told Medical Daily. The consumption of warm water increases the tightening of the intestines, which optimizes elimination. Unlike hot water, processed cold water is devoid of many essential minerals that could become very unfavorable to the digestive tract when consuming a meal. For cold water drinkers, Metsovas recommends refraining from drinking 20 minutes before eating — even if the source is natural spring water.

Read More About 6 Ways Drinking Warm Water Can Heal Your Body

Flat Tummy Water Recipe

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This recipe will not only help you get hydrated, but it will help you flush out toxins, feel full and can lose weight fast.

Please remember any kind of store-bought appetite suppressant can be dangerous and may not necessarily help you with your weight loss goals.

There are so many weight loss recipes out there and it can be very misleading.

A healthy diet, exercise and self-control are key factors to successful weight loss.

Read More About Flat Tummy Water Recipe

Watermelon Pizza with Passionfruit Yoghurt

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When you have just faced a 35 degree day and you are staring down the barrel of a week of mid-high 30′s, watermelon and air conditioning are two of your best friends. In all honesty, when it is that hot I don’t really feel like eating much (okay, that doesn’t stop me though!). I could easily survive on a few salads and fresh, cold fruit… my favourite being anything tropical.

I originally created this in honour of returning to work. I was trying to think of some healthy, back to school afternoon, post school snacks. I remember the days that my cousins and I would all file through the door of Grandma’s, my aunty’s or my house. There would be a wide selection to choose from- fruit, cakes, biscuits or warm pikelets, pancakes and like all good Hungarian grandmas… Frankfurts in winter with our own little coloured forks. One for each of us… mine was pink and I wonder whatever happened to that…

Sit-Ups Are The Best Way To A Flat Tummy

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FACT : Firstly, lots of sit-ups or crunches alone won't tone a flabby belly - you need to combine any exercise with an overall weight-loss programme: eat a balanced diet and take regular varied exercise. Exercise does not have the ability to change the size of an organ.

 However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise to help shrink your waist line, since performing abdominal exercises can help tighten the muscles in the abdomen. Plus, being active will help burn off the layers of fat that accumulate on the outside of your body, as well as the internal fat layers that you can’t see.

Sit-ups target the most superficial 'six-pack' core muscles, but too many of these will cause the tummy to bulge out, leading to a pot belly.

If you perform a dynamic movement such as a walking lunge while rotating the top half of your body at the same time, you target all the abdominal muscles as well as other large muscle groups that burn more calories and body fat - it is these kinds of moves that will help give you the tummy of your dreams.

Sports and exercise that are great for this include yoga, Pilates and even golf. Many dancers and gymnasts have fantastic flat midriffs due to the varied movements that they perform, rather than as a result of sit-ups.

Courtesy By Bio E

Castor Oil is the Best For Thickening and Regrowing Hair

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Historically, castor oil was used as an oral laxative. However, today castor oil  is mostly recommended and used as a topical application. It’s an effective and cheap remedy for many ailments. Castor oil has been used for many practical applications. The textile industry in Russia uses the stem of the plant.

The plant from which castor oil is extracted, Ricinus communis is native to India. Along with amazing health benefits, the plant itself is known for being one of the most toxic plants on earth. Any way, castor oil is not toxic – there is nothing to worry about. When castor oil is extracted,  the toxic part is left behind in the pulp of the seeds.

Prenatal Workouts

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Pregnancy can be pretty exhausting (more so than I realized!), but I’ve been determined to keep some movement in my life for these nine special months. It’s not always easy, but I imagine it would be even more difficult trying to get back into an exercise routine after the baby arrives, if I didn’t.

In some ways, my workouts haven’t changed much. I’ve definitely cut myself some slack when it comes to sticking to any sort of schedule or time limit, but I’ve been happily surprised to find that I’m still comfortable doing the same types of workouts I was doing pre-pregnancy, with just a few modifications.

Read More About Prenatal Workouts

Sunday, February 15, 2015

10 Minute Pre Natal Strength Workout

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So the old wives’ tales that kept women from exercising when pregnant are gone. Let’s clear the air with facts right away: exercising will not hurt you or the baby. In fact, the opposite is true. If you are otherwise healthy and the pregnancy is going well, then staying fit during pregnancy is better for both parties. Of course, checking with your doctor is your first priority. But given the go-ahead, one of the best ways to do this is through strength training. After all, what takes more strength than delivering a child? But besides the pregnancy and childbirth, maintaining lean muscle on your body is going to provide tremendous benefits for you once the baby has arrived. Let’s look at all the benefits pre-natal strength training provides.

Be The CEO Of You

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We are almost a month into this year.  How are those resolutions going for you?  Were you going to hit the gym or pavement every day?  Start a new habit, quit an old one?  Plan a garden?
OR … Have you already kicked your resolutions to the curb?  Are you on the verge of giving up? Are you saying you knew you shouldn’t have tried, because nothing ever changes?
I hope not!  I hope you know this: New starts don’t only happen once a year.
Read More About Be The CEO Of You

20 Flat-Belly Breakfast Recipes

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French Toast with Strawberries
1 egg
2 Tbsp skim milk
2 slices whole-wheat bread
13 strawberries, sliced
1/2 tsp powdered sugar

Whisk together egg and milk and dip bread into mixture. Cook in nonstick pan until slightly browned. Top with berries and sugar.

Total: 275 calories

The fiber in strawberries heads off hunger and also helps ward off diabetes and breast cancer.

Eliminate Kidney Stones…Naturally!

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If you have ever experienced kidney stones you know just how painful the whole ordeal can be. My first episode with kidney stones was in my last trimester with my third baby. Initially I thought I was in labor…but, after a trip to the hospital I was sent home with orders to drink LOTS of water to flush out that pesky painful kidney stone. The pain subsided and I figured we were clear. Just weeks after the birth of my adorable baby boy, the kidney stone returned…with a vengeance! I thought I was dying. I had just been through an unmedicated childbirth, and compared to the pain from the kidney stone, giving birth without an epidural was a breeze! I had no idea that a tiny piece of sediment could hurt so badly. After a couple of ER trips and a week of awfully miserable pain, I had to have a Ureteroscopy procedure done to remove the stone.

30 Tried And Tested Weight Loss Tips

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With the exception of my first year away from home, when I packed on 30+ pounds in less than 6 months, I have always been on the slim side. Sure, my weight fluctuates between 3-7 pounds throughout the year, but apart from feeling like my clothes are too snug and my skin doesn’t fit when I’m at the upper end of my weight spectrum, I always tend to look the same to everyone else.

Which drives all of the women on my mother’s side of the family INSANE.

But over the course of the last few months, as I’ve been wrestling with the very sudden and unexpected loss of my dad while simultaneously trying to juggle my busy life as a mom, wife, and blogger, I’ve seen a drastic change in not only my weight, but also my overall well-being

Read More About 30 Tried And Tested Weight Loss Tips

Saturday, February 14, 2015

6 Powerful Home Remedies to Vanish Stretch Marks

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Stretch marks are linear scars that occur on the body when the skin is stretched past its flexibility capacities. This normally happens due to sudden weight gain caused by pregnancy, a burst of growth during puberty or bulking up for body building. The hormonal surges that can accompany pregnancy and puberty also contribute to the development of these scars. The stretch marks are red or purple in color when they are new but fade to white or silver as they age.

It is recommended to treat the scars when they first appear as they are harder to get rid of when they are older. It is best to try to prevent them in the first place and there are a lot of home remedies for stretch marks that can help both in preventing the scars and treating them once they have appeared.

Transform Yourself in 6 Weeks

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The three most common comments I get from moms who begin training with me are:

I don’t have much time to spend working out.
I want to lose weight.
I want to tone up.
I tell moms all the time that these are easy fixes that can be done in as little as six weeks if they can stay on track.  Not falling off track is the hardest part, but if you can do it, you can get results.
Read More About Transform Yourself in 6 Weeks

10 Remedies For Severe Constipation

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Constipation is a common problem. Common causes of severe constipation include slow movement of stool through the colon tract, fiber deficit diet, dehydration, hormonal imbalance and so on. Acute and chronic constipation are two main types of constipation. Severe constipation may result in hard or dry stool, gas formation, indigestion, loss of appetite, stomach pain, bloating and so on.It is advisable for an individual to consult a medical professional if the problem of constipation lasts for a period of more than 4 to 5 weeks. The problem of severe constipation can be resolved with the use of different home remedies. Read More About 10 Remedies For Severe Constipation