Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Our 5 Favorite Fat-Blasting Burpee Variations

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Most people have a love/hate relationship with burpees – they love how great they are for burning calories and getting you in tip-top shape, but they hate doing them. Burpees can be found in just about any boot camp, interval or circuit-style class because they work your body from head to toe. Not only that, they get your heart racing more so than many other cardiovascular exercises.

Crossfit Exercises to Give You a Perky Butt

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A perky butt and ‘that gap’ between your thighs… that is usually what ladies would like when they think about how their bum looks in jeans, skirts etc. This is further noticeable by all the pictures of toned bums that are being pinned on pinterest.

Well you can have a toned perky butt as well, it just takes a few exercises and some dedication on your side and within a month you will start to see changes. Good changes!.

7 Weight-Loss Golden Rules

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If you are planning to get in shape just for a specific season, you will probably fail, It takes time, not only few weeks of exhausting work and dieting is hard to maintain, but it can impact your overall health.

The best options for toning your muscles involve some resistance training, which should be a major part of your exercise to get in shape. This includes getting free weights or a home gym in order to work out your upper and lower bodies. 

8 No-Equipment Exercises That Can Be Done Anywhere

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Ready to strengthen, stretch, and break a sweat? This high-intensity bodyweight workout is a simple, effective way to work your whole body—without any machinery or extra equipment.

From heart-pumping jump tucks to core-blasting mountain climbers, these superset moves will help build strength and boost metabolism with just body resistance alone. So take this workout to the park, the playground, or the living room floor—there’s no excuse to skip a workout again!.

15 Fitness Tips To Maximize Your Workout

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By now you’ve probably heard loads of exercise advice – some of it conflicting – from trainers, TV, and gym buddies. To clear things up, we sought out top fitness experts to get their take. We asked them for game-changing tips, proven difference makers shown to keep your body safe while burning fat and building muscle.