Sunday, March 8, 2015

I Will Not Let My Worry Control Me

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I decided to start tackling my stress levels. I have been run off my feet for quite a while now, and it was really starting to take its toll on me. In the back of mind, I knew I had to do something about it soon, otherwise my health would be in big trouble. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the blogging part of the job that’s stressful. I absolutely love blogging. My favourite thing in the world is sitting down at my desk with a cup of tea (and maybe a sneaky bar of chocolate!), opening up my laptop and turning my ideas into blog posts. I love trying out new products and recording my thoughts on each one. I enjoy the writing process so much, and because of this sense of enjoyment it brings me, it doesn’t ever feel like work. 

Read More About I Will Not Let My Worry Control Me

6 Home Businesses You Can Start With No Money

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Recently, I received an email from an individual who was desperately seeking a legit, online, work from home business opportunity. This individual had currently moved to a very rural area of town and was unable to commute daily for work. Another obstacle that this individual faced was the issue of needing money ASAP to pay for bills and daily living expenses, but still desired the flexibility and perks of being their own boss.

Read More About 6 Home Businesses You Can Start With No Money

7 Simple Ways To Cure Cracked Heels

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Identify early signs of cracked heels like dryness, hardening of skin, tenderness, and appearance of small cracks near the edge of your heels. Do not ignore these symptoms otherwise they shall go on to become painful cracked feet. Cracked feet are also prone to infection due to the open spaces. If you are prone to cracked heels, you may consider applying a petroleum jelly on your feet and wearing socks before going to sleep. Instead of petroleum jelly, you may use organic coconut oil or unrefined shea butter, or cocoa butter, vitamin E oil, hemp seed oil as well.
Pumice Stone: Lather your feet in warm soapy water to soften the skin and rub a pumice stone around your heels to get rid of the rough, hard, flaky skin. Finally, wash your feet, pat them dry, and follow up with a moisturizer cream, lotion, or even baby oil. Follow this remedy two times in a day for at least one week. To create a soapy solution for your foot bath, you may mix lemon juice, petroleum jelly and a little shampoo in warm water. Alternatively, you can scrub your feet with pumice stone while taking a shower.

Epsom Salt Foot Bath: Epsom salt foot baths soothes tired feet, soften the skin, promote circulation, and eliminate foot odor. In addition, Epsom salt has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that fight infections. To prepare this foot bath, fill a foot basin or tub with warm water and add half a cup of Epsom salt in it. Soak your feet in this solution for about 10 minutes. Then, use a pumice stone or a nail filer to file the flaky skin on your heels. Finally, wash your feet and dry them thoroughly before massaging a moisturizing lotion or oil on the skin. Do not take these footbaths more than two to three times in a week because excessive use of Epsom salt can dry out your feet. Moreover, do not use soap immediately after the Epsom salt soak as it can interfere with the effects of the salt.

Homemade Foot Scrub: Soak your feet in a tub filled with five cups of warm water and one cup of milk for about 10 minutes. Next, prepare a homemade foot scrub by mixing four tablespoons of sugar or dead sea salt in half a cup of coconut oil, olive oil, or any other carrier oil. Massage and scrub this mixture on your feet. Finally, wash it off and moisturize your feet to make your dry, cracked feet soft.

Oatmeal Foot Mask: Create a soothing oatmeal foot mask at home by mixing a cup of oatmeal in your foot basin containing warm water. You can also add a quarter cup of honey and olive oil, too. Soak your feet in this mixture for about half an hour to help heal cracked heels naturally. You can also create a foot bath by adding half a cup of oatmeal, a quarter cup each of baking soda, honey, aloe vera gel, and one-third cup of Epsom salt, and about 20 drops of an essential oil of your choice in warm bath water.

Glycerin and Rosewater: Combine three tablespoons of glycerin and a tablespoon of rosewater. Spread this mixture on your dry feet at night and put on a pair of socks. Remove the sticky recipe from your feet in the morning.

Banana Pulp: Smear banana pulp on your cracked heels, leave it for about 15 minutes, and then, rinse it off with warm water. Follow this treatment at least once in a week to cure dry, cracked feet.

Paraffin Wax Treatment: Melt some paraffin wax in a double boiler or microwave. Add an equal amount of mustard oil in it. Dip your feet in this molten wax and oil paste and remove. When the wax hardens, dip your feet again the mixture to create another layer. Then, wrap a plastic around your feet. After 10-15 minutes, remove the plastic wrap and wax to get soft and smooth feet. In case you do not want to use paraffin wax, you can use organic beeswax.

Cracked heels, also referred to as heel fissures are generally caused by excessively dry skin. This common foot problem, thus, tends to worsen during the dry, winter months. Besides, factors like nutritional deficiencies, standing or walking for long periods of time, wearing open-backed or thin-soled shoes that do not support your feet, etc. may lead to this problem.

As expected, cracked heels are embarrassing as they are quite ugly to look at. Plus, cracked heels may be accompanied by itching and burning. Moreover, when neglected for a long time, they become painful and may begin to bleed. In addition, most moisturizing treatments fail to penetrate the accumulated thick, dead skin on the heels.

So, it is best to pay attention to your cracked heels and heal them as soon as possible. Furthermore, individuals suffering from conditions like eczema, psoriasis, diabetes and circulatory problems should take good care of their feet.

9 Solutions For Blackheads

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Wash your face two times in a day to remove the accumulation of excess oil and dead skin cells from the pores, thereby reducing the chances of developing blackheads. Exfoliate your skin regularly. However, do not scrub your face excessively. Plus, do not use abrasive body scrubs on delicate facial skin.Avoid using greasy cosmetic as well as hair care products.
Facial Steam: Taking facial steam every week or every alternate week is highly beneficial for opening your skin pores and softening the sebum plugs causing blackheads. For this, you can place your face over a bowl of hot water for about 10-15 minutes. You may add dried herbs or a few drops of essential oils in boiling water to increase the effectiveness of this procedure. Facial steaming and application of warm compresses makes it easier to remove the blackheads. Thus, use this procedure before applying any face mask to eliminate this problem.

Oatmeal Mask: Exfoliate your skin with an oatmeal mask to get rid of blackheads. To prepare the mask, add sufficient green tea or chamomile tea in a tablespoon of colloidal oatmeal to form a thin paste. You can make your own colloidal oatmeal at home by grinding rolled oats or quick oats in a food processor or coffee grinder to get a fine powder. After rinsing off the oatmeal mask from your face, dab hydrogen peroxide on the affected area with the help of a cotton ball.

Strawberry and Honey Mask: Mash a few strawberries to get two tablespoons of strawberry pulp. Mix a teaspoon of honey in this pulp to form a paste. Apply it on your face and neck. Rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Gelatin Peel-Off Facial Mask: There is another interesting homemade peel off mask prepared by mixing half a cup of lemon juice, orange juice, or tomato juice and a packet of plain gelatin. You can heat this mixture either on a stovetop or in a microwave for about 15 seconds. Leave it to set for about five minutes. Finally, brush it lightly on your face, particularly around your nose with a makeup brush or a small paintbrush and peel it off when it dries.

Egg White: Whisk an egg white and apply a thin layer on your face, especially around the nose. When it dries, spread another layer. Let it dry for about 15 minutes. Finally, scrub it off with a warm, wet washcloth to reduce blackheads naturally. You can follow this procedure once or twice a week.

Benzoyl Peroxide: Use an over-the-counter cream or lotion containing benzoyl peroxide to get rid of blackheads. You can use it about two times in a day for about four to six weeks. Before applying the cream, though, make sure your clean your face thoroughly. You can also use retinoids and cleansers containing salicylic acid.

Epsom Salt: Take half a cup of boiling water and add one teaspoon of Epsom salt and three drops of iodine in it. Dip a cotton ball in this solution and apply it on the affected areas to treat blackheads.

Blackhead Strips: Using blackhead strips or pore strips can be an effective way to improve blackheads and plugged pores. Besides, you can opt for comedone extractors that help remove blackheads through suction.

Cosmetic Procedures: If nothing else works, then you may consider cosmetic procedures like laser or light therapy. In case you are interested in a non-invasive procedure then you may try chemical peels or microdermabrasion.

More often than not, they appear as enlarged pores and black spots, especially around the nose, chin, and cheeks. They are caused by a buildup of excess sebum and dead skin cells leading to blocked skin pores. Thus, this problem is more common in individuals with oily skin or combination skin.

Excess oil production, in turn, is caused by a number of factors like hormonal changes, genetic predisposition, stress, intake of certain medications, environmental factors, and so on. Furthermore, improper skin care is another important reason leading to blackheads. For instance, using too much makeup, oil, or oil-based creams increase your chances of developing this problem.

Blackheads are dark tiny bumps on skin. They are a mild type of acne and are medically known as open comedones. Interestingly, the black color of these comedones is not due to dirt. They appear dark and black in color as the sebum is exposed to the oxygen in air. Though slightly raised, unlike pimples, blackheads are not painful or inflamed.

6 Amazing Exercises To Lose Back Fat

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You cut out 500 calories a day and exercise regularly, you will lose about a pound every week (500 x 7 = 3,500 or 1 lb of fat). Just cutting calories will help you lose weight, but without the cardio and back strengthening exercises, your back muscles will not get toned. Base your diet on low energy density foods that are low in calories and take up a lot of space. That is, you want to eat a greater volume of food that's lower in calories. This helps you feel fuller on fewer calories.

A complete workout for the entire body. An excellent and enjoyable exercise to lose fat and work the muscles upper body, arms, shoulders, abdomen and legs. Performing this exercise will incorporate the muscles in the back with every movement. Ski machine are available in the gym, or try roller balding in the park.

Run at a brisk pace for several minutes, return to a more comfortable pace for 5 minutes, then speed up your routine for another 2 minutes. Continue your entire routine in this manner in order to burn calories more quickly. Jogging will give a complete body work out, toning the muscles while burning fat. Power walking will give you the same results over a longer period of time.

Ever noticed the body of a swimmer, usually well toned, muscular but lean and the perfect v. Swimming is one of the best exercise to perform as the whole body gets a work out, especially the upper body. The water prevent too much wear and tear on the joints. Toning and burning fat fast especially from the back, stomach and bottom.

Rowing a boat or using a rowing machine will give you a toned, lean muscular back quite quickly. Working your arms and shoulders also, this is one of the premium back fat burning exercises, changing your rowing position will work lower and upper back muscles.

And your Cardio workout is done in 15 minutes.These Cardio exercises for 15 minutes three times a week will give get lose back fat fast. Start taking action, doing something is much better than doing nothing.

8 Solutions To Relieve Facial Puffiness

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A puffy face or facial puffiness is medically known as facial edema. It is usually caused by water retention, which in turn, is caused by inadequate fluid intake, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, and high salt diet.

In addition, reactions to certain drugs (corticosteroids, aspirin, glucocorticoids, diuretics, asthma medication, etc.) and general obesity can also lead to a puffy face. Poor circulation too, can give rise to facial bloating and droopy facial features.
Conditions like sinusitis, throat infection, tooth abscess, conjunctivitis, thyroid disorders, kidney disease, preeclampsia during pregnancy, and so on can cause the same. Thus, to get rid of this problem effectively, it is essential to analyze the actual cause.

Facial puffiness caused by allergic reactions should not be ignored at all. Moreover, in case it is caused by the conditions mentioned above then the puffiness shall go away when you undergo the proper treatment.

Below are 8 solutions to relieve facial puffiness.

Dip a washcloth in ice-cold water or wrap two to three ice cubes in it.
Place this cold compress on your puffy face.
Leave on for several minutes.

Those who are prone to a puffy face, especially after sleeping, should splash cold water on their face when they get up in the morning.

Lubricate your face with a moisturizer, olive oil, or facial massage oil.
Lightly massage your face with your fingers.
Start from the forehead and gradually work your way down to the under-eye area, cheeks, jaw line, and neck.
Repeat the massage almost 20-25 times.

This lymphatic drainage massage is effective in getting rid of facial puffiness by pushing the excess fluid down to the lymph nodes in the neck and upper chest.

Facial Tapping
Press your middle fingers into the deepest hollow of your cheeks (where the cheekbone and jawbone meet).
Massage the area firmly in circular motion for 30 seconds.
Repeat a few times daily.

It heals a puffy face by stimulating the lymphatic system and improving the blood circulation.

Cucumber and Lemon Juice
Take six to eight slices of a cucumber.
Soak them in lemon juice (for oily skin)/ milk (for dry skin) and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
Apply these slices on your face.
Leave on 15-20 minutes.
Wash your face with cool water.

This helps reduce redness and puffiness on your face. You can use this remedy almost daily. Alternately, just grate or blend half a cucumber, squeeze out its juice, and apply to your face. Cucumber is often used to eliminate puffy eyes and dark circles as well.

Coffee Grounds
Mix two tablespoons of finely ground coffee, two tablespoons of cocoa powder, and a tablespoon of honey in three tablespoons of whole milk or plain yogurt.
Apply it to your face.
Scrub and wash off after 15-20 minutes.

This Mocha-Frappuccino facial mask helps decrease facial swelling. Moreover, it has immense anti-aging benefits.

Note: If you do not have cocoa powder then you may simply use a mixture of ground coffee and honey. Do not use this mask too frequently. Once or twice a week should be sufficient.

Brewed Green Tea Bags
Steep a green tea bag in about eight ounces of hot water for three to four minutes.
Remove the teabag from water and allow it to cool.
Place the brewed tea bag on the puffy areas of your face for 20 minutes.
Rinse your face with lukewarm water.
It is a perfect solution for all skin types.

Egg Whites
Whip two egg whites.
Keep the mixture aside for a few minutes.
Spread it on your face and leave on for 20 minutes.
Wash off with cool water.
Follow up with your regular cleanser.
Apart from reducing facial puffiness and redness, it shall help remove excess oil on your face which contributes to pimples and blackheads.

Strawberry Mask
Mash a few strawberries with the help of a folk.
Mix two tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon of olive oil in it.
Apply it to your face.
Wash off after 10-15 minutes.
It is good for puffy face as well as eyes.

More Tips to Prevent a Puffy Face
As facial puffiness is mostly attributed to water retention, it is essential to drink plenty of water and fluids throughout the day. In addition, limit your salt intake as it makes your body retain water. Avoid taking alcoholic and caffeinated beverages.

At times, a puffy face is the result of general obesity. In such cases, it is advised to control your weight by embarking on a healthy diet, and including regular physical activity and exercise in your routine.

How to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally

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More often than not, Dandruff forms due to issues like dry skin, contact dermatitis, Psoriasis, Seborrhea dermatitis and weak immune system because of chemotherapy or neurological disorders. Besides, factors such as using hard water for washing hair, vitamin B deficiency in diet, stress, etc.
Follow this therapy regularly to remove dandruff from your scalp.

Use a shampoo after adding some tea tree oil in it to get rid of dandruff easily. You may also try adding camellia seeds in it.

Taking red clover extract internally or applying it on scalp is valuable in the natural treatment of dandruff.

Prepare a herbal infusion of sage, thyme or nettle (fresh or dried) along with two tablespoons of vinegar and use this solution as a final rinse to as a natural remedy to control dandruff.

1. Regularly massaging the scalp with coconut oil or castor oil and leaving it on hair for at least one hour is useful in curing dandruff. Moreover, it stimulates hair follicles and promotes hair growth. You can also add lemon juice in the oil.

2. Applying a mixture of seven drops of cedarwood essential oil, ten drops of cypress essential oil and again ten drops of juniper oil, all added in about 50 ml of carrier oil is highly beneficial in getting rid of dandruff naturally. Leave the oil on scalp for about an hour and wash it off with a mild shampoo and lukewarm water.

3. After washing your hair, apply some yogurt on scalp and then rinse after 10-15 minutes. It works as an effective hair conditioner. Besides, yogurt helps in the treatment of fungal infection.

4. Prepare a mixture by adding three drops each of honey and lemon in two tablespoons of yogurt. 

5. Apply it on the scalp and rinse your hair after 15 minutes to control dandruff considerably.
Rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar as a final rinse is useful in healing dandruff problem caused by pH imbalance.

6. Application of aloe vera, baking soda, baby oil, etc. aid in the home treatment of dandruff. In addition, take two teaspoons of flaxseed oil regularly for a few months.
7. Here’s a video showing how to get rid of dandruff with natural remedies like apple cider vinegar and honey.

8. If you are wondering how to reduce dandruff with lemon then here’s the solution. Rub a lemon peel on the scalp and gently massage the scalp. Finally, rinse your hair after half an hour.

9. In case you do not want to put lemon directly on the scalp, you boil one liter water along with peels of three or four lemons for 15-20 minutes. Let the mixture cool. Then, rinse your hair with this infusion at least once in a week.

10. Besides, you can prepare a mixture of lemon juice and vinegar, taken in equal quantities, apply it on scalp and wash it off after 15 minutes.

11. Another simple procedure to facilitate dandruff control is to soak a clean hair brush in a solution of warm water and lemon juice (equal proportion) for about an hour and then use it.

12. Boil five tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil and add one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds (crushed) in it. When the mixture cools, apply it on the scalp and wash it off after about two hours. 

Health Benefits of Running

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Regular running can give you many benefits. Some people run simply because they get great joy from running. Others realize they can accrue many benefits from this activity. In this article, we reveal the numerous benefits of running.

Running is an effective exercise to lose flab and maintain optimum body weight. Running requires plenty of energy which burns a lot of calories. The amount of calories a runner burns depends on factors such as running efficiency and intensity, and the runner’s weight. Many people find it difficult to trim stubborn belly fat. Such individuals can try running to cut down belly flab and become trim.

Cardiovascular Health: Running lowers blood pressure and helps the arteries remain elastic. In sedentary people, the arteries remain static, but while running they expand and contract at a much higher rate. This improves the body’s overall functioning. This factor minimizes the risks of stroke and heart attack as your heart health is improved by leaps and bounds.

Running Slows Down Aging: Running prevents muscle and bone loss, which occur naturally due to aging. In fact, regular running strengthens the bones. In sedentary people, the bones become weak due to lack of exercise. This makes them more vulnerable to osteoporosis, which strikes with age. But, runners tax their bones and muscles continuously, which stimulates and strengthens them to remain firm even in old age.

Psychological Benefits of Running: Running has many mental health benefits too. Research reveals that runners are happier and less stressed compared to sedentary people. Running releases hormones called endorphins which enhance the mood by creating a feeling of euphoria. This is called runner’s high. Running also alleviates stress as the runner focuses intently on his running, forgetting about mundane daily worries. When a runner finishes his race, they feel positive pride in accomplishing this task.

Running Improves CoordinationAnother important benefit of running is improved coordination. This is true especially in the case of trail running as it involved running over unpaved trails. This activity improves coordination as you need to beware of obstacles like roots and rocks. Thus, runners can control their bodies better because while running all your faculties need to combine to keep your frame upright. It is therefore no surprise that runners move more smoothly and fluidly compared to sedentary individuals.

Running Improves Quality of Sleep: Regular runners sleep better. This is because exercise taxes their body and they need adequate rest to recoup after their strenuous running sessions. Sound sleep and rest are important for runners because otherwise they face the risk of over training and over training which can affect their health.

Health Note: We are sure this article has convinced you about the various benefits of running.But, before your start, get a through health check-up and the green signal from your doctor

7 Tips To Rid Of Belly Fat

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Due to basic bio mechanics, your body follows a specific pattern for fat storage by giving preference to certain body parts. Thus, getting rid of fat from any particular part of the body, especially belly, thighs and buttocks requires a holistic approach.

1. Combination of proper weight loss diet and routine physical exercise is the most basic step useful in reducing belly fat. Diet should emphasize on less fats and carbohydrates and more proteins.In terms of exercise, focus on cardiovascular and strength training exercises rather than relying on ab crunches or other target exercises alone. Weight training and cardio exercises play a key role in burning fat efficiently.

2. Yoga serves as a highly beneficial therapy to eliminate belly fat. Aerobic exercises also aid in belly fat loss.Here’s a video showing how to lose belly fat through yoga.

3. Keeping your belly sucked in is another popular natural remedy to get rid of belly fat. It is believed that sucking the stomach in (ab vacuum) strengthens and improves stomach muscles, thereby creating a flattened look.Try to follow this simple home remedy as much as possible (along with other exercises) for losing belly fat. While following this tip, make sure you maintain proper body posture.

4. Replace unhealthy and fatty junk foods with fresh fruits, salads, sprouts, legumes, low fat milk, cheese, yogurt, nuts, seeds etc. Cut back on bad carbs like white flour, white rice, alcohol and retain the good carbs present in brown rice, whole grain cereals, whole grain breads etc.Plus, have more liquids; having plain water, herbal teas sweetened with honey is the best tip in this regard. Needless to add, stay away from highly sugary drinks like sodas if you are serious about your fat loss plan.

5. Nevertheless, do not become obsessed with fruit juices, especially the readymade ones. Instead, opt for natural juices. Intake of fresh fruits (citrus fruits, in particular) is even better because they have fiber.

6. Taking half a teaspoon of roasted and powdered fennel seeds is valuable in healing this problem.

7. Include activities like brisk walking, running, swimming and other sports in your lifestyle to cure this problem naturally by increasing metabolism.Plus, improve your lifestyle. Do not skip breakfast; it is the most important meal of the day. In addition, avoid having late dinners. It is best to have dinner about 3 hours prior to bedtime.

Note: Answer to your query of how to get rid of belly fat also lies in belly fat treatments such as temporary quick fixes, cosmetic surgeries and other such solutions but remember that these treatments have their own risks.