Thursday, September 24, 2015

7 Ways To Get The Most Out of Your Workout

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I was recently watching a TED talk given by Dan Gilbert called “The Surprising Science of Happiness,” where Mr. Gilbert points out that too many options actually lower our level of contentment about any given thing. One of the greatest kettlebell trainers of our time, Pavel Tsatsouline, mentioned how in Russia, there are two choices for coffee, with or without milk. When a Russian then enters a Starbucks with a full menu of coffee derived beverages, overwhelmed, he leaves with nothing.

5 Unmentioned Tidbits About Exercising

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Exercising isn’t always pretty—the sweat, the matted down hair, the locker rooms—but it’s definitely worthwhile! Whether you are just starting out or returning after a long break, there are a few things no one ever really tells you about exercise. Even you regular gym bunnies might learn a thing or two from this list—oh how I wish someone had told me these when I started working out!

When you can expect them, and know what to do about them, you’ll have fewer barriers and hiccups along your exercise journey.

7 Reasons Strength Training Is A Must For All Women

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Think you’re too old to start a strength training program? Well think again! Strength training is just what your body needs to fight the loss of muscle, bone mass and strength that comes with age.

Everyone, no matter how young or old, should be doing some kind of regular strength training. This could be at the gym, or at home using very little equipment. Resistance bands and balls, small hand weights, water and even your own body weight can be used as resistance when designing a strength training program.

Top 4 Completely Wrong Fat Burning Advice

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Wouldn’t it be great if all the fat-burning secrets you see in magazine ads and TV infomercials actually worked? If sauna suits, cellulite-shrinking creams, herbal wraps, and pills designed to “boost metabolism and melt fat away” did what they claim to, obesity would be a thing of the past.

4 Full Body Workouts To Kickstart Your Morning

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Kickstart your morning with this full body workout. Head to the gym, step outside or do it from the comfort of your own home! These circuits are meant to push you so don’t take it lightly.

Take your pick but start today and transform yourself in weeks. Remember, summer months are long and there is still time to show off that bikini body.

3 Flat Belly Moves That Won’t Hurt Your Back

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A flat stomach is the ultimate goal for many gym-goers. Walk into any gym in the country, and there is sure to be someone on their back doing crunches or holding a dumbbell while they side bend – all in pursuit of tight, toned abs.

Unfortunately, a lot of the traditional abdominal exercises are based on outdated training programs that work your core in an isolated way.

Ballet Boot Camp for a Leaner Body

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You don’t have to be able to arabesque in pointe shoes to get the graceful, sculpted body of a dancer. What you do need: our fat-blasting Ballet Boot Camp Challenge. Created by Sadie Lincoln, founder of Barre3 exercise studios, these moves combine yoga, Pilates, light weights, and a secret weapon that in-the-know exercisers (including celebs like Ricki Lake) swear by—barre work. You don’t even have to leave home to get the body-slimming benefits: The ballet-derived exercises are normally done using a stationary handrail, but you can do them with a chair or kitchen table.