Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Balsamic Glazed Brussels Sprouts

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To be honest, I didn’t become a Brussels sprouts lover until I was an adult. Like many of you, every time my mother would serve them, I’d try to run the other way! But I eventually came to love these adorable little “gems” as I hope your family will too…especially if you try my caramelization trick!

15 Minute Abs Workout

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These moves, designed by Ashley Ntansah, personal-training manager at Club H Fitness in New York City, target your entire abdominal wall, especially the transverse abdominis—the midsection muscle that pulls in your belly like a corset. And this sexy abs workout does more than just firm your core: You'll feel it (and see results!) in your shoulders, legs, and glutes as well.

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Fat Burning Abs Exercises

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To show off your abs, you have to burn fat. To burn fat, you have to stoke your metabolism by building muscle. Replacing just 1 pound of fat with muscle will force your body to fry up to an additional 50 calories a day. These straightforward moves work major muscle groups--with an emphasis on your midsection--without adding bulk. 

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Skinny Is Not Sexy. Health Is.

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I hate fitspo. Fitness + Inspiration somehow equals the term “fitspo”. Really, it came from a backlash against “thinspo” which encompasses all those dangerous images and quotes that trigger eating disorders in impressionable individuals (and feelings of guilt and shame in pretty much every Western woman, and some men too).

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80 lb Weight Loss

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I will start off by saying that my first stuffed animal was a rabbit, my mom calls me Bun Bun (short for bunny) and that I have big front teeth that some may call, bunny teeth. My obsession with the cute cuddly creatures wasn’t the only factor that came to play when naming this blog. Ever since I can remember I have been overweight, or should I say… a chubby bunny. I am not one of those naturally thin girls who gained the freshman 15, or gained weight after having children. During elementary school and high school, I was teased and bullied because of my weight. They engraved in my mind that I was fat, so I believed that was all I ever would be. I didn’t understand why my mom and sister were so petite and I was so big. What made me so much bigger than my big sister? I remember crying to myself asking “Why am I like this? Why did I have to be placed into this body? This isn’t fair, why me?” I used to wish upon shooting stars that I would have an eating disorder so I could be skinny.

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How To Groom Without Wax

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As we indulge in the summer heat and head out for some fun in the sun, it’s best to slip on our itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikinis and leave all our worries at home. You’ve been working out all winter and you’ve finally got your beach body just right, so what could possibly kill your vibe? None other than pesky bikini line hairs can certainly do the trick. While waxing can be effective in getting rid of that problem, just the thought of it alone can also be terrifying. Luckily, there are some alternative routes you can take to ditch those annoying hairs, pain-free.

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6 Ways To Make Your Cocktails Healthier

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Sometimes cocktails feel like the ultimate exception to otherwise nutrition-forward eating habits. Whether it’s happy hour with your coworkers or a best friend’s birthday, there seems to always be a time and place for a boozy drink. For those who are trying to eat as healthfully as possible, these cocktails can cause a problem — but who really wants to completely give up on happy hour?

8 Ways To Eat Healthy At A Party

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Baby back ribs at a barbecue. Pizza at a pool party. Pot roast at a potluck. Every gathering seems to come with a signature dish (or four). And in order to fully partake in the party, you sometimes feel the pressure to eat more than you normally would – “Because they ordered a giant sub!” – or eat things you normally wouldn’t – “Because Aunt Ida made her famous rum cake just for you.”

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20 Fast and Effective Ways to Relive Stress Right Now

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I like to think I’m good at a lot of things.

I can turn a horrible situation into a funny story.

I’ve spent at least half of my married life enduring Man Cold after Man Cold without filing for divorce.

And I can embarrass myself better than anyone else I know.

But I’m absolutely horrible at handling stress.

Of course, this little fault of mine worked really well when I was working in the corporate world, and it’s working even better with my life as a stay-at-home mom, but thanks to these 20 fast and effective ways to relieve stress RIGHT NOW, I’m handling life a little better these days.
I’m also drinking more, but that’s a post for another time…

31 Stress Relief Tips

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Stressed? With our busy lifestyles it is no wonder that so many of us are on the hunt for stress relief tips. Stress is something that is almost impossible to avoid completely due to the way that we are wired as well as our day-to-day lifestyles but, with that said stress can be easily dealt with and minimized. Here is Positivity Toolbox’s Top 31 Stress Relief Tips for Simply Living Well.

Remember: The worst thing you can do is nothing. Don’t delay. Start on these recommendations right away. Do something today!

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5 Tips for Growing Long Hair

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Even though hair just grows all on its own, without you having to even think about, growing out your hair is HARD! I’m not a big believer in all the supposed methods to make hair “grow faster”, but I also haven’t really tried them (I see an experiment in my future!). The key to growing long hair is to keep your hair HEALTHY! I have compiled a list of some of my favorite tips and tricks I have learned in the process of growing out my hair.

Sweat Everyday

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The training plan that follows is designed to get you to the point where you can run 30 minutes (about 2 miles) at a slow, relaxed pace. It's a simple, progressive program that begins with more walking than running, and gradually evolves into more running than walking. Each week's plan also includes a motivational quote and a training tip.

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20 Ways to Burn Calories Without Trying

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Do you feel like you have no time to workout? Do you have a full, demanding schedule or have a house full of kids (like me) that make exercise non-existent? Believe me, I’ve been there. I try to make it Pilates twice a week, but sometimes I want more exercise that my schedule allows. I’m sure you’ve been there too.