Friday, February 13, 2015

27 Awesome Easy Lunches To Bring To Work

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Deep down, you know the truth: Any lunch you make yourself will taste 17 times better than the slimy chopped salad you’d end up buying. Also, save your money for booze.

7 Secrets For Toned Upper Arms

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Okay, so some of us weren't born with slender-arm DNA. And while that will never stop us from appreciating everything our beautiful limbs allow us to do every single day (Hug. Hail a cab. Rock a burpee.), it can make us reach for a cardigan on those days when we don't really, truly need it. That's why we talked to some of our favorite trainers for their secrets for firming and defining the area that gravity just loves to play with. Check 'em out, give 'em a try—and then go put on a tank top and tell yourself you look hot. Because no matter what your upper arms are doing, if you think it, you are. And that's worth a high-five, wouldn't you say?

Lose Your Belly with Just Two Exercise Moves

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A couple of month's ago, Men's Health asked Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S.—one of the world's top trainers—to create a cutting-edge fat loss program for Men's Health. And, of course, he obliged. But a curious thing: One of the workouts in the plan featured just two exercises.

That's right: When asked to create a super-effective, calorie-torching routine, Cosgrove gave us a workout that had readers do only a dumbbell swing and a squat thrust. This confused some folks, who wondered, "How can you lose fat with just two exercises?"

Read More About Lose Your Belly with Just Two Exercise Moves

4 Weeks Beginners Running Program

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This plan is suitable for beginners who are fit and have exercised before (e.g. cycling, rowing, etc.), but are novice runners. Therefore, you should be able to walk briskly for 30 minutes several times a week before you start this program. If you can’t, start with the 10-week plan for beginners.

If you are already able to run, then join the program at the appropriate level. However, consider that being able run for 10 minutes nonstop once a week is easier than running it 4 times per week. Therefore, be objective. This program is only 4 weeks long anyway. That’s nothing. Hopefully you’ll be running regularly lifelong.