Friday, September 25, 2015

23 Best Moves for Beach Ready Legs [VIDEO]

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It’s almost unbelievable to think that spring is just around the corner. And right after that comes summer — everyone’s favorite time of year. So what does this mean? You only have a few months to get your legs ready for the beach. Luckily for you, we have a terrific list of 23 of the best exercises to get your legs toned, lean and sexy.

At-Home HIIT Workout With (Or Without) the Kids

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Have you ever had a day or two, or possibly an entire week, that you were cooped up at home? Due to bad weather or a sick child, no matter the circumstance, getting into the gym or out for a run just is not happening. Being stuck at home doesn’t have to mean TV time. Making your small entourage a part of the show can help your little ones relieve restlessness, too. I have a kid-friendly workout plan (age 4 and above tested and approved), that is fun and doesn’t require a lot of fancy equipment except for hand weights if you want a little extra toning.

Go Ahead: Drop It Like A Squat

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Squats are great fitness moves if you want to tone your quads and glutes! They will take your lower body strength to a whole new level. If you can’t get enough squats, check out the video above for six squat variations, or read the article below for 10 variations to keep your squat game on point.

18-Minute Total Body Disc Workout [VIDEO]

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Adding a pair of discs to your workout will ramp it up 10 notches. This is a challenging workout, so if you’re not quite sure it’s for you, watch it once through. Skinny Mom founder and CEO, Brooke Griffin, powers through this intense sequence, doing each exercise for a full minute. If you don’t have actual discs, you can use washcloths on hardwood floors or paper plates on rugs and carpet. Brooke will perform each exercise for one round, but it’s up to you to finish two more!

Back Fat Be Gone [VIDEO]

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It’s easier to work the muscles you see in the mirror, but what about your back? Founder and Skinny Mom CEO Brooke Griffin mixes creative and basic exercises for an intense back workout. These exercises do require some balance on your part, so if you feel that you can’t quite manage it, try it without the equipment. Otherwise, you’ll be using a stability ball and a pair of dumbbells. Keep the abdominal wall tight and engaged to support the back muscles as they work. Exhale on the contraction of the movement like you’ll see Brooke do.

Read more about Back Fat Be Gone [VIDEO]

25 Ab Exercises That Aren’t Crunches

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When you think about working your abs, your mind probably goes straight to sit-ups and crunches. For a long time, those were thought to be the most effective way to strengthen the abdominal wall. Sure, they do that; however, there are far more creative exercises that provide real life function and strength. Instead of aiming for a six-pack, try these exercises for pure core strength, which will improve your performance not only in workouts but in day-to-day life. Most of these exercises require no equipment — that means fewer excuses and more reason to go for it!

Melt Away Belly Fat with These 8 Moves

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As a woman, your body naturally stores body fat in the tummy, thighs and buttocks. (Yay for us!) Through exercise, though, you can ignite a fat-burning transformation. By isolating the core, you will direct the heat to the abdominal muscles and really melt away the belly fat!

Beastmode: Animal-Inspired Full Body Workout [VIDEO]

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Break into your wild side with these animalistic exercises sure to spark a burn! You’ll be sweating your way through the animal kingdom, using a resistance band and a stability ball. Real Mom Model Tina shows you how to get the most out of each strength move so your entire body benefits from it! Go ahead and claim your spot in the living room or the gym for the next 10 minutes. Time to work!

15 Animal Moves to Make You Foxy

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We often find ourselves in a rut.  Everyday you wake up, do the same things at the same time in the same order.  That’s great for keeping yourself organized, but it’s not exactly fun.  Don’t let your workout grow stale or you’ll get bored, plus your body needs a challenge! Some of the most interesting moves are ones found in nature. From the “inch worm” to the “downward dog”, we’ve got the best animals moves for a foxy body!

Get Sexy Legs at Home [VIDEO]

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There’s nothing better than working out in the privacy of your own home. Follow Real Mom Model Melissa through a leg circuit, doing 12 repetitions for each move. You’ll get breaks in between, but if you’re not feeling enough burn, add some dumbbells for extra resistance. You’ll probably need a countertop or chair back to help you balance during the first exercise. Go at your own pace and be mindful of your range of motion. Repeat this circuit as many times as you want!