Sunday, April 19, 2015

I Came, I Saw, I Contoured

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Get Motivated and Get Started

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Have you been ending each day thinking you could have done more and telling yourself, “I will start tomorrow”? For many people who battle with this daily conversation, “tomorrow” never actually arrives and they find themselves at year’s end still out of shape and unhappy with themselves. If you feel like you’ve been struggling to finally get on track, here are a few tips to get you motivated and on your way to achieving your fitness goals.

13 Healthy Living Struggles

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Choosing to live healthy isn't always a cakewalk, which is why we partnered with thinkThin protein bars to commiserate your daily struggles. We're right there with you.

It's a real challenge to give up bad habits, especially ones that we do every day without even thinking about it. Whether you're working hard to lose a little weight or just be a healthier human being overall, just know — we've all been there. But hey, every day is a new opportunity to achieve your goals, right?

Read More About 13 Healthy Living Struggles

Surprising Daily Habits Keeping You Overweight

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Having a routine keeps us organized, but sometimes these routines can turn into habits, and some of these habits are keeping you overweight. What if some simple changes in your day-to-day could help you shed some pounds? Well, it’s your lucky day! Men’s Health shared small changes you can make in your daily routine to help cut back, do better, slim down.

Burn More Fat With 5 Surprisingly Simple Expert Tips

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Boosting your metabolism doesn't have to feel out of reach and oh so elusive. We tapped nutrition and fitness experts for their top straightforward tips that can help you up your metabolic rate, burn more fat, and see real results.

How To Fire Up Your Fat-Burning Furnace

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Whether you're trying to lose or few pounds or maintain your current weight, most exercisers are interested in "burning fat" during their workouts. Of course, the fat-burning benefits of exercise vary based on when and what you last ate, what type of workout you're doing, how hard you're pushing—and countless other factors. On top of that, you've probably heard a lot of conflicting advice about what types of exercises burn the most fat. But I believe fitness professionals can all agree on one thing: The more calories you can burn, the more body fat you will lose. So what can you do to burn more calories and get the results you want?

9 Proven Ways to Never Regain Your Lost Weight

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Congratulations! You lost those unwanted pounds and are finally happy with what is staring back at you in the mirror. The road might have been tough, but you did it. Now comes the real test—keeping it off for good. All too often, people who lose weight tend to fall back into old and unhealthy habits that got them to their overweight status leading them back down the path to weight gain. However, you can lose weight and keep it off for good. Here are nine proven ways to make sure those pounds do not find their way back.

13 Tips to Restart Your Workout Regimen

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The good news for avid gym goers is that you no longer have to park at the far end of the parking lot, find a new spot in kickboxing class or wait endlessly for your favorite machine. The bad news is the reason for all of this—many people have given up on their resolutions to regularly exercise or have found many reasons to stop. If you have fallen off the fitness bandwagon, it is not too late to get back on board.