Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How to Lose Weight in Your Thighs

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If you go online and google how to lose weight in your thighs, you’re gonna get flooded with a whole lot of sites made by people who don’t really know what they’re talking about. They’ll tell you to do all sorts of leg exercises or even ride a bike to get your thighs under control.

But, this doesn’t really address the problem, does it? After all, leg exercises are designed to build muscle mass. Muscle mass adds size to your legs. And this is not what you’re after if you’re wanting to lose weight in your thighs, right?

Read More About How to Lose Weight in Your Thighs

The Crop Top Workout

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Hey everyone! It’s Karena and Katrina here. If you did our Daisy Duke Workout, you’re going to love this. As promised, today we’re sharing your Crop Top Routine! We have a secret: So many of our clients have asked us how to slim and tone up the waistline and upper body for dresses and tops. Our answer? Work your total body!Yup. Remember what we always tell you: Work those large muscles in your legs and booty at the same time as your abs and arms and you will burn way more calories, increase your metabolism, get faster results, have a more efficient workout, and as a bonus, your total body will be toned too. You’ll realize that there’s a method to our madness!

You’re going to love this routine anytime you want to tone up and tighten all over. Remember to pair it with your Daisy Dukes Workout for the ultimate routine for your favorite summer outfit. And here it is, the Crop Top Workout Routine…

Read More About The Crop Top Workout

Top 10 Exercises to Tone Your Butt

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 Hip-Lift Progression
This is an awesome way to relieve tension in your lower back and work your butt at the same time. (A cushy mat will keep your tailbone from crying afterward.)

Do it:   
Lie on your back with your arms at your sides with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.
Lift your hips toward the ceiling. Hold for 1 count, and then lower back down.
Repeat the lifts for 60 seconds, squeezing your glutes and hamstrings at the top of the range of  motion. 
Be careful not to overarch your spine.
To make this exercise more difficult, extend one leg at the top of the lift. 
Keep your thighs parallel     and hold the lifted position for about 5 seconds.
Keeping your hips up, place your foot back on the floor and then lower your hips.
Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds; switch sides and do the move for another 30 seconds on the other leg.

Don't Stop Until You"re Proud

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One of the latest and is quaint diets diet baby or jar, which main dish of the day the food of our sin , the jar . This diet has become famous because it is followed by some movie stars who as usual, no need to lose weight or go on a diet , but it simply associate this diet famous and great people get some value.

14 Easy No-Cook Appetizers That Are Guaranteed To Impress

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15 Best Quick and Easy Side Dishes

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Save time and energy with these easy, simple side dishes that complete any meal!

These easy, simple side dishes can help get dinner on the table fast. We just won’t tell the guests how easy they really are!