Friday, May 1, 2015

Caramel Hot Chocolate

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Have you ever wondered, why do we call it hot cocoa half of the time and hot chocolate the other half of the time? The answer is very simple really and makes complete sense. Hot cocoa is made from cocoa powder, therefor it doesn’t have the cocoa butter in it and hot chocolate is made from chocolate (which contains both the cocoa and cocoa butter).  It seems pretty obvious and I had never really thought about why there are two names, until I went to post this recipe and was wondering what to call it.

Read more about Caramel Hot Chocolate

4-Minute Beach-Ready Booty Blast

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It’s Summertime and that means it’s bikini time! Get that butt ready for the beach using this intense and fun 4-minute workout. Guaranteed to make you get rid of last year’s bikini and buy something that shows off that derrière you’ve worked so hard on. It’s recommended you add this to your workout routine twice a week to get the best results.

10 Tummy Tightening Foods

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Summer season has arrived and now it is the time to cut down the extra fat around our belly so that you can fit perfectly in your swim suit or outfit. There are many exercises that help to reduce weight. On the other hand some magical foods are nutritious as well as healthy because they have fat burning properties. You should plan a proper diet burn the extra calories.

Read More About 10 Tummy Tightening Foods

Super Foods For Your Hair

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All too often many of us expect a miracle in a bottle when we plunk down our $10, $20 (or even more) for the latest hair products that claim to be able to work wonders, if not miracles, for the condition of our hair. Just how effective any of these products are is highly debatable. What is not so unclear though is the fact that healthy hair actually begins on the inside and that as it is a part of the body like any other your diet can make a definite difference to the overall condition of your hair.

Read more About Super Foods For Your Hair

Crazy Good Core Routine

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Develop those core muscles and work away that belly as Skinny Mom Founder Brooke Griffin demonstrates a core routine convenient enough to do right at home! Grab a medicine ball and a squishy ball and let’s get started!

See More About Crazy Good Core Routine

12 Stretches for Slim and Sexy Hips

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Working in an office is the bane of everyone. Most of us have to do it to get a decent living but there will be times that we end up not moving much from our desks. What happens after that? We get all sorts of back ache and some sore muscles around our lower back, particularly our hip. Sitting around all day can make the muscles around your hip tighten and could make you feel pain in places you’re not supposed to feel pain in. You will definitely experience a few occurrences of this specially if you don’t move much from your chair.

4 Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat Fast

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Today there are many people who feel miserable because of their belly fat. Fat is a very big problem and belly fat is said to be most stubborn one. It looks very unpleasing and at the same time it increases the risk for many health problems also. Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes can be the result of obesity, especially belly fat.

Yoga is the best method to choose as it helps greatly in burning the belly fat. Here we are providing you the best 4 yoga asanas to reduce belly fat quickly.

Hate The Gym? Don't Skip Your Workout — Try These 3 Moves at Home

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Want to get in shape, but find there's always a reason why you can't work out? It's time to ditch the excuses!

Here are the top 3 excuses people make to skip a sweat session, and the best ways to beat them:

Diet Myths Causing Your Weight Gain

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There are a lot of tips floating around out there about the best way to lose weight, and even though you're following them to a T, the pounds are actually piling on instead of melting off. If you subscribe to one of the tips below, it may be the reason you're gaining weight — time to separate myth from fact.

Five Ways to Reduce and Prevent Bloating

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Feeling like you gained five pounds in five minutes is an unpleasant experience, and not for reasons having to do with appearance. Complaints of bloating are common, and while this abdominal-area discomfort affects many, the word is heard extra-frequently because it describes multiple conditions.

Dr. Lisa Ganjhu, D.O., clinical assistant professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, deals with many cases of bloating and, as a gastroentorologist, works to discern the causes and help patients understand their symptoms. According to Ganjhu, there are two main varieties of bloating.

How to Ease Back into an Exercise Routine

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Maybe you’re setting a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, or simply just to exercise more. Well, congratulations on taking the first step toward fitness! Getting back in the swing of things will be difficult at first, but completely worth it. Check out our tips to easing into a fitness routine!

How To Measure Body Fat

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Body fat. It’s not exactly a fun topic but knowing your body fat percentage — even if you’re slim — is important for your health. That’s because having a high amount of body fat is linked with several diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke, according to the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

Once you know your number, you can work on setting a realistic goal for lowering your body fat percentage if it’s high. The good news: Lowering your body fat percentage by a mere 10% can have a big impact on your health, improving your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, while boosting your energy and confidence. Talk about a win-win.

Read more about How To Measure Body Fat