Saturday, September 19, 2015

Get It Right, Get It Tight: Hamstring Ball Tuck

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Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and kick the feet up onto the stability ball. Make sure your heels are firmly planted on the top center of the ball. Squeeze the glutes to keep the hips lifted and in line with your legs and torso.

8 Tricks to Help You Get Back Into A Regular Exercise Routine

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I don’t know about you, but I have been SERIOUSLY slacking with my exercise routine lately.

It started about a week before my father-in-law saw me naked over the Christmas holidays, it got worse while I was slaving over the redesign of my blog, and it’s been spiraling out of control ever since.

And then this morning I made the fatal mistake of putting in my contacts BEFORE I had my shower, caught a glimpse of myself in our full-length mirror as I was toweling myself off, and had the shock of my life.

30 High-Energy Alternatives to Caffeine

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You’ve hit the slump in your day and reach for the Monster Energy Drink. It’s easy to guzzle down, get that zip of energy and charge through the rest of your work day like a champ. Caffeine has benefits, but can be harmful if not taken in moderation. Becoming dependent on caffeine can overload your adrenal glands and you’ll find yourself stuck in a cycle of fatigue. If you don’t want to rely on a big cup of coffee or energy drink, check out these foods, drinks and lifestyle changes you can make to increase your energy levels.

Build Your Workout Momentum with These Tips

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We have all made a resolution at one time or another to get healthy. We all say, “This is my year!” But in reality, life gets in the way and our momentum drops for one reason or another. Here are some tips to keep that momentum going so working out can become a lifestyle rather than an obligation.

Let’s Get Flexy: How to Be More Mobile

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Flexibility is not only about yoga and acrobatic tricks. There’s a very vital aspect to being able to move, reach, stretch, turn and be mobile. There are a few approaches to stretching as well, static and dynamic being two, offering different results. Instead of trying to throw yourself into some stretches, set yourself up for success by following along with very simple guidelines throughout the day. When it actually comes time to stretch, it won’t feel so impossible! Check out these 20 yoga moves for beginner benders!

Crop Top Belly Workout [VIDEO]

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There are tons of ab workouts out there, but this one is sure to fire up every muscle of the abdominal package for a lean and toned result. Follow Real Mom Model Jean Sherfick through 60 seconds of seven exercises. You’ll transition between isolation and compound moves to add functionality to your core. Get ready to throw on that crop top!

Strong, Sexy & Sculpted Arms in Only 7 Exercises

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Think about all of the things you do with your arms every day and all of the clothes you wear or wish you could wear that expose your arms. It’s so worth it to take a few minutes several times a week and show them some love. With these seven beginner moves, you’ll be able to work the biceps, triceps, chest, upper back and shoulders for a total upper body package. Take a look at these:

20 Moves to Tighten That Tushy

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The biggest muscle in your body is the gluteus maximus, also known as the derrière, backside, money maker, whatever you lovingly refer to yours as. It would love some attention from you! Try going through these 20 exercises to tighten, tone and tame your tush.

4 Pilates Moves You Need Now

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It’s no secret that Pilates is a great way to strengthen your body and mind. If you’re missing these four moves from your Pilates routine, you have to give them a try! Share your experience with us in the comments below after you’ve tried them out!

6 Butt Exercises For A Rounder and Lifted Butt

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It’s rare to find someone in the world of fitness who isn’t interested in building—or admiring—a bodacious booty. After all, a solid rump indicates a sturdy lower body that offers stability and power to many movements, in and out of the gym.

To create more desirable and stronger booty, here are 6 best butt exercises that shape the perfectly lifted butt men can’t stop staring.