Monday, July 27, 2015

5 Exercises for Beginners

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There are a lot of videos and articles on how to achieve mega-burn in your workouts. From toning your thighs to incorporating variety in your workout ball routine, many instructional articles offer help for those who are already in shape. What do you do if you’re out of shape, starting over after a long break, or are overweight? At Skinny Mom, we aren’t only concerned with offering help to women who are already in great shape.

Read more about 5 Exercises for Beginners

Turbocharge Your Routine: 10 Fat-Blasting Exercises

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Are you interested in adding some more “umph” to your workouts? Would you like to see some abs poking through, a little thigh gap, or toned, sculpted shoulders? If so, it’s time to say buh-bye to your traditional crunches and elliptical routine because they just don’t fit the bill. Women’s Health agrees and they’ve created a fab list of 10 exercises to turbocharge your routine and blast fat like a boss.

5 Tips for Faster Weight Loss

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There is no magic pill when it comes to weight loss. Those are words you have probably heard before. While there may be no magic pills that magically make weight degenerate before your eyes, there are steps you can take to speed up your fat loss without taking extreme or dangerous measures.

Burn Baby Burn! Blast the Baby Fat 7-Step Interval Routine

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Whether you have just had a baby or your baby is already boarding the school bus as you wave good-bye, finding time to burn the baby weight gained during pregnancy is a cumbersome task many women struggle with. Follow this 7-step fat blasting interval routine to maximize calorie blasting in minimal time.

Flat Belly Workout

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You can have a flat belly!  This workout targets the entire abdominal section, including those stubborn lower abs. By following our flat belly tips and workout, results should be visible within 4 weeks. Stick with it and show off your flat belly in time for summer.

Read more about Flat Belly Workout

21 Flat Belly Tips

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Has a little extra padding around your midsection gotten you down? We understand. When you’re as busy as we are, it much easier to reach for processed or fast foods, and to drive past the gym while shuttling the kids to soccer practice.  Believe it or not, maintaining a fit physique may be easier than you think. By following some simple tips, anyone can earn a flat belly.

Read more about 21 Flat Belly Tips

9 Proven Ways to Never Regain Your Lost Weight

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Congratulations! You lost those unwanted pounds and are finally happy with what is staring back at you in the mirror. The road might have been tough, but you did it. Now comes the real test—keeping it off for good. All too often, people who lose weight tend to fall back into old and unhealthy habits that got them to their overweight status leading them back down the path to weight gain. However, you can lose weight and keep it off for good. Here are nine proven ways to make sure those pounds do not find their way back.

Surprising Daily Habits Keeping You Overweight

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Having a routine keeps us organized, but sometimes these routines can turn into habits, and some of these habits are keeping you overweight. What if some simple changes in your day-to-day could help you shed some pounds? Well, it’s your lucky day! Men’s Health shared small changes you can make in your daily routine to help cut back, do better, slim down.

Rock Hard Total Body TRX Workout

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Putting yourself through a TRX workout is nothing short of a full body exercise experience. Just about every major muscle, and then some, is used to perform the exercises—most notably your core. And the nice part about using a TRX is that you don’t need any other piece of equipment to really feel it and improve your strength, balance and coordination.