Thursday, May 21, 2015

8 Natural and Effective Health and Beauty Tips with Baking Soda

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Baking soda uses are countless. This inexpensive product from your kitchen is a true multitasking wonder for a ton of DIY beauty, health and cleaning needs.

Today I want to share with you some health and beauty tips with baking soda that are completely natural and extremely effective.

Baking soda possesses a very strong anti-inflammatory properties, thus it is often used in cosmetics for treatment and prevention of certain skin conditions and diseases.

Easy and Effective Ways to Reduce Bloating for a Great Summer Body

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Nobody likes bloating. Let’s face it; there are times when it is just too difficult to get that unwanted bloating to go way. There are other times however, when it is really easy to reduce bloating and look much slimmer. Eating too much and too fast can cause you to look bloated. An easy way to fix this is of course to never overeat. You can also learn to chew food better and slower to reduce the amount of bloating that occurs.

15 Home Remedies to Reduce Cholesterol

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Under the new guidelines issued by the American Medical Association, roughly 1/3 of all adults should consider taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to control their cholesterol levels.  Many healthcare practitioners already feel there is an overuse of statin medication in the United States.  Statins may cause serious side effects, which I’ll get to in a bit.  Also, 50% of people who die suddenly from heart attacks do not have high cholesterol.   In this post we’ll discuss 15 home remedies to naturally reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of heart attack, the role of cholesterol in the body and side effects of stain medication.