Sunday, March 22, 2015

Test Your Metabolism Weight Loss

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Concerned about your shifting metabolism? You should be. We spend so much time analyzing how many calories we burn at the gym as we work hard to get into that seemingly elusive “fat burning zone”, but Clinical Nutritionist and Chiropractic Sports Physician, Dr. Len Lopez would like you to question, what you are burning the other 23 hours of the day.

Do you know if throughout the day your metabolism is predominantly burning carbohydrates and proteins (lean muscle) or do you burn calories from the breakdown of fats for energy? Dr. Len Lopez has developed a quiz to help you answer these questions and to find out how far you metabolism has shifted.

Get In The Fat Burning Zone

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Dr. Len Lopez, Clinical Nutritionist, Chiropractic Sports Physician, Strength and Conditioning coach, and author of To Burn or Not to Burn, Fat is the Question, believes he holds the key to the mystery. He believes that burning calories doesn’t always mean you are burning fat. He poses a good question to ponder, “Throughout the day, is your metabolism predominantly burning carbohydrates and proteins (lean muscle) or do you burn calories from the breakdown of fats fats for energy?”

Read More About Get In The Fat Burning Zone

Can You Think Yourself Thin?

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“I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me.” – Stuart Smalley

Our friend, Stuart was definitely onto something. Positive affirmations really do work. So can you think yourself thin?

Short answer: You bet you can!

Read More About Can You Think Yourself Thin?

11 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight

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We are our own worst enemy. How many times have you set a goal for yourself only to have set yourself up to fail…again? The good and bad news is that you aren’t alone. ”The statistics are bleak: only 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions stick to them, and those who don’t usually abandon them after just one week. Unrealistic resolutions are fated to fail. And it’s unrealistic to think that you can immediately overcome a habit you have spent years establishing.”

The Real Reasons Your Stomach Is Holding Onto Fat

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Love-handles, muffin-top, spare-tire. A rose by any other name ruins a bikini body all the same. If you’ve been working your tail off to get rid of stomach fat you aren’t alone. You also aren’t alone if you have tirelessly tried to get rid of stomach fat by using the two most common dieting methods: cutting calories and counting calories.

We have long known that cortisol production and chronic psychological stress are two known factors for weight gain, particularly in your stomach, but thanks to a study published in the US National Library of Medicine in 2010 we now know that “dieting” is to blame for your weight gain.

Read More About The Real Reasons Your Stomach Is Holding Onto Fat

Shed The LBS

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There is no magic pill when it comes to weight loss. Those are words you have probably heard before. While there may be no magic pills that magically make weight degenerate before your eyes, there are steps you can take to speed up your fat loss without taking extreme or dangerous measures.

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7 Skinny Swaps For Serious Weight Loss

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You had a long day, the kids are asleep, you’re looking forward to enjoying a peaceful night’s sleep and then all of a sudden it hits you – your sweet tooth. And even though you know it’s bound to rear its ugly head at some point in the day, silencing it by ignoring it or wishing it away just doesn’t work. So what do you do? You could bust out that carton of Ben & Jerry’s or polish off your kid’s leftover birthday cake, but do you really want to do that? Probably not.

Read More About 7 Skinny Swaps For Serious Weight Loss

24 Tips To Lose Weight

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We all know that if we want to lose weight and stay in shape, eating well and exercising are pretty essential. But did you know you could lose weight without exercising or always eating healthy food? We aren’t suggesting that following these tips means you should cancel your gym membership and go on a food splurge (don’t). But doing some or all of the things in this roundup can certainly complement your weight-loss efforts.

Read More About 24 Tips To Lose Weight

6 Ways To Bust Any Exercise Excuse

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Most people begin a new fitness program with great intentions and lots of motivation--only to find both waning within a few weeks. The realities of work, school, social and family demands overwhelm the desire to get fit, and exercise gets puts on the back burner. Before you start your next fitness kick, use these 6 strategies to make sure you don't use "being busy" as an excuse to not get moving.

Read More About 6 Ways To Bust Any Exercise Excuse

9 Easy Homemade Skin Lightening Remedies

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Avoid lightening the skin tone using harsh, chemical-loaded cosmetics which are expensive at the same time. Try out these cost-effective easy homemade skin lightening remedies which will brighten and whiten the skin and impart it with a natural glow. These home made whitening creams will also boost hydration and glow, thereby offering you gorgeous looking skin. This is a perfect solution on how to get lighter skin tone.

Read More About 9 Easy Homemade Skin Lightening Remedies