Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Upper Body Toning Workout

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Create a strong, sexy upper body with this workout routine. By working the larger muscle groups in your upper body, you’ll be showing off toned arms in no time!

What To Do For This Workout: Watch all video demonstrations before beginning your upper body workout. Perform 15 reps of each exercise and jump into the next exercise immediately. Rest 30 seconds between sets. Increase the amount of weight you use with each circuit. For advanced exercisers, return to the lighter dumbbells for the 4th circuit.

Read more about Upper Body Toning Workout

Lean and Toned Legs Workout

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This leg routine will work your lower body muscles from different angles, leaving you with lean and toned legs. In order to get the best results be sure to work legs two times weekly, follow a clean eating plan, drink plenty of water, and perform at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activities three or more times weekly.

Killer Legs and Butt Workout

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This workout is designed to maximize fat loss while toning and defining leg and glute muscles. It is recommended to perform the workout below two times weekly for optimal results.

Circuit resistance training is a great way to burn fat and build muscle. The training in this workout is designed to get your heart pumping while at the same time toning and defining muscles. Resistance training is a great way to rev up your metabolism and keep it going, even at rest.

How To Get A Bigger Butt – 28 Day Program

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Has your butt lost its round, youthful appearance? Did you know that it’s possible to reshape and build a bigger butt naturally? By naturally, we mean using exercises that are specifically for reshaping and sculpting your butt. Here’s a 28-Day program that is designed to give your butt a more youthful and sculpted look. 

If you are in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, or beyond, the get a bigger butt program is ideal for you. It is a comprehensive 28-Day program that targets every angle of the three gluteal muscles. Aging often has a negative effect on the glute muscles, causing them to droop and lose their youthful round and toned appearance. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned athlete, you can benefit from the How To Get A Bigger Butt in 28 Days Program. 

5 Easy Homemade Herbal Cleaners

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Does the odor of chemical household cleansers singe your nose hairs? Do the harsh chemicals ruin your skin and nails? Do you just want to live a cleaner lifestyle with fewer chemicals? If you like the idea of kinder, gentler cleaners, then consider mixing up your own cleansers using natural products, like herbs and lemons.

6 Ways to Detox Your Body

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Feeling tired? Drained? Stressed? Do you need a bit more get-up-and-go? Toxins from the food we eat or our environment may be weighing us down. It might be time to try detoxing body strategies that will help you look better and feel more energetic. The good news is that you don’t need pricey spa treatments or medical procedures to detox. We’ve got 6 body detox techniques to try.

Read more about 6 Ways to Detox Your Body

6 Must-Do Exercises for Toned Arms

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The days are getting longer and the air outside is getting warmer. You know what that means… it’s time to take out those tank tops and sleeveless dresses! If a little jiggle in the arm area has made you reluctant to welcome the arrival of spring and summer, we’ve got some exercises just for you. Here are 6 exercises that give you sexy and toned arms that will just beg to be shown off deep into fall.