Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Simple Green Smoothie Formula

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World is a Great Gymnasium

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Make Today Amazing

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9 Effective Herbs For Diabetes

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Diabetes is mostly characterized by the increased level of sugar in the blood. There is a hormone in our body named insulin. In diabetes, this hormone is not utilized to its full potential and hence there is an increase in the blood sugar levels.

An unbalanced diet and other bad habits such as smoking and drinking are some of the major reasons behind people developing diabetes. Sometimes, hereditary factors can also lead to diabetes. However, there is no need to worry as there are many herbal treatments available that can help to control your diabetes to a large extent. We are going to take a look at some of these herbal remedies in detail.

1. Onion: This is one of the best herbal remedies that you can use to keep your diabetes under check. This is mainly because onion contains ingredients known as allicin and ally propyl disulphide or APDS. These ingredients in onion regulate sugar levels in the blood and hence are vital in controlling the diabetes. All you have to do is increase the intake of onion in your diet. You can also eat onion in its raw form but avoid overeating.

2. Garlic: This good herbal treatment provides the same results as that provided by garlic. This is mainly because garlic too contains propyl disulphide or APDS and allicin, which help to regulate the sugar levels in the blood. You can consume garlic either in its raw form or can include it in your daily diet.

3. Gooseberry: Amla or Indian Gooseberry is one of the most effective herbal treatments that can help to control diabetes. This is mainly because; Indian Gooseberry contains high amount of Vitamin C, which is essential in keeping control of the blood sugar levels. You can consume Amla either in its raw form or can extract its juice and drink it on a daily basis. Doing this, for at least a period of two months on a regular basis can provide you significant results in your condition of diabetes.

4. Blueberry: This one is another highly effective herbal treatment that can help to control diabetes. This is mainly because the leaves of Blueberry contains some natural ingredients that regulate the blood sugar levels and hence help in keeping diabetes under control. Furthermore, it is also a good astringent and hence also proves highly beneficial in any kind of kidney or prostate disorders. Thus, with this herbal remedy you will not only be able to control your diabetes but can also stay healthy and fit.

5. Bitter Gourd: There is no other best herbal remedy than bitter gourd for diabetes. This is mainly because of the several benefits it provides to a person suffering from diabetes. Consuming two glasses of bitter gourd juice not only helps a person with diabetes to keep diabetes under control but also flushes out all the toxins from the body. This helps the person to stay overall fit and he/she doesn’t fall prey to any other diseases. Thus, a person suffering from diabetes needs to drink at least two glasses of bitter gourd juice every morning and at night to get the best results.

6. Fenugreek: The plant of Fenugreek is also one of best herbal remedies that a diabetic person can use to get rid of diabetes. The Fenugreek seeds are known for the anti-diabetic properties. The seeds of the Fenugreek contain some ingredients known as the nicotinic acid, trognelline and coumarin. All these ingredients are known for the anti-diabetic properties and hence work wonders and help a person suffering for diabetes to control the diabetes.

7. Green Tea: This highly effective herb is known for its variety of medicinal properties. Green tea when consumed by a diabetic patient helps to control the sugar levels in the blood. It also assists in flushing all the toxins out from the body thereby cleansing the person’s body. However, it is important to note that green tea should be consumed without adding sugar to it as it can spoil the action of green tea by increasing the sugar levels in the blood.

8. Ginseng: This is another highly effective herbal remedy that can help you to control your diabetes to a large extent. The Asian Ginseng has been commonly used to get rid of diabetes in Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. The consumption of this herb aids the release of the insulin from the pancreas and also enhances the production of insulin receptors. It is also known to reduce the level of sugars from the blood. Drinking extract of Asian Ginseng on a regular basis can help a diabetic patient to control diabetes to a large extent.

9. Bitter Melon: This is another effective herbal remedy for diabetes. Bitter melon has some natural ingredients that are known for their anti-diabetic properties. These natural ingredients are known to regulate the sugar level in the blood. However, one important thing to note about consuming bitter melon is its excessive consumption can lead to some side-effects such as diarrhea. Thus, it is advisable that you consume bitter melon in moderation.

These were some of the herbs, which when consumed on a regular basis can help you to control your diabetes to a large extent. Apart from using this herbal remedy for diabetes and including these herbs in your daily diet, it is also essential for you to eat all the right things and stay away from the bad habits such as smoking and drinking.

Alcohol can only deteriorate your condition of diabetes and hence it is advisable that you totally cut the consumption of the alcohol Also, avoid drinking any kind of sweetened or flavored drinks. Cut the sugar content from tea and focus on drinking green tea.

If You Hate Starting Over

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Depression is an illness that not only involves physical body but also the thought pattern and mind of an individual. It does not vanishes with days but it affects the thought of an individual resulting in poor efficiency .It is an illness that causes negative thoughts to take impingent role in one’s life pattern. It is also be defined as an allergy, which causes a person to remain unhappy, may be due to emotional or mental stress or due to overdose of antibiotics .Anxiety is also a major factor for depression.

Bipolar Depression:
Also known as manic-depressive illness and it is generally not common. Characterized with mood swings with counter between sometimes low and sometime high depression.

Major Depression:
It would only occur once but is repeated more than once in one’s lifespan it affects the normal routine course of an individual.

It is not the complex type of depression but does not go away with time .It affects the normal human mood.

Home remedies:
A Rose petal with a cup of boiling water with added sugar is taken whenever feeling depressed.
Fine mixture of 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg powder and 1 tablespoon of freshly prepared amla juice mixture is consumed for 3 times a day for effective treatment of depression.
Licorice tea is used for proper treatment of diabetes. Not more than 3 cups should be consumed daily. This remedy is very effective and one of the best home remedy for depression.

Root of asparagus is an important food in treatment of depression .Few grams of powdered roots of asparagus can be taken regularly .One of the bet natural remedy for depression.

Various yogic techniques employed for depression relief. Yoga asana based on rhythmic breath pattern are employed at various mental institutions to get people relieved from depression.
Tea along tulsi leaves and sage seeds mixed with it are taken regularly for effective treatment of depression.

Relaxation and meditation also helps in relieving depression .You can practice shava asana under some expert .As meditation is based on focusing your mind thoughts on a particular thought for a period of time hence it’s kind of a mind training leading to a healthy living with proper mind functioning. A proper diet is taken with all the required nutrients.

Some food for depression:
Herbal Tea: one tablespoon of chamomile in boiling water and drink it. Another domestic remedy is a holy basil and sage tea. Orange juice also reduces depression .Regular intake of orange juice in breakfast also improves the immune system. Almonds and apricots also help in building a sound mind.

Why Woman Should Lift Weights?

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We know that increasing and maintaining adequate muscle mass is one of the best ways to keep body fat at bay and to improve overall fitness, particularly as we age. We also know that weight lifting is the best way to build muscle mass. Still, the number of women who actually participate in any formal or consistent weight training workout is still extremely low. Most women who exercise are spending most of their gym time on cardiovascular exercise. Whatever your reasons for avoiding the weights, if you are a woman, here are ten reasons why you need to take strength training seriously.

Read More About Why Woman Should Lift Weights?