Saturday, July 4, 2015

30 - Minute Crunchless Abs Workout

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Do you have “mommy tummy?” If yes, then girl, STOP doing those crunches and sit-ups and take a minute to read this.

One of my most clicked-on posts is called, “is it too late to close my diastasis?” I wrote this post quite a while ago, and although the first part of the post is great, the strengthening routine is super confusing!!! Rather than creating a single, unified video with clear instructions, I took the lazy way out and pieced together multiple clips from previous YouTube videos I’d created. Not cool.

20 Effective Shoulder Exercises You Should Include In Workout

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Any upper body exercise, or in fact, anything that involves the use of your upper body, needs strong shoulders. Shoulder injuries are one of the most common injuries people suffer from. The reason is neglecting your shoulder muscles and not giving them the TLC they deserve.

3 Best Exercises To Improve Hunchback Posture

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Are you worried about your back posture? Have you often experienced trouble at work while trying to sit? Do you think having a hunchback is making you less attractive and confident? If that was a yes, then this article would be just the one for you.

Some of the best hunchback posture exercises have been enlisted here. They are simple, effective and show results super quick. Would you like to know what they are?

2 Effective Ways To Burn 300 Calories At Home

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Whenever we think of losing a few pounds, it feels like a huge burden, and just the thought of losing weight can make many people feel tired. But, it is not a big a deal! If you have not been able to take the next step because you are too busy to join a gym, then you must read on this article.

Your home has everything you need to burn and sweat all that extra weight out. There are a few simple ways to burn those calories without going to the gym, in the comfort of your own home! 

3 Powerful Superfood Skin Solutions

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If you spend some time thinking about it, it’s pretty odd that people would spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on skin care products that are packed with toxic chemicals when there are natural substitutes available and are way cheaper that can do miracles for your skin. Take a closer look at these 3 superfood skin solutions below. Whether for aging signs, skin dryness and sensitivity or acne there are wonderful home remedies that you can try. For acne, for example, you can utilize honey, nutmeg and lemon, which will effectively clear your skin in just a matter of days or a few weeks.

15 Workout For Flat Stomach

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As women when we get around middle age and begin to become mommies. This transition is such a beautiful on getting to raise your own babies and taking care kids. After taking the hardest job in the world, being a mother you will that you gained weight and you belly isn’t flat anymore .and let not even start with the excess skin you wish you did not have.

Read more about 15 Workout For Flat Stomach