Wednesday, September 16, 2015

16 Fun Exercises to Help Blast That Belly Fat

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Losing weight is a goal that most people set for themselves. But it’s usually easier said than done. Burning the fat that your body has acquired throughout the years from lack of activity really requires yourself to be determined and disciplined. To burn belly fat, you need to follow a healthy and sensible diet and a consistent exercise routine.

Many people feel that they only need to do one or the other but that’s not the case at all. To lose fat you have to sweat, a lot. Aerobics and other exercises that can get your heart pumping is the trick in most, if not all weight loss plans for women.

6 Butt Exercises That Don’t Hurt Your Knees

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Lunges and squats are often referred to as the masters of lower body exercises. In addition to your legs, these functional, compound exercises also work your buttocks.

However, poor form, a muscle imbalance, the consistent overload on your knees, and the repetitive motion, can make these exercises wreak havoc on your knees.

6 Best Lower Back Exercises for Women

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Back pain is the second most common neurological ailment in adults (only headaches top it). The good news is that by strengthening and stretching the muscles in your back (which, with your abs, make up the all-important core), you can relieve and prevent pain.

In fact, research shows that the sooner patients with minor back pain begin exercising, the quicker they recover.