Thursday, March 19, 2015

30 Minutes Full Body Burner Circuit Workout

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Take 30 minutes out of your day to crush it! This Get Fit 2015 Challenge workout will leave you dripping with sweat and toned all over. Plus, you keep moving throughout the 30 minutes to burn serious calories while building metabolism-boosting muscles. Grab a set of medium weights, press play, and bring it!

See More About 30 Minutes Full Body Burner Circuit Workout 

Abs On Fire Workout

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Get ready to torch some calories and tone your abs with this 10-minute workout from Jeanette Jenkins, president of The Hollywood Trainer. It's high-energy and fun! Mixing full-body exercises with ab-sculpting moves, Jeanette works your abs from every conceivable angle for a seriously toned midsection. Press play, and get ready to sweat.

See More About Abs On Fire Workout

30 Minute No Gym Bodyweight Workout

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Ready to strengthen, stretch, and break a sweat? This high-intensity bodyweight workout is a simple, effective way to work the whole body—without any machinery or extra equipment. From heart-pumping jump tucks to core-blasting mountain climbers, these supersetted moves will help build strength and boost metabolism with just body resistance alone. 

So take this workout from Greatist's fitness editor to the park, the playground, or the living room floor—there's no excuse to skip a workout again! Next up, be sure to check out our complete list of 50 bodyweight exercises to mix and match for countless equipment-free workouts.

See More About 30 Minute No Gym Bodyweight Workout

7 Ways to Get Exercise on Indoor Days

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With the weather turning and sniffles coming, there’s bound to be some indoor play in your future. But kids staying cooped up all day can create chaos of a different kind. We all know they need to exercise and release energy (preschoolers need 90-120 minutes a day), no matter what the elements are doing outside.

Here are some fun, creative ways to exert energy indoors. This will challenge their minds and bodies – and make them tired enough for bedtime.

Read More About 7 Ways to Get Exercise on Indoor Days

Coconut Oil Honey Hair Mask

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Using coconut oil has many advantages. It can be used as a lip balm or even as a hair mask. You can create a special hair mask and then offer it as a Christmas gift. All natural homemade gifts are really special and quite efficient. And this homemade recipe doesn’t cost too much. All of the ingredients used for the homemade hair mask have different properties. Let’s take the coconut oil, for example. It makes the dandruff go away because it has an antifungal and antibacterial effect. 

It is rich in vitamins like vitamin K, vitamin E as well as iron. Another ingredient that you`ll be mixing for this special homemade hair mask is honey. Honey moisturizes the hair. It also has antibacterial properties, just like coconut oil. And if it is used frequently it naturally lightens hair in time. Which is a great option for those who don’t want to ruin their natural hair color by dying it with a lot of nasty chemicals. 

You`ll also be using apple cider vinegar that keeps the pH of your hair in balance. Vinegar is a sort of acid that quickly gets rid of any shampoo or styling products that leave residues on your hair. 

10 Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea

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1. Digestion- the chamomile tea, after meals, is assuring a proper digestion.

2. Stomach strength- chamomile supplements are often used in treating ulcers and gastric problems.

3. Cold- chamomile hot tea and chamomile oil diluted in water, for inhalation, are good remedies for all sorts of cold types.

Read More Benefits About Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea

You Should Be Lifting

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Walk into your local fitness center and you’re likely to see women everywhere. We are finally being encouraged to get into the world of fitness. We are applauded for our muscle-toned physiques and praised in a world previously known only to men. Fitness isn’t just for male counterparts. In 2007, the National Sporting Goods Association released a report that females represented 50 percent or more of participants in physical activities. (See the report here.) 

Hurray for ladies! But if you read beyond the first paragraph it isn’t much further until you see that the percentage of women participating in weight lifting is well below men, at 36 percent.

Read More About You Should Be Lifting

Don’t Be A Girl Be A Woman And Weight Train

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The other day I politely scolded a young friend who is a regular in my classes. I often see her going from one cardio machine to another for at least an hour if not longer. She sometimes works out before she attends classes. I see her do box jumps faster than anyone I know. She can run fast (she placed first in her age group in the local 5K) and can crank out tuck jumps like there is no tomorrow. Why did I scold her? Because I never see her lift weights unless she is in class.

Tight Ass Workout

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                                                    These poses will get your rear in gear—fast!

See More About Tight Ass Workout

25 Gliding Disc Moves

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If you make use of moving discs, you know that they add a brand-new dimension to your workout, and also could take physical body sculpting, equilibrium as well as cardio to a whole new level! If you don't own a set of gliding discs, now is the time to spend. 

They're little enough to ensure that you can keep them in your health club bag, or you could possibly keep them in your residence gym for a quick workout on those days when you don't have time for the gym. Plus, they're created so that you could utilize them on both carpeting and difficult floors, so you actually have no reason not to make use of these in your workouts! Look at these 25 moves you could make use of with your moving discs below,.

Read More About 25 Gliding Disc Moves

Ninja Core Workout

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I structured this workout to alternate between an active core exercise and a static core exercise. So you will do one exercise that has you moving and then move on to one that has you hold your body in one position, repeated through all 10 exercises.

You will do each exercise for :30 seconds and then immediately move into the next with no rest in between. The whole workout should only take you five minutes. I did the workout two times through, with a 10 minute run in between sets. Feel free to go through this workout as many or as few times as you like. It is designed to be customized to your fitness level and how much time you have.

Read More About Ninja Core Workout

6 Ways To Learn To Pace Yourself

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Depending upon the race and planned distance pace and effort will change, but the ideal for each run is to start with the first mile being the slowest as your body warms up and adapts to the movement. This is why a longer warm-up is recommended for shorter races.

Recent studies have shown that the negative split is LESS likely to produce PR’s than running a consistent pace throughout the race. In order to do that one must spend a little more time practicing tuning in to the body during training and learning how different paces feel. 

See more about 6 Ways To Learn To Pace Yourself

32 Amazing Benefits Of Watercress

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Hailing from the family of mustard, watercress is cruciferous. You can add the stems and leaves of this veggie to your salad to get a healthy spicy touch, thanks to its peppery nature. Packed with loads of vitamins and minerals, this leafy green veggie comes with countless health benefits. A super veggie in the true sense of the word, watercress easily grabs its special place in the heart of those who are on a flab to fab journey.

Read More About 32 Amazing Benefits Of Watercress

10 Foods You Should Never, Ever Eat

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All things in moderation, so the saying goes. With some food, though, the old adage doesn’t ring true. The following foods are so damaging to our health that complete avoidance would be a much better idea! I understand people have different philosophies on food, so if you disagree with one of these food items, that is your opinion and all opinions are respected. If you feel like a food item was missed and should be added, please let me know in the comments below!

Read More About 10 Foods You Should Never, Ever Eat

10 Fat Burning Foods

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Belly fat, a common problem where the mid-portion comes bulging out. We all hate it because it stops us from wearing skirts or dresses because the belly portion is too evident. Start by knowing the reasons for fat accumulation in your tummy so that you can take the necessary steps.

See More About 10 Fat Burning Foods

7 Ways to Reduce Belly Fat

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Due to basic bio mechanics, your body follows a specific pattern for fat storage by giving preference to certain body parts. Thus, getting rid of fat from any particular part of the body, especially belly, thighs and buttocks requires a holistic approach.

1. Combination of proper weight loss diet and routine physical exercise is the most basic step useful in reducing belly fat. Diet should emphasize on less fats and carbohydrates and more proteins.In terms of exercise, focus on cardiovascular and strength training exercises rather than relying on ab crunches or other target exercises alone. Weight training and cardio exercises play a key role in burning fat efficiently.

2. Yoga serves as a highly beneficial therapy to eliminate belly fat. Aerobic exercises also aid in belly fat loss.Here’s a video showing how to lose belly fat through yoga.

3. Keeping your belly sucked in is another popular natural remedy to get rid of belly fat. It is believed that sucking the stomach in (ab vacuum) strengthens and improves stomach muscles, thereby creating a flattened look.Try to follow this simple home remedy as much as possible (along with other exercises) for losing belly fat. While following this tip, make sure you maintain proper body posture.

4. Replace unhealthy and fatty junk foods with fresh fruits, salads, sprouts, legumes, low fat milk, cheese, yogurt, nuts, seeds etc. Cut back on bad carbs like white flour, white rice, alcohol and retain the good carbs present in brown rice, whole grain cereals, whole grain breads etc.Plus, have more liquids; having plain water, herbal teas sweetened with honey is the best tip in this regard. Needless to add, stay away from highly sugary drinks like sodas if you are serious about your fat loss plan.

5. Nevertheless, do not become obsessed with fruit juices, especially the readymade ones. Instead, opt for natural juices. Intake of fresh fruits (citrus fruits, in particular) is even better because they have fiber.

6. Taking half a teaspoon of roasted and powdered fennel seeds is valuable in healing this problem.

7. Include activities like brisk walking, running, swimming and other sports in your lifestyle to cure this problem naturally by increasing metabolism.Plus, improve your lifestyle. Do not skip breakfast; it is the most important meal of the day. In addition, avoid having late dinners. It is best to have dinner about 3 hours prior to bedtime.

Note: Answer to your query of how to get rid of belly fat also lies in belly fat treatments such as temporary quick fixes, cosmetic surgeries and other such solutions but remember that these treatments have their own risks.

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Running

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Running is an effective exercise to lose flab and maintain optimum body weight. Running requires plenty of energy which burns a lot of calories. The amount of calories a runner burns depends on factors such as running efficiency and intensity, and the runner’s weight. Many people find it difficult to trim stubborn belly fat. Such individuals can try running to cut down belly flab and become trim.

Cardiovascular Health: Running lowers blood pressure and helps the arteries remain elastic. In sedentary people, the arteries remain static, but while running they expand and contract at a much higher rate. This improves the body’s overall functioning. This factor minimizes the risks of stroke and heart attack as your heart health is improved by leaps and bounds.

Running Slows Down Aging: Running prevents muscle and bone loss, which occur naturally due to aging. In fact, regular running strengthens the bones. In sedentary people, the bones become weak due to lack of exercise. This makes them more vulnerable to osteoporosis, which strikes with age. But, runners tax their bones and muscles continuously, which stimulates and strengthens them to remain firm even in old age.

Psychological Benefits of Running: Running has many mental health benefits too. Research reveals that runners are happier and less stressed compared to sedentary people. Running releases hormones called endorphins which enhance the mood by creating a feeling of euphoria. This is called runner’s high. Running also alleviates stress as the runner focuses intently on his running, forgetting about mundane daily worries. When a runner finishes his race, they feel positive pride in accomplishing this task.

Running Improves CoordinationAnother important benefit of running is improved coordination. This is true especially in the case of trail running as it involved running over unpaved trails. This activity improves coordination as you need to beware of obstacles like roots and rocks. Thus, runners can control their bodies better because while running all your faculties need to combine to keep your frame upright. It is therefore no surprise that runners move more smoothly and fluidly compared to sedentary individuals.

Running Improves Quality of Sleep: Regular runners sleep better. This is because exercise taxes their body and they need adequate rest to recoup after their strenuous running sessions. Sound sleep and rest are important for runners because otherwise they face the risk of over training and over training which can affect their health.

Health Note: We are sure this article has convinced you about the various benefits of running.But, before your start, get a through health check-up and the green signal from your doctor.