Tuesday, June 30, 2015

18 Simple Exercises To Battle The Belly Bulge

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There is nothing sexier than a tight and toned stomach. For us women, it sometimes can be a difficult area to tone. But have no fear, here are 20 easy exercises that can get rid of your flabby belly in no time.

Do a couple when you have some time to spare, or do them all for one great abs and core workout. If you do this 3 times a week, in 2 weeks’ time, you’ll start to notice difference in your belly. But word of caution, to get the abs to show, you have to watch your diet as well.

10 Toughest Core Exercises Ever

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Who doesn’t want a tight and toned core, and perhaps abs that pop? In addition to looking great, a strong core really cuts down on back soreness and aches and pains, so core training isn’t just vanity, it’s healthy!

Here are some of our favorite core-strengthening exercises to get you baring your belly and standing straighter than ever.

5 Exercises To Solid Abs

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You don’t need crunches to get solid abs. Here are some simple unconventional ways to achieve strong functional abs without having to spend hours at the gym. They can be done after your regular gym session or integrated with you workout. The great thing about these training methods is that they will get you results and they can all be done easily with minimal equipment. Doing a 5 minute circuit of all the exercises after finishing a workout in the gym is ideal. Start feeling the burn.

Read more about 5 Exercises To Solid Abs

17 Tips To Ensure An Awesome Workout

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We’ve all been there. You know, that dark place where it feels like nothing short of a personal invitation from Brad Pitt will get you off the couch and into the gym. But whether you’re battling workout boredom, weight loss plateaus, or injuries, you don’t have to let any obstacle sidetrack your fitness. All you need is the right preparation. These 17 tips will get you ready and rekindle your passion for working out.

10 Simple and Effective Abs Exercises

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Athletes from all sports from soccer to hockey to basketball base their training on improving the strength of their core using compound movements. That’s great for professional athletes but what about everyone else? What about girls who just want to get a flat stomach?

Everyone is different; some may get a flat stomach from solely working the belly to exhaustion while others may get their abs to pop without a single situp. But to train the core effectively, it comes down to the three planes of motion: frontal, sagittal, and transerve. Doing abs exercises in a circuit style keeps the intensity high and will likely lead to more fat loss.

8 Strength Training Moves To A Fit and Toned Body

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Human movement can be reduced to three basic categories: pushing, pulling, and hip extension (squatting, jumping, running, and even riding a bike). Functional fitness begins with learning good form for this essential repertoire and then gradually adding weight and difficulty to build stability and strength.

Doing the below exercises correctly with five pounds, in other words, is better than doing them poorly with 100 pounds. In the words of Gray Cook, one of the founding fathers of functional training, “Don’t add strength to dysfunction.”

10 Benefits of Squats And Why You Need Them

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If you’re not used to doing them, squats can be more difficult, than you might have thought, but once you’ve mastered the technique, you can do them just about anywhere and they are a great way to tone your legs and your backside, but doing squad exercises is also beneficial for other parts of your body, so here are ten benefits of squats and reasons why you should be doing squat exercises, as a part of your fitness regime:

8 Tips For Healthy Eating and Weight Loss

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Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health, and can help you feel your best. It doesn’t have to be difficult either.

Starchy foods should make up around one third of the foods you eat. Starchy foods include potatoes, cereals, pasta, rice and bread. Choose wholegrain varieties (or eat potatoes with their skins on) when you can: they contain more fibre, and can help you feel full.

8 Reasons Your Body Needs A Workout

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Losing inches shouldn’t be your only motivation for hitting the gym. With regular training sessions, your entire body benefits. According to a research review in the International Journal of Clinical Practice, regular exercise can help cut your risk of more than 20 illnesses, including cancer and heart disease.

“Exercise is essential for losing and maintaining weight loss,” says sports scientist Jane Poley,  “but the other benefits are just as important.”

Show Off Your Flat Tummy With These 8 Killer Moves

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Want great abs? This ab-stastic workout routine combines fat-burning cardio with moves that target your entire core rather than individual muscles so you’ll burn more fat while toning up. Feel the results the first week, see the toned abs start to show in the third.