Saturday, June 27, 2015

7 Tips to Staying Fit Throughout The Year

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Getting fit doesn’t have to be difficult – you can drop weight by following these simple tricks that can do wonders for your body. You will have lots of fun while getting in shape. Plus, you don’t need to spend tons of money on the gyms.

6 Effective Ways To Get Your Body Bikiny Ready

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With summer fast approaching, it’s time to start preparing your body for the summer season right now. Women tend to work out, make diet changes, and switch up their skincare routines when summer hits, however, why not get your body summer ready well in advance? You will avoid committing skincare mistakes, tone up your body and be ready to hit the beach as soon as the weather permits. Check out what you should do to get your body summer ready in a month.

25 Effective Exercises To Get Rid Of Back Pain

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Is your work, family life or personal life, suffering due to your back ache? Don’t suffer in silence and don’t keep trying to ‘walk it off’. If your back pain is persistent and won’t go away with rest or OTC painkillers, it is time to consult a doctor. Research says that about 85% of people are affected by bad back pain at least once in their lives!

15 Minute Full Body Workout To Tone Your Body

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Do you want a fit body to die for? But do you often worry you don’t have enough time to work out? With our hectic schedules and never-ending work, we can hardly find time for intense exercise.

But what if you could tone your whole body in just 15 minutes? Unbelievable, isn’t it? But there does exist a workout, which covers four routines in 15 minutes and can work your entire body! Chiselled abs and a leaner body, just by working out for 15 minutes a day! Now, how do you like that!

15-Minute Allover Toning Workout with Tracy Anderson

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Tracy Anderson, the mastermind celebrity trainer, shares a 15-minute allover toning routine on Goop to act as an additional set to your daily regimen or to be a stand alone workout if you only have 15 minutes to spare for a sweat sesh. Either way, you’ll love the way your body feels after this total body toner!

Top 7 Kettlebell Ab Exercises For Beginners

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There are various exercises one does in a gymnasium from weight training to cardio and rock climbing. The latest on the scene are kettlebell exercises which are gaining popularity. What are kettlebell exercises?  In the early 1700s, cannonballs-shaped iron orbs with handles lifted in a swinging motion were developed by the Russian men for building strength, balance, suppleness and stamina. They were used by military personnel, weightlifters and martial artists long before it became a mainstream personal fitness tool. 

A kettlebell instructor, Micheal Shade says that instead of lifting weights for half an hour and doing a treadmill for another half hour, one could easily gain from doing kettlebell workout in 20minutes.