Thursday, July 2, 2015

Sculpting Workout for a Beautiful Back and Shoulders

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With tank top season slowly creeping its way in, now’s the time to focus on sculpting a sexy upper body. All you need are a few good exercises that target your shoulders in addition to creating a strong and sexy back. Remember, just because you can’t see what’s behind you, doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Check out these highly effective and challenging exercises to give you to-die-for backs and shoulders:

25 Basic Yoga Asanas For Beginners

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Want to learn yoga? Now, StyleCraze offers you information on various forms and types of yoga along with the correct technique to do the asanas. Yoga has been an ancient practice in our country. Yoga has long-lasting effects. People use it for reducing weight, gaining weight, to stay fit and many more things. The practice of yoga includes meditation, breathing exercises, pranayam, asanas and most important of all – attaining eternal peace.