Sunday, February 8, 2015

Arm Toning Workout

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Hiiiiiii! So sorry for being MIA for the past two days. Actually, I’m not that sorry–I’m trying to be more lax about my posting schedule. *Trying* is the key word there We’ll see how that goes… I like to share either A) valuable information and/or B) life’s musings, and today I’ve got a pretty valuable post for ya–my favorite arm toning workout.

I believe wholeheartedly that switching up your workout routine is crucial and important in seeing results and avoiding exercise boredom. HOWEVER, I tend to have a few favorite arm exercises that “get me” every time! “Get me” meaning they challenge me and continue to work my muscles time and time again. NOTE: if an exercise ever seems too easy, try upping the weight. I know that seems like common sense, but sometimes we get stuck in our ways and are so used to grabbing the X pound dumbbells that we forget that we can use other weights.. 

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Foot Exercises to Make High Heels More Comfortable

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Holiday shindigs are one of winter’s consolation prizes for the arctic weather, but when a pair of stilettos has you dragging your aching feet, each jovial gathering can seem interminable. Luckily, Vogue and physical well-being guru Yamuna Zake of the Yamuna company have come to the rescue of your aching soles with exercises that strengthen your foot arch. The thought of a foot workout may initially seem frivolous; after all, who will actually approach you at a holiday party and compliment you on your toned toes? But this exercise isn’t to create a slim, elongated physique or shed holiday pounds; it’s solely for you (pardon the pun). 

Flat Belly Workout

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How long have you been loathing that little mound of fat on your belly? How long have you been aching for a tight, flat stomach that you’re not embarrassed to show off during hot summer days? Well it’s time to read up and get to work on getting your dream stomach!

First, let’s focus on a healthy diet, something that is absolutely vital to achieving a flat tummy. You could be exercising all you want, but if you’re not eating right, all that effort just goes to waste.

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Getting Started with Weight Watchers

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Hi, I’m Virginia and I’m and overeater.

I sometimes feel like I should go to AA.  I guess Weight Watchers is my AA. Same support team; same ‘quit what you’re doing to make your life better’ kind of atmosphere.
I can’t lie, I love it.

I tried other weight loss programs, and schemed up ideas to loose weight fast, but nothing worked the way Weight Watchers has. I lost 70lb. and it felt awesome!  I maintained that weight for two years… until I got lazy and started sitting in front of the computer 40 hours a week. Needless to say, the scales have started to creep back up. Not reeeeally bad, but I’m up nearly 20 since my last weigh-in in 2012.

Read More About Getting Started with Weight Watchers