Monday, September 21, 2015

7 Reasons to Try High-Intensity Interval Training

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If you’re already a fan of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or have heard the buzz surrounding it, you know that it’s a super fast, very effective way to work out. Basically, HIIT involves short, intense bursts of exercise with less intense moves or complete rest in between. Essentially, it’s crazy-efficient—which means you could be spending less time in the gym each week while still cashing in on all the fat-burning, metabolism-boosting, and heart-pounding benefits. If you’re still not convinced that HIIT is worth a try, read on for even more of its advantages.

15 Minute Super Fast Total Body Workout

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Four moves. That’s all it takes to fire up your fat burning and build lean metabolism-charging muscle. This basic routine hits all of your major muscle groups. Do these moves one after another with no rest in between. Repeat the circuit a total of three times, resting one minute between each circuit. Do this workout four to six times a week and see results in your second week, guaranteed!

10 Benefits of Squats And Why You Need Them

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If you’re not used to doing them, squats can be more difficult, than you might have thought, but once you’ve mastered the technique, you can do them just about anywhere and they are a great way to tone your legs and your backside, but doing squad exercises is also beneficial for other parts of your body, so here are ten benefits of squats and reasons why you should be doing squat exercises, as a part of your fitness regime:

7 Exercises That Rock Your Abs

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Every woman I know have always spoken about having a flat tummy, one that is toned and taut yet feminine. You probably are no different. If you have struggled in the past and always fallen short of your dream of having a flat toned sexy tummy, then read on. Most of us believe that crunches are the best option. But, that’s not true. Crunching isn’t the best abs workout. They tone only the front and sides muscle of the stomach. It doesn’t tone all the muscles for perfect abs with hips, lower back, and upper thighs.

10 Best Foods To Eat Before Working Out

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Maximize your workout by not exercising on an empty stomach. For a standard hour-long workout — lifting, running, cycling, you need to make sure you have a combination of carbs and protein to provide a stream of energy during strenuous exercise and nutrients to repair muscle afterward.

For people trying to tone and lose fat, there is a myth that by not eating, they are going to go into further deficit and lose more fat. In reality, you bodies may shut down and not lose anything, which renders your workout a waste. So remember to eat something at least 45 minutes to an hour before your session so that you give your body ample time to digest. 

10 Moves For Total Body Strength

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No matter what your fitness goals are for this summer (run faster, build muscle, burn fat, get healthy), including strength training as part of your regular workout routine will help to support them. From improving athletic performance to revving up your metabolism, strength training offers a long list of health and fitness benefits that make it an imperative part of any exercise regimen.

The Thigh-Gap Workout

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A top NYC personal trainer has revealed that it is possible to get the supermodel-like gap-between-the-thighs look without resorting to cosmetic procedures or extreme eating regimes. While targeted inner-thigh workout may be healthier, it is by no means an easy option and requires some serious effort.

One must do 12-15 reps of each of the five different exercises, which include squats, lunges and the terrifying-sounding Single-leg Romanian Deadlift

Read more about The Thigh-Gap Workout

10 Really Silly Mistakes To Avoid At the Gym

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Walk into the gym and you’re likely to see women using form or doing exercises that will make you cringe. But these obvious errors are just two of many possible ways you can screw yourself in the gym. With so many pieces of equipment to choose from, it’s hard to set up a proper routine—let alone get the warm-up and all of the other components right. Although some of these mishaps may be minor, they can actually lead to huge setbacks in terms of gains.

Get an Hourglass Figure…Fast!

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A larger bust is necessary to get the hourglass. And though there are plenty of unnatural ways to increase breast size, we would never recommend cosmetic solutions or voodoo creams. Instead, there are ways to make your breasts look bigger by building up the chest muscles through a few simple  exercise:

9 Best Exercises For A Super Toned Butt

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I know you squat. That’s good, no really, it’s great. But are you tired of doing them? If you are, we totally understand and can relate. So here’s 9 moves that will mix your workout up a bit. These exercises  target all the muscles in your glutes and hamstrings and will give you a fitter, firmer butt. Are you ready to look even sexier in those skinny jeans?