Wednesday, June 17, 2015

10 Mental Rules Fit Women Live By

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Attitude plays a big part to whether you thrive with your fitness goals or you fail. Here are 10 mental rules that fit women follow that helps them continue being successful in their fitness journey.

10 Effective Home Remedies for Stomach Upset

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Are you overeaten and now feeling uncomfortable with a feeling of tightness in the abdominal region? Or are you suffering from other conditions like bloating, severe pain in the abdominal region or a burning sensation in the abdomen followed by a feeling of nausea and vomiting? Gluttony is a sin, according to several holy books, and for a very good reason! Well, the indigestion symptoms listed above are all caused due to overeating. This condition occurs when a person suffers from stomach upset.

13 Reasons Why Physical Exercise Is Important

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Do you feel lethargic most part of the day? Have you ever felt the need to do something that can keep you upbeat and excited all day long? Then physical exercise is the key. But then, how many of us do it every day?

Physical exercise is one of the most important habits anyone needs to inculcate, because the benefits it offers are immense.

10 At Home Fat Burning HIIT Workouts For Beginners

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If you’re starting to see a plateau in your weight loss efforts and want some new and effective at home workouts that will help you increase your metabolism and burn fat fast, give one of these HIIT workouts for beginners.

5 Simple Tweaks To Make Losing Weight Easier

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There’s no need to pretend — for 99 percent of us, the thought of losing weight is absolutely ridiculous. We have all tried and failed dozens of times before. Even when you achieve some semblance of success (yay, you!), the next hurdle appears on the horizon: How are you going to keep the weight off?

I’m just the messenger telling you what you already know. Weight loss can be frustrating. If you want any hope of it sticking, it’s about creating a new lifestyle that is actually attainable — making new habits you can really stick to day after day, without feeling deprived.

10 Best Exercises To A Fit And Toned Body

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Every woman is familiar with those tricky trouble zones that take a little extra work to tighten and tone (lower abs, anyone?). After a lot of exercise trial and error, I’ve finally found a solid set of moves that help me shape up and feel confident in a swimsuit, my favorite skinny jeans, or a sexy cockatil dress.

6 Simple and Direct Reasons All Women Should LIft Weights

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When it comes to working out, many women skip the weights and go straight to cardio with hopes to lose weight without “bulking up.”

Well, these women cannot be more wrong – bulking up does not happen if you don’t want it to. In fact, these women are missing out on the many benefits strength training has to offer. Here are 5 simple and direct reasons why ALL women should lift weights:

Kettlebell Workouts For Women

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I have been in love the my Kettlebell lately! The great thing about this workout is the ability to do it in your home or use dumbbells if you don’t have access to kettlebells. Give this workout a try and let me know what you think.

Lose The Love Handles

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You can work abs 3 – 5 days per week. You can either do the same circuit three times in a row for that workout or do three circuits different circuits once through, whichever you prefer. I would probably do the same circuit for 2 – 4 weeks then move on to the next.

See more about Lose The Love Handles