Monday, March 23, 2015

7 Secrets To Self-Disciplined Kids!

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One of the primary tasks of early childhood is to develop self-discipline. Parents often find themselves correcting their children for interrupting, being wild, not following instructions or for not controlling their hands or mouths. These all require self-discipline or self-control. Young children are by nature impulsive. Some children have ADHD or other biological factors which increase impulsiveness. 

Part of the solution for impulse control is to learn self-discipline. A child armed with self-discipline has a tremendous asset for addressing life’s challenges. So many relational and personal problems can be avoided or controlled when one has self-control. Here are some suggestions for teaching it to children.

Read More About 7 Secrets To Self-Disciplined Kids!

Homemade Body Scrub

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We are continuing the spa theme today with this recipe for a DIY scrub that will help prepare your skin ready for your pretty summer dresses. The base of epsom or sea salt not only exfoliates your skin but has the added benefit of absorbing toxins. One note about my reason for choosing salt over sugar for a scrub; I am working to limit the amount of refined sugar in my diet and since our skin absorbs whatever we put on it, adding sugar seems counter productive, right? Not only that but there is no health benefits from sugar where there are from epsom and sea salts. 

The almond oil has many healthy benefits for the skin so together they are a dynamic duo. For my floral essential oil I chose geranium which is oh so lovely. I then added a handful of lavender buds and fresh lilac petals for added color and another layer of natural fragrance. I made this scrub as a companion to the homemade body butter from yesterday and later today will share the labels for you to make a complete spa kit that is a perfect gift for your upcoming holidays and celebrations. 

Read More About Homemade Body Scrub

Baked Brie with Sun-Dried Tomatoes

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Well, I warned you all that I was going to cram in as many recipes as possible this month! For me, one of the big parts of the holiday season is the food, and I just can’t seem to get enough this year!

And not only do I have a great last-minute appetizer recipe for you, but another cookbook that would make a great last minute gift for the foodie in your life!

Read More About Baked Brie with Sun-Dried Tomatoes

5 Fun Water Workouts, That Really Work

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The pool can be a scary place. You have to wear a swimsuit (ack!), get your hair wet and know the rules of the road—er, swim lanes. But don't let that stop you! Water provides an excellent workout, especially for people with joint issues or for those who don't like the wear and tear of high-impact activities such as jogging. In fact, for many, the pool is a quiet and peaceful respite from the music-pumping cardio and strength areas of a health club. In the pool, you can get a good workout and truly get away at the same time. Another bonus? When you're in the water, you don't even notice that you're sweating!

Read More About 5 Fun Water Workouts, That Really Work

Ways to Treat the 4 Most Common Exercise Related Injuries

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Whether you are just starting an exercise program or are an elite athlete, exercise has a small downside: people who exercise sometimes injure themselves. Many exercise related injuries are preventable, most are mild, and the majority will respond to treatment at home. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, these are the most common types of injuries and the important differences among them.

7 Ways To Get Some Morning Motivation

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People always have the best intentions when hitting the gym at 6 a.m. until that 5:30 a.m. alarm clock comes blaring through your ears. It’s easier to push the snooze button than to actually get up and go to your sweat session. If you’re dying for that pep in your step in the early morning, here are seven ways to get some morning motivation.

Read More About 7 Ways To Get Some Morning Motivation

4 Ways to Love Working Out

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It’s pitch black outside when my alarm goes off at 4:30 A.M. My kids won’t be up for at least 2 hours and my husband is sound asleep next to me. It’s time to hit the gym. I love starting out the day with a good sweat. I am head over heels for exercise, and you can be too with these four tips to love working out!

Read More About 4 Ways to Love Working Out

5 Times When It's Okay To Skip The Gym

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We’ve all put working out on the back burner. Possible, though not always justifiable excuses may have included impromptu happy hours, Netflix marathons, less than ideal weather conditions, or long commutes. And while it’s important to power through these moments of vulnerability and squeeze in workouts at least a couple times a week, there are indeed times when you can (gasp!) cut yourself some slack and not feel an ounce of guilt. 

We tapped Jessica Matthews, M.S., a registered yoga teacher and assistant professor of exercise science at Miramar College in San Diego, to share when it’s perfectly acceptable to cancel on gym time and engage in some couch time instead.

6 Ways To Improve Your Plank

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Planks are the best. You can do them anywhere, and they work practically every muscle in your body (well, as long as you do them correctly). They’re definitely one of the best exercises for your core, especially the transverse abdominals, which helps stabilize your spine and keep you upright. But hanging out in a simple pushup position for longer than 90 seconds can start to get boring. So…what can you do? 

9 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

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1. Do interval training. During aerobic exercise, increase the intensity for a set interval (i.e. 60 seconds), then return to normal. Repeat several times throughout your workout.

2. Intake omega-3’s. These essential fatty acids can be obtained by eating certain fish or other omega-3 enriched foods, or by taking omega-3 supplements.

Read More About 9 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

7 Exercises That Rock My Core

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For some women, the hardest area for them to tone seems to be their core. After a few weeks of strength training, you see definition in your biceps and triceps, or see firmer-looking legs, but at times you feel like no matter how hard you work your core, it just doesn’t look much different.

All you really need is to find a few exercise that really work your core muscles and to start seeing results! Here are 7 exercises that will help give you killer abs.

Read More About 7 Exercises That Rock My Core

Get The Stomach You Crave

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If you feel like you are forever fighting the battle of the bulge, look no further. These six tummy-tightening routines will tackle those trouble spots and give you the middle you crave!

Having a sexy core goes beyond the gym. You need to make sure you eat delicious healthy meals that will keep you full an energized. In a hurry? Then you might be ready to kick your results into high gear and get an absolutely amazing core in only 2 weeks!

Read More About Get The Stomach You Crave

10 Ways to Treat & Prevent Spider Veins & Varicose Veins

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Varicose veins are treacherous-looking dark blue, red, or flesh-colored veins that appear enlarged, twisted and bulging beneath the skin (usually on the legs). They can actually lead to aching pain, itching, and swelling in the feet and ankles. And while less common, they may indicate a more serious circulatory problem like a blockage in deeper veins (deep vein thrombosis).     

While people often colloquially refer to unsightly veins in their legs as “varicose veins,” it is more likely that they have spider veins (which are often found on the legs, feet and face).  

Beauty DIY Natural Hair Highlighters

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I’m pretty low maintenance when it comes to my hair color. While I do love indulging in weekly manicures and regular massages, monthly trips to a colorist just aren’t for me (especially since my hair grows out so fast). However, I do still like to keep my natural blonde looking bright, which is why I’ve experimented with several all-natural color enhancers over the years. 

Whether your hair is naturally blond or colored at a salon, these common kitchen ingredients can boost your color and keep your mane looking shiny. And when used in moderation, they are also typically less damaging to your strands than salon treatments.

The 6 Worst Things To Do To Straight Hair

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Straight hair can be a blessing and a curse. Yes, you’ve been genetically handed the type of hair 95 percent of girls covet, but according to NYC hairstylist Adam Maclay, “Straight hair tends to break easier than a curly or medium texture hair type.” The key to managing it, he says, is to always be gentle. And avoid all of the following mistakes:

Read More About The 6 Worst Things To Do To Straight Hair

What is The Hospital Bag?

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Healthy Avocado Chocolate Cookies

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For a long time I’ve been wanting to try making some 100% healthy cookies. Not just like those you find, where the sugar has been replaced with sweeteners or half of the butter replaced with canola oil. Seriously? Should fake un-natural sweeteners be healthier than usual sugar? Well, I get stevia since it is still natural, but I really don’t think those chemically produced sweeteners are good for you. Still, white sugar isn’t really healthy I know. My solution? I always try to go for other kinds of sweeteners – natural sweeteners to be exact.

Usually I end up using honey or maple syrup, but this time I tried something new (well, almost new – I used it in my healthy chocolate granola as well): Coconut Sugar.

See More About Healthy Avocado Chocolate Cookies

Plant A Container Herb Garden

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Growing your own herbs is a great way to save money at the grocery store.  I have a vegetable garden but I always have a planter of my most used cooking herbs on my deck for convenience (it’s right outside of my kitchen).  Growing herbs in containers is a great idea if you don’t have room for a garden – you can grow them on your deck (like me), a patio or a balcony.

You could plant each herb in a separate pot but why not plant them in a one pot container herb garden.  Here are 6 tips to help you get started with planting your very own container garden!