Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How To Create A Successful Monthly Budget that Works

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When my husband and I did pre-marital counseling there was a whole session talking about finances. Our pastor asked all the tough questions, and we jumped straight into the nitty-gritty, answering his questions with all the honesty we could muster.

Since money is one of the top sources of marital discord, it was incredibly important to us to get started on the right path.

21 Winter Cocktails Drinks To Keep You Warm

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The Ultimate Green Veggie Bowl

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The Ultimate Green Veggie Bowl 

- 2 medium zucchini
- 3 cups broccoli, chopped (about 1 head)
- 1 1/2 cups snap peas
- 1 ounce basil
- 1/4 cup nuts (recommend 1/8 cup walnuts and 1/8 cup cashews)
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1 clove garlic
- 1/4 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste
- Optional hemp hearts to top


- Using a spiralizer, prepare zucchini noodles and set aside.
- Place broccoli and snap peas in a microwave-safe steamer and microwave for 4 minutes. Place zucchini noodles on top and steam for 3 more minutes, until broccoli and snap peas are tender and zucchini noodles are only slightly crunchy.
- While vegetables are in the microwave, place basil, nuts, olive oil, garlic, and salt in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour pesto into the steamer and mix all the vegetables together. Divide equally into two bowls, add more salt to taste, and top with hemp hearts. Serve and enjoy.

Thanks:  Food Mouth

Skillet Meatballs in Marinara

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How’s everyone’s weekend going? Mine has been uneventful to say the least, but that’s ok because the next two weeks are going to be a mad whirlwind in the kitchen getting recipes perfected for Thanksgiving. Before I start sharing delicious side dishes and desserts for you to serve on turkey day I want to tell you about these super easy, Skillet Meatballs in Marinara Sauce that I made for dinner last week.

Read More About Skillet Meatballs in Marinara

How To Eat Garlic Properly And Why You Should Do It More Often

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I’m a self-proclaimed garlic addict. I’ll put it in just about everything I can (meats, eggs, vegetables, soups, roasted and spread on a bagel, in guacamole…. The list really is endless, and if I could figure out a way to work it into desserts as well I probably would) to improve the flavour and reap all of the wonderful health benefits that this lovely little flavour bulb has to offer.

Why Am I Always Tired?

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Why am I always tired? It could be fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Two are separate but related disorders that exhibit similar symptoms. They are characterized by lack of energy, overall body fatigue, and pain in muscles and joints. Some days are worse than others. Physically and mentally you feel that you are not the same person you used to be.  Here you will discover  a natural cure for fibromyalgia (which also applies to CFS) or at least how to reduce the symptoms, improve quality of life by following simple natural remedies.

Read More About Why Am I Always Tired?

10 Tips To Teach You How To Curl Your Hair And Make It Last

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In fact, since I wrote my 5 beauty tricks to make your face look thinner post a few weeks ago and discovered that sleek, straight hair makes your face look fatter, I have been obsessed with figuring out how to transform my dull, boring locks in beautiful, face-framing curls.

The good news is, with a little research and practice (okay, a lot of research and practice), I’ve finally figured it out, and today I’m going to teach YOU how to curl your hair and make it last.

5 Simple Poses To Start Yoga At Home

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Try one of these basic moves to initiate your next self-directed yoga session.

“Where do I begin?” That’s the challenging question many ask after they’ve made the commitment to start an at-home yoga practice. The best way to begin yoga at home is simply to start with one pose, with one decision, with one ritual and allow it to build over time. Here are five yoga postures that you can use to begin your home yoga practice.

Read More About 5 Simple Poses To Start Yoga At Home

Yoga moves For Better Sex

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You’re working out, eating healthy, and generally improving your life. Why not put those new gym skills and that rocking bod to use? Now that you’re on your way to a healthy lifestyle, it’s time to work on some healthy sex. A sexual relationship with your partner is a key part of marriage. Next time you’re rolling out the yoga mat, try out these moves to bring your sex life up to par.

58 Thigh Toning Exercises For Your Best Bikini Body

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If you’ve been aching for lean legs and toned inner thighs, then this is the article for you. A collection of nearly 60 muscle-sculpting moves to work all areas of the thighs (and more!) will be more than enough to get you well on your way to those gorgeous gams you’ve been envisioning. Beginners should create a sequence of the moves below and complete three sets of 10-15 reps. Those at advanced levels should create a sequence of the moves below and complete each move as many times as possible for 60 seconds.

22 Bodyweight Exercises To Keep You Strong

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Most women think that the only way to get healthy and strong is to lift weights, take fitness classes or use fancy equipment. Sure, all that helps, but they’re not the only option out there. And if you don’t have access to a gym or own any exercise equipment at home, what then? Luckily, some of the best, most effective exercises are the ones that only require your own body. Think you can’t get a good enough workout without using weights or machines? Try these bodyweight-only exercises and see just how well they work.

9 Natural Remedies for Reducing Stress

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Stress is a normal part of everyday life. In fact, a certain level of stress is actually quite good for you and can be motivating and exciting. When stress gets out of control, however, it can take a toll on your physical and emotional wellbeing.

There are plenty of ways to incorporate natural stress reduction into your life. Turning to natural remedies for reducing stress is a healthy choice, and in many cases it’ll help you to get to the root of your stress, which is a total win-win. When you know what causes your stress, you’ll be better able to recognize it and prevent it from recurring over and over again in the future.

HIIT ABS Workouts

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The benefits of interval training are many, including: increasing endurance, improving acceleration and speed, and burning more calories in less time. Basically, it makes you more athletic, quicker, and accomplishes what you would on a treadmill in a third of the time! Plus, it revs up your metabolism and keeps you burning fat for hours after your workout is over.

Read more about HIIT ABS Workouts

8 Ways To Achieve A Flat Belly

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A flat belly is the goal of many women. It is one of the most challenging trouble spots on the body and can leave even the most diligent fitness buff frazzled.  To make matters worse, factors unrelated to fitness can affect the size and shape of your belly. Certain times a month you might experience belly bloat or your body might respond to certain foods by puffing out your mid-section.

21 Flat Belly Tips

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Has a little extra padding around your midsection gotten you down? We understand. When you’re as busy as we are, it much easier to reach for processed or fast foods, and to drive past the gym while shuttling the kids to soccer practice.  Believe it or not, maintaining a fit physique may be easier than you think. By following some simple tips, anyone can earn a flat belly. Read on for 21 tips that will help you get the flat belly you’ve always wanted.

Read more about 21 Flat Belly Tips