Tuesday, September 22, 2015

15 Natural Home Remedies for Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac

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Leaves of three, let it be. That old saying is worth remembering when trying to identify plants that might be poison ivy, oak or sumac.

I have to admit, I have seen plants that I thought were poison ivy or poison oak , and other people said they were not. If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have your handy plant guide with you when you’re out in the woods hiking or whatever. So if you’re planning on a hiking excursion in the woods, you might check out what these pesky plants look like ahead of time. Watch this video from Gardening & More which explains how to identify poison ivy, oak and sumac.

10 Unusual Weight Loss Tactics That Work

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If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that eating tasty food can be one hell of an experience. It can improve your mood, give you the energy you need to go through another hard day at work, and it can even be an integral part of a romantic evening. Salty, fatty and sugary foods taste incredibly good to us, because these types of foods are rare finds in nature and are necessary for us to keep functioning properly. Over time we have developed mechanisms that keep us hooked on calorie dense foods, and our bodies tend to favor fat build up over muscle synthesis, because this enables us to survive long periods with minimal resources available.

9 Simple Exercises You Can Do At Home

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You want to work out but you don’t always have the time to implement a workout routine into your busy day. Finding time for daily exercise takes discipline and commitment, and often you feel like you need to go for a long run or intense workout at the gym in order to feel a sense of accomplishment.

There are many simple exercises you can do at home in order to improve your strength, agility, and cardio vascular endurance. The problem with some at-home workout routines or quick exercise routines is that you might be doing the wrong kind of exercise.

12 Sexy Thrillers To Keep You Up All Night

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We don't need E.L. James to tell us that people like their pleasure with a little bit of pain. Just consider the countless films that alternately thrill us and turn us on. Sure, there's a murderer on the loose and he or she probably wants you dead, but there's always time for a sweaty lovemaking scene to turn up the heat and raise the stakes — especially when you realize the murderer was your lover all along. Oops.

Out January 30, The Loft has all the makings of a sexy-suspenseful thriller. Five married pals — James Marsden, Matthias Schoenaerts, Eric Stonestreet, Wentworth Miller, and Karl Urban — use the same penthouse for their indiscretions. Cue beautiful women, some between-the-sheets action, and a dead, naked blonde in the bed. Dun dun dun.