Tuesday, September 22, 2015

12 Sexy Thrillers To Keep You Up All Night

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We don't need E.L. James to tell us that people like their pleasure with a little bit of pain. Just consider the countless films that alternately thrill us and turn us on. Sure, there's a murderer on the loose and he or she probably wants you dead, but there's always time for a sweaty lovemaking scene to turn up the heat and raise the stakes — especially when you realize the murderer was your lover all along. Oops.

Out January 30, The Loft has all the makings of a sexy-suspenseful thriller. Five married pals — James Marsden, Matthias Schoenaerts, Eric Stonestreet, Wentworth Miller, and Karl Urban — use the same penthouse for their indiscretions. Cue beautiful women, some between-the-sheets action, and a dead, naked blonde in the bed. Dun dun dun.

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