Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I Will Never Give Up

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The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. By Confucius

Destroy What Destroys You

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Happy Hips Yoga Sequence

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Runners and the desk bound rejoice! Your tight hips will soon feel more open and relaxed. Just step onto your yoga mat or even the floor next to your computer and move through this 16-pose hip-opening sequence.

The Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat

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Are you finding it difficult to fit into your little black number? Is belly fat giving you sleepless nights? If your answer is yes, then you need to make some lifestyle changes to solve it. Abdominal fat can take serious proportions if not curbed at the right time. No doubt, belly fat looks aesthetically displeasing, but what is more important is its affect on long term health.
It is very tough to remove visceral or abdominal fat especially, if the person happens to be really obese. If you are determined to lose belly fat, you have to make some sacrifices and be very patient. Forget your favorite pizzas and cakes; instead focus on green leafy vegetables and high fiber foods if you want to flaunt a slim waistline.

How to Run Hills

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I admit it. I don’t like hills. As in, I really, really, really don’t like hills. I seek out flat races. I mentally rejoice on flat terrain. Nature’s sloped surfaces are my kryptonite.

Yesterday, I went for an 8-mile run with Mr. rUnladylike through Yosemite National Park. It got me thinking about hills. It was a run of epic proportions – straight out of the pages of a running magazine. As we chugged up some rather steep sections, I nearly forgot about the hills once we got to the top and saw (and felt) the payoff.
More About How to Run Hills

The Ultimate Wedding Morning Play List

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Feel the love on your big day while you get ready with this wedding day playlist! With something for everyone, it will keep prewedding jitters at bay and start the party off right as you and your bridesmaids are getting dressed. It will have everyone singing along!

5 Amazing Benefits of Rosemary

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Yesterday You Said Tomorrow

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I have gotten to the point where my loose jeans are now tight and I would rather focus on getting healthy then going out and buying a larger pair of pants. I guess being cheap really is good for your health. ;-)

I hate the idea of being on a yo-yo diet because I’ve tried them all and my weight has yo-yo’ed up and down. So this time (the last time I start over), I am going to focus on being healthy and change my lifestyle.

Because This Feeling really Suck

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The "Law of Attraction" had all of us thinking differently when we first read about it, didn't it? Were you as surprised as I was when you saw how it fit in with your experience?
The Secret, left little doubt that the "law of attraction" tapped into beliefs, hopes and even insights many of us believe we share without really knowing everything about how it all happens.

50 Super foods The Ultimate Shopping List

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Processed foods fuel weight gain. Superfoods support weight loss!! Hunting for healthy options at the grocery store can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. With unhealthy, processed foods lurking around every corner, it’s no wonder that our country is facing an obesity epidemic.

Thankfully, nutritious food is available, if you know what to look for. Let us help you to navigate grocery aisles with ease. Keep our “Ultimate Shopping List” of 50 super foods handy, and you’ll feel good about the nutritious items filling your cart the next time you shop. When you’re armed with a great super foods list, like this one, you can’t go wrong in the store.