Friday, April 24, 2015

Sexy Glutes Intense Legs and Butt Toning Workout for Women

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Toned calves, muscular legs, and a firm butt are on every woman’s list of fitness goals and this workout pack will help you achieve just that. These high intensity lower body workouts will melt the fat away while strengthening and defining your legs, thighs, and glutes. Your core will also get plenty of attention, ensuring you will be ready to wear that new pair of shorts.

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The Upper Body Workout for Women

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To guys, the muscles that are most important to work are the biceps, pecs, lats, and traps. After all, these are the muscles that can change a mans look dramatically. But what about women? The vast majority of women don’t want to have massive, bulging biceps or look like they’re the incredible hulk. They want to look slimmer, longer, and more toned. In one word: sexy.

The good news for women is that doing upper body exercises won’t make them bulky. It won’t make them look like a guy, and it certainly won’t make them muscle-bound or less flexible. The exercises which make men big won’t have the same effect on women. Why is this, you wonder? Put simply; they can’t.

15 Minute Bodyweight Fat Loss Workout for Women

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This 15 minute anytime, anywhere bodyweight workout is built to accelerate your fat loss by turning on your fat burning hormone. It's packed with exercises to burn fat and build lean muscle mass, so you can get the lean, sculpted body before the summer hits.

This fast-paced strength training circuit workout is all about reaching your max and building lean muscle mass. To burn fat, lose weight, tone up and tighten your body, you need to achieve two things. 

Rock Hard ABS in 12-Minute

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See More About : Rock Hard ABS in 12-Minute

20-Minute Flat-Belly Workout

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Combine cardio with core work to reap the flat-belly benefits of both types of sweat sessions. This workout alternates between jumping rope and standing ab moves, so you can tone your belly while burning serious calories in just 20 minutes. We use one eight-pound dumbbell in this workout to increase the toning potential of each exercise. No weights? No problem. This workout will still be effective without them.

The Truth About Sleeping in Makeup

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There’s no shame in admitting it: We’re all guilty of having slept in our makeup once or twice. Whether the cause was an exhausting work week or a few too many cocktails, spending the occasional night with our favorite foundation or mascara seems harmless enough provided it isn’t happening on the regular … right? Wrong. It turns out that this oft-committed lazy girl mistake can do some serious damage to your skin—yes, even if it only happens once in a while.

The Beginner’s Guide To HIIT

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Maybe you’ve heard the hype about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts and how they improve your cardiovascular fitness while helping you build lean muscle and burn fat. Guess what? It’s not hype! HIIT workouts work. I love doing and teaching these high-intensity workouts because they can be done in 30-minutes or less. Oh, and they are stinkin’ fun. Build muscle, burn calories, and boost metabolism all in one workout! Better body in less time? 

Read More About The Beginner’s Guide To HIIT

4 Exercises To Tone Your Butt

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“Bottoms Up” and I don’t mean with a drink. I mean try these great exercises to lift and firm your butt. A busy life can often derail your fitness plan. But even doing a few exercises when you have time can help you feel stronger and feel better in your clothes. I am a fan of resistance bands because they are easy to use at home, the office, or on the road. I’m a frequent flyer, so I stick a few in my suitcase and can use them right in my hotel room. Bands offer the same benefits of other resistance equipment without being big and heavy. If you use proper form and a challenging level of tension, your muscle fibers won’t know the difference between weights or bands. Even better, bands can offer more muscle recruitment because you can use multiple muscle groups at once. 

6-Minute Yoga For Better Abs

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You already know that yoga is a natural detoxifier, yoga can help alleviate back pain, and yoga will help you sleep better. But did you know that yoga can also land you a strong core and enviable abs? Yep, yoga is basically a superhero. Since a great deal of core strength is involved in every part of a yoga practice, you can whittle your middle without a single crunch. Even if yoga isn’t your favorite way to sweat, give this workout a chance. We’ve pulled four of the best core strength yoga poses and put them into a routine you can do anytime and anywhere!

Read More About 6-Minute Yoga For Better Abs

How To Get A Butt You Will Love

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Squats and lunges are two exercises that work their way into almost every butt workout. Perhaps you’re just sick of doing squats, or maybe they bother your knees—no matter the reason, we’re guessing it’s time for a much-needed break. This workout is designed to tighten and tone your backside without any form of a squat or lunge. Not one. We promise! All you’ll need is a resistance band and a sturdy chair.

Read More About How To Get A Butt You Will Love

Run The Stairs Workout

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You’re heard take the stairs, not the elevator a thousand times. But what if instead of it just being a healthier way to get around, the stairs became your new favorite toning tool? This workout is going to take you up and down a set of stairs—in your home, or wherever you want—while adding sculpting moves in between. Since moving up a flight of stairs forces you to work harder against gravity, you’ll build strength and power in your lower body while your heart rate soars. The mini cardio intervals will help you burn calories at a higher rate for longer after you finish, and the quick toning moves will fire up up your arms, back, butt, and thighs. At the end, you’ll be sweaty, stronger, and thanking the stairs for a free but fierce workout!

Read More About Run The Stairs Workout

How To Safely And Smartly Increase Your Running Mileage

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If you’re an avid runner, now is about that time you start checking out the summer race schedule. Are you going to sign up for the same list of 5K races, or is this the year you finally step it up in the distance category? I vote for the latter! If you make it a goal to run a little farther, go a little faster, and improve your endurance, you can be successful. It’s all about motivation and having a plan that will keep you healthy and headed down the right direction. So whether you want to take your 5K to a 10K or your 10K to a half marathon this year, I’m here to help with a few smart strategies to increase your mileage for your next finish line!