Thursday, September 3, 2015

6 Simple Ways To Get Addicted To Exercise

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You’re glued to the TV, can’t be separated from your smartphone and constantly checking social media. But what about being addicted to exercise?

You’ll be surprised what a few lifestyle tweaks and a little motivation can do to transform your fitness habits. Here’s how to get addicted to exercise.

10 Ways To Crank Up Cardio Workout And Burn More Fat

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We all like to get more done in less time, right? We shop from our computers to forgo waiting in lines at department stores and microwave our foods to cut down on cooking time. Some of us even take multitasking to new levels by checking our email while watching television and sipping our morning coffee.

6 Best Weight Loss Tips For Teens

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Are you worried about your teenager’s unhealthy weight gain? Are you clueless about how to tackle this sensitive issue with your teen, without hurting him?

Many adolescent girls and boys suffer from drastic changes in height, weight, body fat and bone composition when they are between 10-17 years of age. During the teen years, the body tends to store fat easily. Boys usually tend to lose fat late in their adolescent years, while girls retain fat as their natural body structure.