Thursday, March 12, 2015

How To Cure Your Dry Lips Fast

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How to get rid of upper lip wrinkles naturally. As we age, wrinkles appear on the upper lip. Wrinkles appear because age will reduce the collagen of the body. One of the first facial areas where wrinkles appear is the one on the upper lip. Breathing through your mouth can cause your lips to dry out.

Water: Drink plenty of water. At least 8 glass a day. The lips and hands are the first body parts to develop wrinkles. The less water in the body has more dryness and wrinkles will be in it. Therefore, drinking water helps to remove wrinkles quickly. Definitely it is the best natural remedy for wrinkles.

Lip Scrub: First wash your lips with a gentle scraper. Apply light pressure to avoid cracking lips. Remove dead skin of the lips is as important as any other part of the body. Rub a slice of cucumber on your lips to get rid of chapped lips.

Vitamin E Oil: Natural oils like coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil are rich in vitamin E and skin softening properties that fills the cracks in lips making it soft. Take any one of the above oil or mix these oils together for getting better results. Apply this mixture to your lips before sleeping to get rid of chapped lips overnight.

Moisturizer: Honey is a great moisturizer that also has healing and antibacterial properties to treat chapped lips.Simply apply pure organic honey on your chapped lips several times a day.You can also make a paste of honey and glycerin and apply it before going to bed to enjoy softer lips in the morning.. 

Vitamin C & E: Eat citrus, fruits rich in vitamin C. This vitamin improves collagen production, helping to reduce wrinkles. Vitamin E helps eliminate wrinkles and scars heal. Aloe Vera is an amazing healing agent for our skin. Put a small amount of Aloe Vera gel on your lips daily to cure chapped lips.

6 Ways To Get Rid Of Redness On Your Face

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All of us are blushed from time to time, either by the exercise, by the winter wind or a shy blush. However, when the redness remains for more than a few minutes, it is time to figure out how to fix it. Take the Right to soothe and protect your sensitive skin and restore its normal tone steps.
1. Switch to use a mild facial cleanser designed for sensitive skin to wash your face every morning and night. These products often are free of soap, fragrance and alcohol, which make it less likely to irritate skin. Rinse your face with cold or warm water instead of using hot water.

2. Place five to six crushed aspirins in a bowl and use the back of a spoon until you have a fine powder. Pour 1 to 2 teaspoons of water and mix to form a thick paste. Place the aspirin paste on the red areas on your face. Let stand for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.

3. Apply a small amount of moisturizer to reduce redness containing licorice, cucumber, white tea extract, ginger or vitamin C. These ingredients can help relieve redness and inflammation. Massage the cream into all areas of redness on your skin at least once a day.

4. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF of at least 30 before going outside. Apply additional sunscreen in the red areas, which are already inflamed and need more protection.

5. Cover your face with a scarf when going out in cold or windy weather. This will protect your skin from both the sun and the cold, which can eliminate the moisture in your skin and increase flushing.

6. Increase your consumption of foods like nuts, vegetables, whole grains, fruits and berries, which according to Daily Glow can help restrict blood vessels and reduce redness. Stop eating spicy foods, which can increase the flushing by dilating blood vessels.

Please Note:
If your face stays red after using a home treatment, see a doctor to determine if you have a skin condition that requires more intensive treatment. Reduce or eliminate your intake of alcohol. This causes your blood vessels to dilate and may result in a red complexion

Flat Belly Workout

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Having excess abdominal fat increases the risk of certain cancers, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and hypertension, according to the website of Dr. Marilyn Glenville.   To reduce the fat in your upper stomach, there are specific exercises that you can do.   However, specific exercises alone will not get rid of stomach fat.   You will need to start eating right and do a combination of exercises to get the desired results.

Prohibit or reduce the stress in your life.   The increased levels of stress hormone cortisol release stress, which is associated with the stomach fat.   Breathe deeply in the times of stress, and delegate responsibilities and if necessary do the practice of yoga or meditation.

Drink water throughout the day to promote digestive health, prevent inflammation, transport nutrients, remove the system and keep you hydrated.

Provide your body with a constant nutrition to prevent food cravings.  Eat five to six small meals a day to eat meals every three hours.  Prepare small meals ahead of time using foods that have fiber-rich as whole grains and complex carbohydrates, unsaturated fats such as raw nuts and olive oil and lean protein like chicken and turkey.

Train cardiovascular exercise three times a week for 30 minutes each day.   Raise your heart rate to activate your metabolism and burn fat throughout the body, including the stomach area.   Cardiovascular exercise includes running, swimming and biking.

Exercise with weights to tone the entire body and to prevent food from becoming fat.   Building muscle mass allows the body to keep burning fat even during periods of rest.   Exercise with weights three days for a week and leave a rest day after every workday so that your muscles can repair themselves.

Do abdominal exercises so you have a tight and toned appear when the layer of stomach fat is gone.   Point the top of the stomach with two or three sets of crunches.   Lie on the floor on your back with knees bent and hands behind your head for support.   Use the upper abdominal muscles only to lift the shoulder blades off the ground.   Exhale on effort and decrease it slowly.   Repeat abdominal 10 to 15 times per game as your fitness level allows.

Perform two to three sets of abdominal shell for an extra challenge and to target the upper abdominal muscles from opposite sides.  Bring your knees toward your chest.   Exhale on effort and reduce both shoulders and legs back to the starting position.   Do 10 to 15 repetitions per set as your fitness level allows.

Give your body eight hours of rest at night to restore it and give you new energy.

Amazing Miracle Facial You Can Make at Home

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Here is how you can make your own all-natural exfoliating mask at home. 

1 tsp sugar (granulated, not powdered)
1 tsp honey
1 tsp plain yogurt

Mix the ingredients together and apply it to your face. Leave it on for ten minutes, and rinse with water, scrubbing gently. Your face will feel dewy and soft.

Apply face scrub on wet skin after cleansing, and scrub using gentle, circular motions. Wash off with cool or tepid water. Follow up with toner and moisturizer. Once a week, go in for a deep cleansing treatment. Steam your face and then scrub it well with a face scrub. 

Apply a mud mask to your face and leave on for ten minutes. The properties of the mask will get well and truly absorbed by the skin. Then, wash off the mask ? make sure you use cool or tepid water, never hot water ? and follow up with toner and moisturizer. Do this once a week, or once a fortnight, no matter what your age.

Remember that exfoliation dries out skin, so always apply moisturizer after exfoliating. If you apply moisturizer after exfoliation, not only will the dryness vanish, but the moisturizer will also be able to penetrate the skin deeper, since dead cells are not blocking its path. As a result, your daily moisturizer will become doubly effective.