Tuesday, February 10, 2015

17 Excuses Why You Skip Exercise And How To Stop!

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What is your top excuse for why you skip exercise? Be honest and tell us. We recently asked this question to our Facebook community and we received more than 800 responses. WOW. We hit a nerve with all of you and you spilled your guts. (We appreciate your candor.) Many of you face the same obstacles and shared similar responses. No surprise that “a lack of time” showed up a lot. I read every comment and made note of the most popular responses. I even got a chuckle at some of the funnier excuses like, “I already showered.”  (That’s pretty good.) So, let me offer solutions to your workout challenges.

A Step - By - Step Meditation Guide For Beginners

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Need to finally find calm within the busyness of your overscheduled life? I want to offer you some help in the form of a guided meditation to transcend your mind and give presence to this moment. Never meditated? Well, it’s actually very easy! Give this beginner’s guide a glance and then sit back, relax, and try something new. You can make this year your year to put your health and happiness first.

Did you know you have the power to dial down the chaos of life simply by being present?! That is a gift! And this gift is not only for you. But for everyone you come into contact with—your family, friends, co-workers, even the people driving on the road. Meditation has so many health benefits also it can help you sleep better and reduce stress.

Score Sexy Shoulders

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Move over toned arms. Step aside nice legs. Sexy shoulders are in town, and they are about to steal the scene! A sculpted set of shoulders isn’t just for Hollywood A-Listers. No, you can get them too with a little hard work and dedication! Add these five moves a couple times a week into your workouts and see if you don’t notice a new shape taking over your top half.

Read More About Score Sexy Shoulders

Remedies For Bloating

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Bloating can be a source of perennial discomfort and embarrassment. But why let bloating cause you so much trouble when you can easily get rid of it with a few uncomplicated home remedies? The best part of opting for home remedies to get rid of bloating is that they are not only safe but also very effective. So, lay your hands on the most easily available ingredients and say ‘goodbye’ to gas and bloating!

Read More About Remedies For Bloating 

5 Truths About Belly Fat

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One of my favorite stories about baby belly fat (oddly, I have many stories about baby belly fat…) comes from an encounter a few years ago. A 31-year-old mom came in to meet with me about joining my boot camp. She sheepishly said to me, “I really need to lose my baby weight. My stomach is so jiggly. I’m just sick of it.” I replied with, “Congratulations, how old is your baby?” She looked down, obviously uncomfortable. “9…years…old.”

That’s when it happened. My personal-training mission, which had been all about getting average people in awesome shape, took a turn. I had a new mission. Save mamas from their own bellies.

Read More About 5 Truths About Belly Fat

Fight Clods, Congestion

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Hibiscus flower has long been popular in Mexico (as “jamaica“)  because of the tartly flavored, jewel toned tea that it makes. This is the same tea held to be the Pharaoh’s favorite in days gone by and is the traditional drink for toasting the bride and groom in some North African countries. We have loved it for the flavor and have enjoyed it for years in our household, but the new promising research on hibiscus. Read More About Fight Clods, Congestion 

22 Simple Ways To Start Eating Healthier This Year

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1. Cook a big batch of grain or beans once a week.

Then you can use that as a base for tons of other healthy meals throughout the week. A single pot of quinoa can turn into everything from a veggie bowl to breakfast cereal.

Miso Black Cod

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I love Japanese food, but not every kind of Japanese food. For most people in the United States, Japanese food means sushi, sashimi, teriyaki, and tempura. While I enjoy teriyaki and tempura quite a bit, I don’t really like sushi and sashimi all that much.
I know, how can I not like sushi and sashimi? Well, for starters, I am painfully fussy, selective, and peculiar when it comes to eating. I love little edibles but I have yet to acquire the liking for sushi. And when it comes to eating raw, there are only two kinds of raw food I would eat: oysters and geoduck clams (raw fish is too mushy for my taste). Well, there you have it. I am impossible to please and am very inconsistent when it comes to food.
Read More About Miso Black Cod