Monday, April 27, 2015

Low-Impact Total-Body Workout

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Regardless of your age and fitness level, sometimes your joints need a little break even when you still want to workout. People who are injury prone, and who are also starting a fitness routine for the first time, can benefit from having a low impact workout designed for a body that needs to be eased into fitness.

DIY Natural Muscle Relaxer Cream

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When you work out extensively, and especially when you’re focused on intense routines performed several times per week, you begin to really enjoy the burn you feel while extending yourself during workouts. But no one likes waking up to burning, tense, stuff, exhausted muscles. Luckily, there are ways to prevent your muscles from tensing up and methods that will allow them to recover after an intense workout. Avoid discomfort and soothe your muscles more quickly with this DIY muscle relaxer.

15-Minute Arm Sculpting Workout

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Ready for sleeveless dresses, swimsuits, and tank tops? If your arms aren’t quite yet in warm weather condition, we can help you to tone and tighten them with a quick workout. Just take 15 minutes out of your day, only two days per week, and you’ll see sculpted arms before you’re ready to shed your cardigans.

15-Minute Total Body Fat Blaster

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Your time is precious and the hours you spend at the gym each week add up over weeks and months. If you’d like to save yourself time but still get fit, you need a quick total body workout. This fat blasting workout will shape your body in under 15 minutes. Targeting every major muscle group at a high tempo rate, this workout is great in a pinch and can be done at home or in the gym.

39 Tips To Help You Lose Weight Fast

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You know the drill when it comes to losing weight: take in fewer calories, burn more calories. But you also know that most diets and quick weight-loss plans don’t work as promised. What losing weight really is – is a journey made up of a million healthy choices we make each day. So, if you’re trying to drop a few pounds fast, keep these 39 tips in mind – they work at home, in the gym and at work. Continue on that healthy path, little by little, day by day. Remember, they all add up!

10-Minute Full Body Fat Torching Workout

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HIIT is all the rage these days! If you haven't tried it... you have to! =] It's so quick and painless. Okay not the painless part! You'll be so sore but in the best way! Did you know a 10-minute HIIT workout burns more calories than a 45-minute cardio workout!? YES! 

So this workout is only 10-minutes long, you need to complete each exercise for 45-seconds with 15-seconds rest between each. 

5 Hot Yoga Poses For Rapid Weight Loss

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Are you looking for an easy weight loss option? Here’s what you can do! Now, yoga helps you in losing weight naturally and easily. Practicing yoga on a daily basis helps you to stay fit and healthy, and even helps people in losing or gaining weight. Yoga definitely helps those who practice it regularly. Power yoga is a healthy and effective weight loss option. Yoga can be an effective option for weight loss as it does not have any side effects. It is a slow process and has a long lasting effect.

Hot yoga is generally practiced in a heated room which has a temperature of 100-110 degrees Fahrenheit and around 60% humidity. Hot yoga for rapid weight loss is another good option. It is also the best option for those who want to improve their body posture. Following are the yoga postures for weight loss which one can practice easily at home:

10 Power Yoga Workouts To Reduce Weight Fast

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Do you believe in losing weight through yoga in the easiest natural way? If yes, then you must definitely try practicing power yoga for weight loss at home. With so many fitness centers coming up across the city, power yoga has been lately gaining popularity.

Power yoga is considered to be one of the best natural ways of losing weight. It is medically safe and has no side effects. StyleCraze offers you information on the unique and best power yoga poses which you can easily practice at home.

Chia Seed Pudding with Mango and Blueberry

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I am so not a morning person. I really, really, really want to be, but it does not appear that is in my character to be my best self in the wee hours of the morning. I need time in the morning to wake up, even after I have been out of bed for awhile. I like my days to start slowly. Which is kind of funny because I live in a house of early risers that are ready to go the moment their eyes open. I like to head downstairs, watch a little Today show, and after about 20 minutes, I am okay to start the day. I am very lucky that my husband feeds the kids breakfast before he heads to work, so I am only responsible for feeding myself. In my half-awake state it is highly unlikely that I would a.) make myself a breakfast that involved much effort and b.) do dishes.

Rosehip Oil - The Anti-Aging Oil

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If you are like me then you probably have never heard of rosehips! Apparently roses have hips... well sort of. Rosehips are the fruit of rose bushes. That's right, roses have fruit! Who knew? These grow just below the actual flower part of roses and are harvested after the rose petals have all fallen off. Rosehip oil is oil that is made from rosehips specifically rosehip seeds.

Rosehip oil can be found in many anti-aging products and usually those products come with an expensive price tag! However, rosehip oil is pretty amazing by itself and it's quite affordable if bought on its own!

17 Free Weight Exercises for Toned Arms

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Tank top season will be here before we know it and that means those arms are going to be out for the world to see. Of course, you want them to be tank top and tankini ready, which means you’ll have to work them hard — biceps, triceps and shoulders. All you need to turn those arms into sculpted works of art is a pair of free weights. Not quite sure what to do? Well, here are 17 great exercises that can help your arms look their summer best.