Thursday, March 26, 2015

5 Minute Fat Burning Home Workout

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There’s no place like home… to burn some calories! Not making it to the gym today? That’s fine. We’ve made a full-body fat-burning routine that will make you question why you ever go to the gym. This 5-minute workout can easily replace your workout for the day. Get dressed, and get ready!

Read more about 5 Minute Fat Burning Home Workout

5 Minute Workout Challenge

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In our fast-paced world, we always look for ways to do things faster, but we tend to wonder, “Will it really work?”  You may be wondering if you can really accomplish much with a 5-minute workout. The answer is “Yes!”

Read more about 5 Minute Workout Challenge

10 Minute Belly Fat-Burning Workout

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Burn fat while toning and defining your abs and core! This ten minute workout is designed to go beyond just toning to include burning belly fat, defining abdominals, strengthening the core. High intensity intervals combined with core exercises will give you fabulous abs in record time. Get ready to burn those abs. You’ll love the results!

Read more about 10 Minute Belly Fat-Burning Workout

10 Minute Mini Workout Challenge

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Don’t have enough time for your normal workout? No worries! Rev up your metabolism with this 10 Minute Mini Workout Challenge. Mini’s are in! Continue to burn calories long after your workout.

7-Day Fat Burning Challenge

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This challenge is all about getting rid of the excess fat you don’t want on your body. The problem with fat is that it’s difficult to specifically target where it will burn from your body. The more you work out, and the greater the intensity of your workout, the more calories you’ll burn and the better chance you’ll shed from those key areas!

Read more about 7-Day Fat Burning Challenge

INFERNO – 4 Minute Fat Burn

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Bodyweight workouts are often high intensity with fat burning and muscle toning results.  No dumbbells or barbells required…just you and an interval timer. Inferno – 4 Minute Fat Burn targets the lower body and is exactly as it sounds, it BURNS!

Make Your Own Chinese Takeout In Less Than 30 Minutes

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How To Store Your Groceries

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12 Tips On Staying Inspired

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It’s hard to be motivated at work and come up with creative ideas when it seems you’re routinely doing the same things day in and day out. But there are still different ways to stay inspired even when working in the same place and for the same job everyday.

By staying inspired, you‘re not only more productive, you’re also happier and more enthusiastic about the work you do. Hence, you become more interested to explore more creative avenues and experiment on new techniques. In the end, you actually embody what they say about “loving your job so you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”