Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Healthy Alternatives To Sugar

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Who doesn’t love sweets? Everyone craves a little treat every once in a while. But some Americans have become overly obsessed with sugar. According to Forbes, some scientific studies even show that foods high in sugar an be as addicting as heroin and cocaine.

With all the confusion and controversy over what sugars are “good” and what sugar are “bad,” it’s no wonder making the healthiest choice for you and your family is a challenge. That’s why we’ve broken it down for you to make sure you can shamelessly enjoy that sugar fix.

3 Day Detox Plan To Kick Your Sugar Addiction

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It’s no secret that most people consume way too much sugar on a daily basis. I mean think about it – The (probably several) sweet cups of coffee that you drink every morning. The chocolate cake or donut you have around three o clock in the afternoon to get you through to dinner, the dessert you have after dinner, and the ice cream you get a craving for are all absolutely jam packed with the stuff (and I’m probably not even listing the half of it, not to mention the amount of it we consume on an exceptionally stressful day). And you can bet your bottom dollar that anything labelled low fat should just read replaced by sugar. Men should be getting no more than roughly 70g of sugar per day, women 50; most people exceed that before lunchtime. In fact, the average American consumes about 31 pounds of sugar a year.

Read More About 3 Day Detox Plan To Kick Your Sugar Addiction

11 Weird Things Sugar Is Doing to Your Body

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Is sugar toxic? It is when you consider the levels the average American swallows each year—a whopping 130 pounds of added sugars ingested annually. That's about 22 teaspoons a day, way over the max set by the American Heart Association in 2009. New science shows that this overload of sugar—often stemming from hard-to-detect hidden added sugars—is affecting your body in all sorts of strange ways.

Creative DIY Room Dividers

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Living in a small home is difficult for so many reasons. Storage woes, space for projects and people, and simple logistics. But not feeling like you have any privacy or separation of space can make it darn near claustrophobic! Using room dividers to make each space feel separate is a great tool in small home decorating. Here are our top picks for DIY room divider ideas for your small space decorating!

See More About Creative DIY Room Dividers

7 Day Melt My Muffin Top Challenge

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If you’re like most women, the only place you want to see a muffin top is in your favorite corner bakery. Unfortunately, when holiday-season indulgences start to spill into spring or summer, you may start to realize that the baked goods section has relocated itself into your full-length mirror. Ready to put that muffin back where it belongs?! Our 7-Day Melt My Muffin Top Challenge will help you jumpstart a fitness routine that will get you back into your cutest summer duds while the days are still long.

2 Day Menu Plan to Flush the Fat Away

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What a difference two days make! Looking for a way to jump-start your weight loss and purify your body? Give this menu to flush the fat away a go over the weekend. Who knows? It may even change your eating habits for good!

Read more about 2 Day Menu Plan to Flush the Fat Away

30 Day Butt Lift Challenge

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Looking to show off a bubble butt? Our Butt Lift Challenge will help transition your booty into a plump peach in 30 fun days. The only fee you’ll have to pay with is sweat. And once you’ve paid your way you’ll be able to slide into a pair of jeans and showcase your beautiful behind.

Read more about 30 Day Butt Lift Challenge

7 Boot Camp Workouts for A Total Body Challenge

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A boot camp workout is all about pushing your body until every part is exhausted. These workouts will test your drive and when you finish them, you’ll like a champion. Be your own drill sergeant and push yourself by trying any one of these 7 boot camp workouts on your way to a strong, healthy body.

Read more about 7 Boot Camp Workouts for A Total Body Challenge

5 Moves to Get a Bubble Butt

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Quick workouts lasting 4 to 10 minutes can be just as effective as longer routines. The key is to perform the prescribed exercises using correct form, taking recommended rest periods, and completing the workout three times per week. The 5 Moves to Get a Bubble Butt is designed to lift, round, and build the gluteal muscles.

4 Minute Full Body Chair Challenge

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Let’s rethink the way you look at furniture. Instead of using a chair only for sitting, we’re going to change it into a universal gym. This 4-minute full body workout will help make your chair your new favorite piece of equipment. Stop sitting and start slimming!

Read more about 4 Minute Full Body Chair Challenge

4 Minute Lean Down Challenge

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Lean down in just four minutes with this body weight routine! This fast-flowing, heart-pumping cardio workout will exercise your entire body, focusing on shedding pounds and getting you into great shape. Define and tighten all over with this fat-burning workout!

15 Yoga Poses to Zen Out Your Body

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Ommmm. Life needs balance. For every cause there is an effect, and for every action there is a reaction. The Universe works on balance and bringing harmony in order for everything to exist the way it does. For some reason, our lives tend to travel away from balance, and we end up in chaos. It’s time to take back control.

Hard Core Yoga Workout

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I know what you’re thinking. Hardcore Yoga? No thanks. But wait! It’s not hardcore, it’s HardCORE! CORE as in abs. A sleek pair of hard abs will make you feel sexy and strong. Yoga is normally practiced as a full body workout, but if you create a routine of poses to target specific muscle groups, the results will be phenomenal.

Read More About Hard Core Yoga Workout

Yoga For Fat Blasting

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This intense workout focuses on stabilizing muscles. That’s the difficult part that will help to blast fat away! Discovering new muscles and new ways to make our bodies adapt to change will always bring amazing results. Yoga is all about adapting to change.

Read more about Yoga For Fat Blasting

6 Yoga Poses For Stronger Running

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Whether a seasoned veteran or lacing up for the fourth time, occasionally you end up hitting a wall and need a breakthrough to help get to that next level. Yoga is beneficial across the board and all levels of runners can incorporate a bit of yoga to help bring out their best numbers, whether in endurance or sprinting. Think about the movements in running; right leg, left leg, right leg, left leg, repeat until fatigued! Running is a sport that focuses on one leg at a time, so most of these poses focus on stability and strengthening one leg at a time. Train them individually and together they become a powerhouse!

Read more about 6 Yoga Poses For Stronger Running

How to Train When You’re Injury Prone

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Injury can be one of the biggest obstacles in someone’s journey to become fit and healthy. The most common injuries experienced from exercising (not sports) are muscles strains, sprained ankles, shin splints, tendinopathy, knee injuries, and wrist sprains, according to WebMD. However, if you’re injury prone and you know it, then you are one step ahead of the game! Don’t let the fear of getting hurt keep you from achieving your goals and getting into the best shape of your life!

21 Ways to Get In Shape

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No more excuses! There is a plethora of opportunities for improving your health through exercise. As a bonus, you’ll feel better and your clothes (and swimsuit!) will fit better, too. Read on for 21 different ways to get in shape, each with a link to give you more information. Happy moving!

Read more about 21 Ways to Get In Shape