Monday, August 10, 2015

6 Tips For Awesome Abs

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Of the many physique goals in the wide world of fitness, getting a set of shredded abs is definitely one of the most difficult. After all, a defined, chiseled midsection doesn’t just pop up out of nowhere. To achieve it, you need a rock-solid game plan. Here are six awesome tips that will get your abs to pop!

Read more about 6 Tips For Awesome Abs

10 Most Effective Butt Exercises Ever

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Everyone wants to get in shape as soon as they sense that summer is around the corner. However, shaping up means different things to different people.

While guys focus on losing a few pounds and buffing up their chest and arms, most girls and some guys like to sculpt the perfect derriere that will give them the confidence to strut around town in those tight new jeans. If you want to really target the glutes, you’ll definitely need some of these great butt exercises.

7 Reasons To HIIT It Up

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If you’re already a fan of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or have heard the buzz surrounding it, you know that it’s a super fast, very effective way to work out.

Basically, HIIT involves short, intense bursts of exercise with less intense moves or complete rest in between. Essentially, it’s crazy-efficient—which means you could be spending less time in the gym each week while still cashing in on all the fat-burning, metabolism-boosting, and heart-pounding benefits.

4 Moves For Insanely Toned Abs

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This total-body strength routine works overtime to firm your core by challenging your stability. The result? An effective sweat session we don’t mind doing in the heat! Perform three sets on nonconsecutive days three times a week.

Tiny Tweaks To Improve Your Routine

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If you’re struggling with your New Year’s goals or you’ve hit a plateau in your progress, the solution might be simpler than you think. Teeny tiny changes to your daily routine could pay dividends towards reaching your weight loss goals and ultimately achieving that smokin’ body you dream about. According to Prevention, focusing on little changes helps develop habits that will last, and if you add two or three of these easy changes to your day, you can lose more inches off your waistline and more pounds in just a few months.

Core Exercises For Women

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Work on your abs and obliques with these core exercises for women. A 30 minute waist cinching workout to activate your obliques and define your waistline!

Read more about Core Exercises For Women

7 Best Moves To Work Your Entire Body

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Let’s face it – life is chaotic enough. The many roles of being a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, coworker and so many more force you to juggle about a hundred different things all at once — and that doesn’t even include time for yourself.

As a master of the art of multitasking (yes, you are even if you don’t know it), it makes sense for you to want a workout that can keep up.