Tuesday, April 14, 2015

7 Exercises That Rock Your Core

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For some women, the hardest area for them to tone seems to be their core. After a few weeks of strength training, you see definition in your biceps and triceps, or see firmer-looking legs, but at times you feel like no matter how hard you work your core, it just doesn’t look much different.

All you really need is to find a few exercise that really work your core muscles and to start seeing results! Here are 7 exercises that will help give you killer abs.

8 Moves To Tone Your ABS

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Achieving toned abs is one of the most difficult things women can do. To really tone and define your abs you need a combination of cardio and some killer moves that target your abdominal muscles. It’s easier to keep to your regular exercise plan, but if you want to focus on your abs you’ll need to add a few more moves in. Thank goodness Skinny Mom is here or who else would tell you the ideal ab moves you should use?

Read More About 8 Moves To Tone Your ABS

2 Weeks 49 AB Exercises

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The good news is that you can significantly improve your abs (or any part of your body) in just two weeks. The bad news is that it doesn’t come without sacrifice, but you already knew that, right? Theodore Roosevelt said it best when he said, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…” We get it Teddy, no pain-no gain.

Read More About 2 Weeks 49 AB Exercises