Saturday, April 11, 2015

5 Moves to Banish Back Fat

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Ready to get your sexy back… with a sexy back? A strong back is a powerful asset on a woman and a trouble area we hear oftentimes complaints about. Who else is hating the back fat bra bulge?! Grab a BOSU ball, stability ball and a couple 5 to 10-pound dumbbells and get ready to work that upper body!

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6 Yoga Breathing Techniques For Weight Loss

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Weight loss is the new rage throughout the world. Eat less, gym more; health food, dieting, aerobics, yoga, dance, pilates and what not just to cut down those extra kilos? Why guys? Why do you have to do so much when some breathing techniques can help you slim down? Unbelievable, isn’t it? It was unbelievable for me too when I had read the article. But then I thought there’s no harm in trying so why not give it a try? And trust me girls, it works. Unlike gymming and hard core workouts that give you muscle cramps and body pains, these breathing exercises are easy ad painless techniques to lose weight easily.

12 Homemade Recipes to Treat Tooth Cavities

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The most common reason of jaw pain and toothache is a dental cavity. Agonizing pain is experienced, when food particles get entangled in the cavity. Bacteria, food debris, and acid form a plaque that adheres to the teeth. This plaque dissolves the enamel, creating cavities. You can lessen the chances of developing cavities, just by bringing slight changes in your lifestyle. Home remedies may help you a lot in reducing the pain associated with cavities.

Supercharged Fruit and Veggie Smoothies

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Smoothies have been a large part of my daily routine for quite some time now. Making a smoothie every day that includes protein, fruits, and vegetables really cuts down on my cravings for snacks at night, making it easier to keep off that extra weight that likes to creep on us after we turn 30. Here is my recipe for my favorite fruit and veggie smoothies with almond milk.

Over 40 Mosquito Bite Itch Relief Tips

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It’s mosquito season and I have buffalo sized ones zipping around the backyard as I type this.

ExamplesThanks to their first feast on my ankles tonight and an earlier comment from Kim, I was inspired to dig through every tip I had regarding mosquito bites and relief from the itching. Scritch Scratch.

I haven’t tried most of the suggestions below, but I’ll note which ones have worked for me.

Nail Biting Remedies

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It’s unknown why exactly someone bites their nails but it could be due to stress, boredom, anxiety, depression or simply a compulsive behavior that developed over time for reasons unknown.

ImageIs it serious? In many cases no but there can be permanent nail deformity, dental issues and even infections. Once the habit is established, it’s difficult to break so the best bet is to nip it in the bud when it’s first noticed.

Read More About Nail Biting Remedies

Poison Ivy Remedies

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Contact with poison ivy can trigger an allergic reaction that isn’t a serious risk for most but can be terribly itchy, produce blisters and red, painful swelling. Some react more strongly to it than others with a lucky few not affected by it at all (one can also become desensitized to it over repeated exposures). The plant produces urushiol (a resin or type of oil) and when it comes in contact with skin, the body reacts.

Read More About Poison Ivy Remedies

Eight Of The Best Booty-Lifting Exercises

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Are you ready to slide on the shorts and a bathing suit? Ready or not, summer is just around the corner! Instead of being covered in clothes this summer, spend some time covered in sweat preparing for those long summer days. Try incorporating a few of these new exercises into your next leg and glute training to target lifting and tightening the tush and to help ease your booty into a stronger and more confident summer body!

Sick Of Cellulite

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The video presentation above shows you some unique and rare tips on how to release your cellulite, for a sexy lower-body. This is based on true physiological science on how to stop the actual CAUSE of all the unattractive, mushy dimples and saggy shadows in your lower-body trouble-spots and problem areas. *And if you also have any excess, unhealthy body-fat, then the moves highlighted above will help burn it off, giving you tightly-toned and super-smooth lower-body. Remember: Watch the whole video, as the ending will pleasantly surprise you…

See More About Sick Of Cellulite

7 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Allergies In Children

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Is your child sneezing, wheezing and complaining of constant tearing of the eyes? He could be suffering from allergy. In fact, allergies in children are quite common.

About 50 million people in the United States suffer from allergies, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, and most allergies manifest during childhood. (i) While any child can develop an allergy, it is most commonly seen in children who come from families that have a history of allergies.

Read More About 7 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Allergies In Children

19 Best Way To Get Slimmer Thighs

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Didn’t you always want to wear your little black dress on a dinner date, but ditched it at the last moment because of your heavy thighs? Well, you are not alone! More than 30% of the women suffer from heavy and bulging thighs. Bulging thighs not only look unsightly but also make it difficult for women to wear their favorite outfits.

Losing weight from the thighs may look difficult at first, but it is not unachievable. A combination of diet and exercise can help you achieve your goal. Eating right and exercising can help you lose fat from other parts of the body as well. Follow these useful tips to win the battle against bulging thighs.

25 Bodyweight Crossfit Workouts

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I’ll be heading out of town this weekend, and away from my old school CrossFit garage. I’ll be taking this list with me and working out it at the hotel–whether or not they have a gym!

Strength Training For Weight Loss

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A recent study followed dieters who lost 21 pounds from either performing pure cardio or strength training. For the cardio group, six of those pounds that they lost came from muscle; while the lifters who advocated strength training for weight loss lost almost all 21 pounds of pure fat. Needless to say, they probably fit into their skinny jeans better because of it.

How To Start Runnimg

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Runners always seem like they’re on top of the world—powering through the streets with strength, agility, and grace. It’s a thing of beauty, really. It’s also incredibly intimidating for those of us who’ve spent more time sitting on the pavement than pounding it. But spring has sprung, your New Year’s resolutions have probably fizzled (guilty), and swimsuit season is only a few short months away—basically it’s the perfect time to tap into your inner track star.

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5K Running Guide for Absolute Beginners

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Are you planning on running a 5K to raise money this spring? Or are you personally challenging yourself to get through a 5K as a celebration of how far you’ve come toward achieving your fitness goals? Regardless of your motivation, the idea of running a 5K can be overwhelming if you’ve never completed one before. The good news is that you CAN run a 5K, and in less time than you might think! This 5K running guide for absolute beginners will help you get across that finish line.

Yoga Moves For Better Sex

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You’re working out, eating healthy, and generally improving your life. Why not put those new gym skills and that rocking bod to use? Now that you’re on your way to a healthy lifestyle, it’s time to work on some healthy sex. A sexual relationship with your partner is a key part of marriage. Next time you’re rolling out the yoga mat, try out these moves to bring your sex life up to par.

Read More About Yoga Moves For Better Sex

6 Best Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress

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The modern perception of yoga is that it creates a thin, toned body, but let’s not forget the psychological and emotional benefits of a carefully constructed asana practice. Spending a few mindful moments in these postures can quickly help to relieve the stress of everyday life. If being physically healthy is one of your main priorities, you’re definitely heading in the right direction, but your emotional and psychological health is just as important! Yoga is an amazing workout that has the potential to fill every need! Here are six great poses that will not only work your body, but also relieve your mind!

Money Saving Ideas For Large Families

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With a large family of seven, we are always looking for money-saving ideas to help us spread our dollar further. Three of the main areas where we can inevitably spend our entire paycheck each month are the necessities of food, clothing and home costs.

Here is a list of ideas to help large families reign in the costs associated with these three main areas of family life.

How To Make The Most Of Your Workout

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Exercising always makes me feel better, but finding the time to exercise is a challenge. Like you, I have lots to do every day. I don’t want to push exercising to the bottom of my to-do list, and I don’t want to feel guilty for making time for myself. Making my workouts more efficient has helped me lead a more balanced life, with time for my children and spouse. If you’re short on time, there are several easy ways to maximize your workout. Here are 5 to get you going. Consider your own fitness level before you try these methods, and consult your doctor as necessary.

10 Workout Motivation Tricks That Really Work

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When it comes to fitness, though it’s easy to start off strong, it’s even easier to slowly fall off the workout wagon. All it takes is one little excuse to derail your routine and stall your efforts. And with summer so close we can practically taste it, staying in shape is at the very top of our to do lists.

With that in mind, we enlisted help from two leading fitness experts: Rachel Buschert Vaziralli, New York City-based group fitness instructor and trainer and creator of F3 Face Fear Fitness, and Dean Pappous, Regional Senior Vice President of 24-Hour Fitness. Here, they share 10 tips on how to stay motivated—no matter what tempts you to drop the ball on your routine.

3 Skin Care Tips for the Lazy Girl

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Slow your roll — we’re not calling you lazy. You’re a busy girl woman. We know that all week long, you’re out there kicking a** and taking names. All we’re saying is that somewhere between your demanding work schedule and fitness routine and your calendar full of afterhours commitments, you barely have time to think, much less go to the spa for a 3-hour facial. 

Several studies, including one conducted in 2012 by the Kellogg School of Management, show that what you wear each day affects your overall performance. So while after a long day, all you may want to do is go home and be a lazy girl, it’s not in your best interest. The one thing you wear every day is your face, so take care of it even when all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a glass of wine and a season of House of Cards.