Wednesday, June 10, 2015

2 Moves to a Rounder, Shaplier Butt

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There are hundreds of routines and exercises to help you to get a rounder butt. In order to simplify your work, we chose two important exercises that will hit your glutes at the right angle and give you great results. Since your glutes are large muscles, you’ll need some weight to really work them to their full capacity. This butt workout is the perfect way to transform your butt, making it round, sexy and toned.

HIIT Total Body Toning Workout

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If you’re short on time, splitting up your workout throughout the week may not always be an option for you or your busy schedule. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is here to help, with fast workouts that are as efficient as they are fun. HIIT workout are beneficial, especially, for those of you who lead hectic, busy lives, as they burn fat and calories with their intense, sweat-inducing pace, and they keep your metabolism high throughout the day, ensuring that even when you eat, or are at rest, you’ll be burning more calories than usual.

5 Easy Moves to Reshape Your Butt

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The butt can be one of the most troublesome areas for women. Everyone wants a firm, round, and lifted butt, but not everyone knows exactly how to get one.  Well, look no further! The routine below, has specific exercises that target the butt with 5 fool proof moves to a more shapely backside.  So get ready to reshape your butt with these 5 Butt Defining Moves.