Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mandy Bo New album Cover

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See More:  Mandy Bo 

Kids Got Fears? 3 Tips To Help Your Children

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Lights out! It’s one of your favorite times of the day. The peace, the quiet…and then you hear the tiny voice chirping, “I’m scared!” It’s nothing new—over the years you’ve checked for monsters under the bed, dinosaurs in the closet, aliens outside the window and a giant ostrich that supposedly visits your child’s room at night. Even your best detective skills have never turned up anything more than a couple dust bunnies or a missing sock. But that doesn’t convince little Kingsley.

Fears aren’t limited to nighttime, though—many kids are afraid of everything from swimming pools (what if there’s a shark?!?) to thunderstorms (what if the lightening gets me?!?) to spiders (can you blame him?). Some fears may be more legitimate than others, but all are very real to your child, whether they’re two or twelve.

10 Healthy School Lunch Ideas

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Two of my little boys are starting school this year; Preschool and Kindergarten. I wanted to find some healthy ideas to pack in their lunch boxes so I don’t have to worry about what they will pick out in the cafeteria! Here are 10 (mostly) Healthy School Lunch ideas. Mini Corn dogs might not be the most healthy but my son loves them so I threw those in too! Just make sure to cram some fruit and veggies in the lunch box too!

How I Cleared My Skin Quickly & Naturally

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So I will be the first one to admit that I don’t have perfect skin { Even though lately it feels pretty perfect compared to what it was.} I’ve been on this journey for a few years trying to clear up persistent breakouts & I am not lying when I say that I have tried EVERYTHING. I mean everything. I am finally at a point in my journey where I have found a routine that finally works for me & has kept my skin super clear & healthy. 

I know that I can’t be the only one who has struggled with hormonal breakouts & oily skin so I wanted to share what has worked for me in hopes that it can help someone else as well. Remember that I am not a dermatologist so I have to say do your own research & your own caution when changing up your skin routine. I just have to say when I went natural with my skin, my skin started loving me back & I finally got the results I had been wanting for so long.

Bust Out Of Your Workout Rut

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Let’s get real for a minute: ruts suck. We’ve all been stuck in a rut (probably more than once). We can get stuck in ruts at any time and in so many different ways: work, love, fashion, friends, the gym, whatever. Ruts can swallow you whole, but they’re just a fact of life.

Anyone who works out regularly will find themselves in a fitness rut every once and a while. You might feel like you’re just spinning your wheels, maybe you’re bored with your five-day-a-week gym schedule or maybe you’re just rut-prone.  These tips will help you power through your rut and keep your booty on track.

How To Finally Reach Your Fitness Goals

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Sure, it’s easy to set a couple fitness goals for yourself, but what about actually reaching them? It’s a lot easier said than done. We’ve got five tips for you to help you meet your goals and become the healthier, fitter you!

Setting Your Fitness Goals: When setting goals, one of two things normally happens.

9 Butt Exercises for a Super-Toned Tush

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The key to a gravity-defying backside is introducing new exercises that tone every inch of your rear. These 9 moves from the Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises target all the muscles in your glutes and hamstrings to give you a fitter, firmer butt. Get ready to look even sexier in those skinny jeans! 

See more About 9 Butt Exercises for a Super-Toned Tush

4 Moves For Your Sexiest Butt

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Get your booty into shape with these super-quick, butt-toning exercises from Tracy Anderson, a top trainer who sculpts the side butt of A-listers like Gwyneth Paltrow, J.Lo, and Gisele.

1. The Hip Drop and Kick. This is literally a whole body workout in one move, so prepare to feel the burn. Make sure to keep your arms straight and kick all the way up to experience the maximum benefits of this butt-kicking exercise. Do 5-20 reps on each side and repeat three times.

Read More Moves about 4 Moves For Your Sexiest Butt

Lauren Conrad's Get Fit Quick Plan

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If you’ve done my 7 Days to Skinny Jeans challenge or my Bikini Boot Camp, then I think you’re really going to love my Get Fit Quick Plan to help shed those unwanted pounds you may have piled on over the holidays. (Admit it, keeping your paws out of the cookie jar was nearly impossible over the holidays. And I’m guilty as charged!) Without further ado, here is my plan to cleanse myself of my winter sugar coma and get back to feeling fit and healthy… Will you join me?

Read More About Lauren Conrad's Get Fit Quick Plan

5 Ways to Create a Bible Saturated Home

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I’ve heard it said: You can teach what you know, but you reproduce what you are. Every time I see my kids mimicking my smallest, most irksome mannerisms or sarcastic remarks, I am painfully reminded of this truth.

At the end of the day, I know I will fail my kids, so I want our home to be a place where Jesus is seen as the ultimate example. At best, I want to be able to say to my kids what Paul said to his churches: Be imitators of me as I am of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1).

Read more About 5 Ways to Create a Bible Saturated Home

Zesty Black Bean Dip

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My first grader was home from school for the President’s Day holiday, but his younger brother still had preschool this morning. It was a rare opportunity to eat lunch with my biggest big boy in the absence of his 4-year-old best friend and biggest competitor for attention. So there we were, peacefully crunching away on our apples, when my son exclaimed, “Ouch! My tooth hurts!
He was holding a front bottom tooth, and one thing instantly popped into my head. Sure enough, upon inspection, my suspicions were confirmed.
See More About Zesty Black Bean Dip