Friday, May 22, 2015

7 Ways to Sculpt Your ABS

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Looking for ways to lose belly fat and sculpt your abs without exhausting workouts and special equipment? Although an abdominal equipment can help you tone your abs faster, most of this equipment can be absolutely useless and it doesn’t bring the promised results. To get perfectly sculpted abs, you need a clean diet, lots of energy and the will to exercise each day. Consider using these 7 tips to lose belly fat and sculpt your abs and include them as part of your workout. They have been tried and test in many weight loss plans for women. So, they do work!

Read more about 7 Ways to Sculpt Your ABS

11 Moves to A Killer Core

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Leave out those boring, stale crunches and mix up your ab routine with some of our favorite stomach tightening, core strengthening moves. Create your own routine by picking and choosing from the moves below, shooting for a 10 to 15-minute long session. Pair this with healthy eating, and all you need to see a real difference in your waistline are two to three sessions per week (on non-consecutive days).

Read more about 11 Moves to A Killer Core

5 Essential Strength Training Moves

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The ability to bend and move with confidence and without pain. The metabolism of a 21-year-old girl that can eat anything and still not gain weight. All your jeans, even the skinny ones fit and you look good in them. Are you interested in achieving all of the above? If you are, then there are no two ways about it – you NEED to be lifting weights.

8 Moves to Build A Rock Solid Core

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Icy sidewalks. Uneven pavement. High heels. Even the non-clumsy among us stumble almost daily. Many people trip all the time, on the treadmill, or over dumbbells at the gym. But because some are constantly working on their balance, it’s no big deal—they can recover without falling.

24 Ways to Flatten Your Belly

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A toned, flat tummy is a goal many of us strive to achieve, but endless crunches and ditching all your favorite foods aren’t the right or fun way to do it. A sculpted core and trim tummy can be attained by incorporating small changes into your day, like holding in your abs while you walk and adding the right healthy fats to your diet. 

27 Health and Weight Loss Tips

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A lot of progress is lost when thinking about all of the times you’ve tried to lose weight and failed, putting off dieting for a later date, or being stymied by all of the things you’ll have to do in the days to come. Come to terms with how bad you’ve let yourself get, and make a promise never to return to where you’re at. It’s OK to be unhappy about the way you look, as long as you channel that energy into positive changes. Focus on the now and get started

10 Reasons Your ABS Isn't Showing

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The wrong form can turn an effective move into one that won’t do anything for you. A few of the most common mistakes: pulling on your neck (which allows your abs to slack off), using momentum rather than muscle strength (again, a freebie pass for the abs), sagging your hips in plank, and not keeping your abs pulled in during every move. You must control your abdominal wall to get any real benefit. Check your form in a mirror to see how you’re doing.

1 Minute Total Body Workout

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Do you really have no timefor a full workout today? Not even 10 minutes? No sweat. If you can find just one free minute, maybe taking a minute before your shower, then you can do this easy workout. You’ll hit all the major muscle groups and—if you really push—get a cardio surge as well.

Read more about 1 Minute Total Body Workout

3 Moves to Melt Away Your Muffin Top

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The snow has finally melted, but are you ready to embrace your favorite short shorts? If a newfound muffin top is making you wary of ditching your cozy Winter layers, rest assured, there are plenty of ways to whittle away those extra pounds without hitting the gym seven days a week.

3 Ways to Say Goodbye to Belly Fat

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Eating 80/20 and hitting the gym have helped you reach your weight-loss goal, but you're still trying to get rid of that little extra pooch around your midsection. Here are three things you can do every week to help you achieve a trimmer belly.