Friday, February 27, 2015

Your Migraine Remedy

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The feverfew began blooming this year and my son announced, “We need to pick some of that for my headaches.”... 

My head jerked around in his direction. “Really? How did you know feverfew is good for headaches?” He couldn’t remember.... 

In my quest to get this emerging teenager outside with me and engaged in projects, I suddenly found a new angle: homemade pain relief. Up to this point, I have been limited to harvestin... 

To Read More About Your Migraine Remedy

Vegetable Arts

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Natural Allergy Relief

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My 10-year-old son has increasing problems with seasonal allergies — we brace ourselves as spring comes with its pollen because this kid really reacts. Last year we kept him comfortable with over-the-counter medications, local honey, regular elderflower tea, lavender oil in a nebulizer/diffuser concoction as he sleeps, and a chest rub of lavender and eucalyptus oil in a carrier oil. The remedies helped keep him comfortable but he still needed a small dose of allergy medicationnearly daily.

With each year we have added some new tools to the arsenal but it has felt impossible to stay in front of the problem, until now.

To Read More About Natural Allergy Relief 

19 Delicious Dinners You Can Make With Salmon Fillets

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5 Steps To Healthy, Strong Nails

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I love my natural, healthy, strong nails. But they weren’t always this way. I used to have weak nails that I bit and chewed on constantly. That all changed when I started following these easy steps.

7 Steps To Food Freedom

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What does food freedom mean for you?  For me, food freedom is having the liberty to choose what foods I want to consume in order to stay healthy and nourish my body. I feel we have the right to grow our own food and also to know what’s in the food we purchase.

oday’s standard American diet is full of processed foods that contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), artificial colors and flavors and chemical preservatives. A poor diet is now the number one cause of health depreciation and death in the United States (source). In fact, changing your diet to traditional, nutritious foods can heal almost any health issue.

To Read More About 7 Steps To Food Freedom 

6 Recipes to Help you Survive Cold & Flu Season

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It’s nearly March, but for much of the country, winter is still going strong – and so are all the colds and flu. To avoid getting sick there are the obvious things like washing your hands and trying to limit your contact with sick individuals, but a major part of your ability to ward off illness comes from the food you eat. To be healthy, you have to eat healthy.

We searched the internet for some healthy recipes with nutritious, immune-boosting ingredients to help you make it through the last leg of winter. From soups to smoothies, we hope you’ll find something that fits your diet and lifestyle, and makes your mouth water.

To Read More About 6 Recipes to Help you Survive Cold & Flu Season

Can Wearing a Bra Really Be Bad For Your Health?

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Well here’s an idea some men might really enjoy…

But all jokes aside – going bra-less may actually be better for you!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the world killing at least 40,000 of us each year. On the bright side, there are plenty of things we can do that may help prevent breast cancer. The Vitamin D Council says making sure your D3 levels are up to par can reduce your risk by 30%.

To Read More About Can Wearing a Bra Really Be Bad For Your Health?

8 Easy Exercises to Prepare for Labor

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There are many things to prepare for when planning for a new baby. One mustn’t forget the actual labor and delivery. Did you know that you can do some pretty easy exercises to prepare for labor and delivery? Getting your baby into an optimal birthing position and preparing your pelvis for labor are important steps to having a good labor. 

How to Teach Your Child to Eat Everything!

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The Secret Mask of Youth

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The wrinkles around and under the eyes are a common problem in the older age. Women use various lotions for skin tightening, which has lost its elasticity during the years. We cannot say that the lotions have no effect, but today we will present a completely natural home recipe, that according to many people is an effective solution for the wrinkled skin around the eyes.

To Read More About The Secret Mask of Youth

15 Things You Should Clean More Often

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C’mon, admit it. Cleaning is no fun. It’s a chore that never seems to end. But while you’re cleaning the obvious things in your house like the toilets and kitchen floor, here are some things that you might forget to do…