Friday, July 3, 2015

12 Oblique Burners to Melt Your Muffin Top

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A muffin top is good to eat, but not to have on your body. This common problem is the bane of most women. Skinny jeans or a slimming pair of workout pants can easily lose their sex appeal when there is a layer of skin hanging over the waistband. But fear not, muffin top mamas—you can whittle those waists with some carefully executed exercises that target those obliques and have you loving your clothes once again.

52 Best Snacks for a Flat Tummy

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When your mind is set on weight loss, you’re probably desiring quick results. You’ve heard over and over again that you need to cut calories and eat nutrient-dense foods that act as fuel for your body, but how can you do that without going hungry? There are many options for meals under 300 calories, but what about snacks?

The Myth About Lifting Weights

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For those of you who steer clear of the weights for fear of developing a masculine physique, here’s a little secret: lifting weights will not make you look like the She-Hulk. The reason is very simple and answers many questions asked of a woman: hormones. Women are simply not built to support a bulky physique. Unless she trains specifically for bulk, a woman will not naturally develop muscle that makes her big.

5 Toning Moves To Do At Home

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Can’t make it to the gym today? No worries! You don’t need equipment to get in a good workout! Here are five awesome moves that you can do at home on your own schedule!

Tone Your Entire Body with These 7 Moves

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Looking for a workout that will tone your entire body? Check out this list of seven moves that will rock your core, upper body and lower body, getting you the results you want! Remember to stretch, warm up and cool down before and after completing these and any other fitness moves!