Friday, June 19, 2015

7 Ways To Build Muscles And Lose Body Fat Fast

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Everyone’s swapping silly fad diets for strength training, and it’s great. Getting strong and lean is so much healthier than restrictive diets. But like anything, it can take a little while to get to grips with.

Before slamming the barbells down in frustration, take a minute to read up on our essential strength training tips. Good form and technique is critical to your fat-burning success, and we can prove it.

7 Ways to Strengthen Your Ankles to Avoid Twists and Sprains

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Ankles are often neglected when it comes to your strength-training routine, but they shouldn't be. Strong, flexible ankles are an important foundation, helping prevent injury whether you're running back and forth on the tennis court or running to catch the bus. The good news is just a few minutes a day can help keep the sprains away. If it's been a while since you gave those joints any extra attention, read on for an ankle-strengthening exercise for each day of the week.

5 Fun Treadmill Workouts

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Treadmill workouts have always been a necessity for me. As a human rights lawyer, I am frequently working in places where it is too unsafe to run around outside. Recently, I spent an entire year living and working inside an armed compound in Afghanistan, where stepping outside the compound walls was strictly forbidden. As much as I loathed the treadmill, I hated the thought of giving up running even more, so I worked to make my indoor workouts as interesting as possible. 

Read more about 5 Fun Treadmill Workouts

"Get a Better Butt" Treadmill Workout

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It's time to combine some booty-toning hills with some calorie-torching cardio to work your backside. Working the incline on the treadmill targets your hamstring and glutes! This calorie-torching workout combines bursts of running with quick hilly walking as you play with speed and incline. It moves so quickly that there is no chance for you to get bored.

Beginner's Total Body Fat Blasting Routine

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Everybody’s got to start somewhere!  This routine is for anyone ready to get fit and stay that way for a lifetime. If losing weight and getting fit seems overwhelming, this routine is for you. 

Though soreness is a good thing, working out too hard at the start can lead to injury and discouragement.  This simple 10 – 15 minute beginner’s fat blasting routine will have you losing body fat and boosting your self-esteem as you begin your get fit journey!  Below you will find the video demonstrating this routine, so there’s no guess work.

Total Body Workout for Beginners

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Are you ready to get in shape, tone up, or lose weight but not quite sure where to begin? Begin here! This workout is designed to tone your entire body and burn fat to help you get into the best shape of your life! Begin your fitness journey today and continue for a lifetime. We have a library of workout routines for all fitness levels. No excuses, just results!

Bikini Body Guide For Workouts Exercise Training Plan

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Quickest Way To Lose Lower AB Fat

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Mike Geary’s Truth About Abs reveals a dieting approach to losing stubborn belly fat. The goal-flat, sexy abs. The program emphasises eating the right power foods to control your appetite. You will feel full & not hungry for longer periods.

Details of these fat burner foods are laid out in meal plans that are made available to you. There is a 6-step process for choosing healthy foods suited to your particular body metabolism.