Saturday, August 8, 2015

9 Best Exercises for Cellulite on Legs

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This post is for those who are fed up of cellulite or thigh fat. I know it’s so stubborn. I have had a huge chunks of it some years back. At that time, I desperately use to try so many things like running. Or leg curls and leg presses on the gym machine with the heaviest weight possible for me to lift

Gosshh! but honestly Leg curls and Leg presses on gym machines never worked for my thighs nor did I ever find them work for others. I find them a big disappointment and a big wastage of time. But the sad part is that so many gyms including the good ones still use those super ancient workout plans which on the leg day have typical x leg press, y leg curls so on and so forth..

10 Tricks To Lose Weight The Lazy Way

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Losing weight takes a lot of sweat and discipline, which is why some people struggle with weight loss. However, here are some simpler ways to to drop the pounds on the scale and start earning the body that you desire. Following these 10 powerful little tricks daily will help you lose weight without going to the gym, without following some starvation diet, and without paying $100’s on a personal trainer.