Wednesday, March 11, 2015

27 Ways to Make Money for Stay at Home Moms

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Alright moms at home, this one is for you.

In this article we have packed in a bunch of flexible ways to make money so you can bring in a little extra cash on the side.

The good news for SAHMs today is there are a wide range of ways to make money- that weren’t around when we were kids.

Most of them require a good work ethic, but there are a lot of new opportunities available.

Read More About 27 Ways to Make Money for Stay at Home Moms

19 Easy Ways Moms Can Make Money From Home - NOW!

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Being a sahm is one of the best jobs in the world! I love that I get to be there for all my kid’s firsts and am also there to help my husband throughout the day. I always dreamed of surprising my kids with a plate of cookies, and now I can!

But one of the toughest things about being a sahm is the lack of spending money. Since we have no outside source of income, holidays, school supplies, new clothes and other items can become stressful thoughts. It helps if we have some income on the side to help out in those specific times. Moms, today I want to introduce you to a way that many moms are making an income from home. Sometimes they do it during naptime or bedtime, or even while waiting at the doctor’s or dentist’s office. It doesn’t take added supplies or travel expenses; it just takes you sharing your thoughts and opinions.

7 Ways to Thrive as a Stay at Home Mom

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Being a full-time, stay-at-home mom is an amazing job. I love it! However, I meet many moms that can lose their edge when it comes to thriving in the home. Changing diapers, constant cooking, cleaning and endless piles of laundry can cause you to lose your focus. Are you still in your jammies at noon? Has it been weeks since you shaved your legs?

Great Match

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Easy Wedding Hairstyles For Little Girls

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‘Tis the wedding season, everyone would want to look the best. From themed weddings to matching dresses among siblings and family, you would want everything to be perfect. However, there is one aspect where we as adults turn a blind eye to, children. Yes, children are often left out from the wedding tradition because not many have a role for them to play. Nevertheless, they too would want to look good at their aunt’s or uncle’s wedding. Here are 50 wedding hairstyles for little girls:

Read More About Easy Wedding Hairstyles For Little Girls