Monday, April 13, 2015

Avocado Superfood Smoothie

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Have you ever put avocados in a smoothie? If you haven't, avocados make them extra creamy and thick. If you add a bunch of other fruit, you'll never taste the addition. I'm not a person who generally drinks smoothies for breakfast (they never fill me up!) but this one, with the protein, antioxidants, greens and FRUIT will keep me satisfied til lunch.  And yes, I told Casey it had an avocado (right after he finished!) and I got the WHAAAAAAT?!!  Told you, I'm sneaky.

8 Ways You’re Making Your Hair Look Thinner

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Unless you were born with a thick, luscious mane and you’ve never colored or heat styled your hair, you’ve probably dealt with (or are dealing with) thin hair. It’s not that you need your hair to be as thick as a Kardashian’s, (let’s be honest, every celebrity has extensions, anyway), but you want your hair to at least be full enough that it looks healthy. While there are countless tricks for making your hair look thicker, there are also a few mistakes you’re probably making that aren’t exactly helping your case.

15 Stability Ball Moves for a Total Body Workout

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When equipment is at a minimum (or being used by someone else at the gym) or if you’re looking for something simple, yet effective, to work your entire body, why not try a stability ball? Yes, those oversized orbs may look more fun than functional, but you can actually get one butt-kicking, total body workout with them. Check out these 15 exercises and see the incredibly awesome things you can do with just a stability ball.

Carve Your Core

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You’ve seen it in our fitness index, but now you can do the bicycle crunch alongside our CEO and founder Brooke Griffin! We know that finding time in the day to work out can get tough, so for those days when you’ve only got a minute to spare, check out our Skinny Minute videos. For this one, we’ll be doing the bicycle crunch for 60 seconds straight. Let’s get started!

See More About Carve Your Core

50 Moves to Work Your Entire Body

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There is no better feeling than waking up in the morning with a little soreness from a great workout. It reminds you that you’re one step closer to hitting your goals. So change up your tired fitness routine and swap out moves for these new ones!

23 Fit Tips From Top Trainers Around the World

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How many times have you thought, how does she do it? How does she have time? How does she do it all? Truth is, she is busy just like you. She has other commitments just like you. She has cravings and temptations and impulses…just like you. So, what’s the catch? She’s probably not sweating harder, just smarter. She’s probably not eating less, just better. Do you want in on the secrets? Well, we have you covered with these 23 secrets from the world’s best trainers from our friends over at LIVESTRONG.

Learn to Embrace Your Body!

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Complimenting people is a great way to brighten someones day. Making another person smile can really make you feel good. So why not do that favor for yourself, and compliment yourself next time?

Read More About Learn to Embrace Your Body!

The Myth About Lifting Weights

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For those of you who steer clear of the weights for fear of developing a masculine physique, here’s a little secret: lifting weights will not make you look like the She-Hulk. The reason is very simple and answers many questions asked of a woman: hormones. Women are simply not built to support a bulky physique. Unless she trains specifically for bulk, a woman will not naturally develop muscle that makes her big. According to WebMD, this is because women have only 5-10 percent of the testosterone levels that men do, meaning they have less of the hormone that develops bigger muscles. Because adding a lot of muscle is about testosterone production, women just don’t have the genetic make-up for it to come easy.

Killer Leg Circuit

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Trying to get those legs toned in time for summer? Try this killer leg circuit to define and strengthen your lower body! Real Mom Fitness Model, Melissa Koester demonstrates these five moves integrated into a circuit to keep your heart pumping and your muscles burning. Grab your dumbbells and get sweatin’!

See More About Killer Leg Circuit

Booty-Blasting Workout

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Sweat, Baby Sweat along with Skinny Mom CEO and founder, Brooke Griffin as she demonstrates 6 booty-blasting moves! All you need is a resistance band and a squishy ball

See More About Booty-Blasting Workout