Monday, June 15, 2015

8 Yoga Exercises For Stretching Your Body

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Yoga is all about stretching your body in different forms and meditation. When you see a book on yoga, all the pictures given are of yoga gurus stretching their hands, legs, backs, upside down pictures and what not. Don’t they look out of reach? But you know what guys; it’s not as tough as it looks. With regular and committed practice, who knows you may even start yoga sessions at your home. 

10 Yoga Poses To Help You Treat Cold

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Yoga helps cure and prevent many kinds of diseases and conditions. Did you know that yoga can also help treat common conditions like cold and congestion? Seems incredible, doesn’t it? Many asanas (poses) help reduce the effects of cold and congestion from the body.

5 Best Yoga Asanas For Eating Disorders

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From fitness issues to medical conditions, yoga has something for everyone. So, you may wonder if there are any poses that can help you overcome eating disorders. Well, yes, there are! What are they? And how can one perform them? This post has the answers!

Read on and find out about these simple, yet amazing poses that help you overcome eating disorders.

Top 5 yoga Asanas To Do In Bed

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Looking for a workout routine with a difference? How about burning calories at the place most comfortable to you? What better place to start your yoga routine then your very own bed? This unique form of yoga allows you to be comfortable while working out. StyleCraze offers you the best-in-class information on the various poses of yoga to do in bed.

Top 12 Yoga Asanas To Reduce Belly Fat

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Erroneous lifestyle, indulgence in junk, lack of exercises, and above all unpredictably high stress levels –all these give rise to a flabby tummy. The wider your abdomen, the higher the level of risk is. And, there are no shortcuts to get rid of the abdominal fat. Proper diet combined with a good fitness routine can definitely help you reduce this fat to a greater level. Yoga not only helps in lessening the abdominal fat, but also allows you to control your body and mind like never before thus, thwarting the risks associated with a wider abdomen.

Top 27 Best Yoga Asanas For Losing Weight Quickly And Easily

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Yoga is an ancient practice followed and practiced by many around the globe. It has benefited everyone who has regularly practiced the age-old form of exercise. In today’s fast paced age, people look up to yoga as a perfect exercise for a healthy body and stress-free life.

Kettlebell HIIT Workout

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Grab your kettlebell and make some room. This 10-minute circuit will fire up the glutes in 60-second bursts. You’ll rest for 15 seconds in between each exercise. Real Mom Model Melissa breaks down each exercise before you begin working. Follow along at your pace — work is work!